
You should really start making seeds with these old genetics you have. Make seeds, offer some to people as testers (because no one will pay you top dollar until grow reports are out), develop a brand, market yourself on IG, etc. Gotta start somewhere, and that seems like the logical approach these days. It's an over saturated market for sure, but anyone that has old genetics like that has my attention.
If I had a time machine, I'd go back to amsterdam in the 90's and buy packs of sensi star, northern lights, super skunk, jack herer. Those are the strains I grew up smoking, and modern hybrid hype doesn't come close in terms of quality of high. I view most of todays hype as frosty, pretty mids with hit or miss terps. I don't smoke for flavor. I smoke to get high. Shit back then would never fail to take you to the moon. I wouldn't step foot in a dispensary in VA. They're a joke filled with the same kids buying that sprayed crap from the vape stores. The average consumer knows practically nothing about weed. They look for packs labeled sativa, indica, hybrid... nonsensical marketing terms they use to "educate" people in their joke dispensaries. Seriously, have a conversation with someone who smokes but doesn't really "know" weed like we do. Their knowledge is usually as deep as a puddle. The modern industry takes advantage of that lack of knowledge.
If I had a time machine, I'd go back to amsterdam in the 90's and buy packs of sensi star, northern lights, super skunk, jack herer. Those are the strains I grew up smoking, and modern hybrid hype doesn't come close in terms of quality of high. I view most of todays hype as frosty, pretty mids with hit or miss terps. I don't smoke for flavor. I smoke to get high. Shit back then would never fail to take you to the moon. I wouldn't step foot in a dispensary in VA. They're a joke filled with the same kids buying that sprayed crap from the vape stores. The average consumer knows practically nothing about weed. They look for packs labeled sativa, indica, hybrid... nonsensical marketing terms they use to "educate" people in their joke dispensaries. Seriously, have a conversation with someone who smokes but doesn't really "know" weed like we do. Their knowledge is usually as deep as a puddle. The modern industry takes advantage of that lack of knowledge.
You said it! I was just explaining that to my sister that I need to hang on while I get the seeds made. My finances are rough. I am going to pop skunk seeds soon I think. I put my one blueberry to flower a little early at 23 days veg but took cuts. A quality check basically.
Here's the kicker, my parents are in hospice, they are paying my rent etc....which is subsidized housing. My brother controls their finances and writes me a check every month, the same m*********** who ratted on me three times. And every month it's like I have to beg for the money to my older sister. And it is definitely my parents intentions to give me money but they've gone cuckoo and who knows what my brother is going to do. But now I even have a strangle hold on protecting my genetics from that mother f*****. Because he could make me homeless.
As for giving out testers, I stopped doing that because I gave tester seeds to a young coco chemical grower who decided to go outdoors for the first 300 gal.smartpots filled with coco...and of course it was my shitty genetics that caused his big fail. I won't give out anything anymore except to organic growers who know their business.
Your situation sounds really difficult and it seems like you’ve got worries about your long term security. It might not be a terrible idea to spread some of your seeds among friends, to make sure they don’t get ”lost” again by someone with sticky fingers. Maybe someone might even be able to reproduce them for you.
I wish I had friends that had the means to help but in VA. we are stuck. I'm not gonna lie, alot of people don't like me. I'm a quiet private person most of the time and I'm very competitive about flowers. I did alot of time and was very much picked on by the local sadists and control freaks aka the justice system. That left me with a long record that looks a lot uglier on paper than it is. When I gave out some skunk clones, the people turned on me and said they couldn't associate with me,ghosted me and told me to not come around anymore. They didn't even know wtf they were talking about. But that's how it is.
So I'm not even worried about saving genetics anymore, I can't even save myself. I live on handouts, and for sanity I have a T 5, and 4 x4 ,HLG 600. If I can come back I have another HLG 600 and 2 1000w hps. to start with.
If I can get sun, land and good water....the sky is the limit. I am ready to farm weed and have my techniques tried and mapped out for scaling up. Big ideas but the cash is not there. VA. is a joke. This place is killing my spirit.
I don't really have any friends anymore. One in Charlottesville that I have not seen in almost twenty years but we chat.
If I had a time machine, I'd go back to amsterdam in the 90's and buy packs of sensi star, northern lights, super skunk, jack herer. Those are the strains I grew up smoking, and modern hybrid hype doesn't come close in terms of quality of high. I view most of todays hype as frosty, pretty mids with hit or miss terps. I don't smoke for flavor. I smoke to get high. Shit back then would never fail to take you to the moon. I wouldn't step foot in a dispensary in VA. They're a joke filled with the same kids buying that sprayed crap from the vape stores. The average consumer knows practically nothing about weed. They look for packs labeled sativa, indica, hybrid... nonsensical marketing terms they use to "educate" people in their joke dispensaries. Seriously, have a conversation with someone who smokes but doesn't really "know" weed like we do. Their knowledge is usually as deep as a puddle. The modern industry takes advantage of that lack of knowledge.
I wish bro and agreed I hate talking about weed with most folk I know as you said very quickly they show how little they know or even care to learn about people are intentionally ignorant imo cos if it's actually something you love you would wanna expand your knowledge all you can but nah those folk see it as money or all weed is just weed it's all the same etc the old saying rings true you can show a horse to water you can't make it drink however.
I wish I had friends that had the means to help but in VA. we are stuck. I'm not gonna lie, alot of people don't like me. I'm a quiet private person most of the time and I'm very competitive about flowers. I did alot of time and was very much picked on by the local sadists and control freaks aka the justice system. That left me with a long record that looks a lot uglier on paper than it is. When I gave out some skunk clones, the people turned on me and said they couldn't associate with me,ghosted me and told me to not come around anymore. They didn't even know wtf they were talking about. But that's how it is.
So I'm not even worried about saving genetics anymore, I can't even save myself. I live on handouts, and for sanity I have a T 5, and 4 x4 ,HLG 600. If I can come back I have another HLG 600 and 2 1000w hps. to start with.
If I can get sun, land and good water....the sky is the limit. I am ready to farm weed and have my techniques tried and mapped out for scaling up. Big ideas but the cash is not there. VA. is a joke. This place is killing my spirit.
Sounds like you need a move buddy a new start I know easier said than done but just saying if you ain't happy where your at might be something to think about a goal to work towards something to aim for when the goal isn't just surviving day to day week to week
That really sounds rough. It sucks when you don’t have an inner circle that you can depend on anymore. I lost contact with a lot of friends when we had kids and moved. The rest all just kinda disappeared when my wife got sick and things got difficult. A lot of friends are ”friends” when times are good, and rarely stick around when things get “too real”. Sorry about your situation, bud.
That really sounds rough. It sucks when you don’t have an inner circle that you can depend on anymore. I lost contact with a lot of friends when we had kids and moved. The rest all just kinda disappeared when my wife got sick and things got difficult. A lot of friends are ”friends” when times are good, and rarely stick around when things get “too real”. Sorry about your situation, bud.
Yeah there are right there cos there is friends and then there are "friends" you find out who's who in bad times or when shit hits the fan pretty quickly I hope you meet some decent folk near ya op
Yeah there are right there cos there is friends and then there are "friends" you find out who's who in bad times or when shit hits the fan pretty quickly I hope you meet some decent folk near ya op
My siblings who control my family's finances may actually make me homeless and lose everything I still have. I wish I could leave. I'm 60 and I am stuck. Subsidized housing...bad neighborhood. No money. All I really have is old seeds.
I went to talk to my cousin last night. Big shot judge. He pretty much let me know he would not talk to anybody and basically if I committed suicide and disappeared it wouldn't bother him. It was very cold.
I just got this 4 x4. Now my brother found out and wants to shut that down. So he's gonna make me homeless. My parents are both demented and have no idea what this prick is doing. That's how it has been here in VA for me for a long time. I work, put together nice grows and they come and destroy it.
If they make me homeless I am going to be forced to abscond from probation.
I was thinking last night about my seeds. There is one cross I have only a dozen seeds left of. I called it CXS. That's Christine x Spear basically. I had a big giant Colombian looking CSX in 2021. Cops took the clone. It was frosty and gassy. This is one of a few that I think something worth keeping could be in. A cross of skunk/ Afghan/ northern lights and a skunk/ (shark shock? Not sure what it actually was) I grew a couple out and they yielded good and had a good stone. The CXS is from early 2000's.
If I don't get put on the street, I will get to this one. I very well may be homeless this January. I have an antique table my mother gave me I could try to sell. But I hope it doesn't come to that.
I hope I don't end up in jail. My brother has sent me to prison once and attempted to do it twice more. He's bucking to get served now...My patience has about worn out with this motherfucker.
My last crosses were all with Chocolope. They were not lying when they said it was good for breeding with the early flowering from the Mexican carrying over to the offspring. You wanna get HIGH lol!!! Haze hybrids rock. I would love to have Karel's ancient skunk/haze hybrid clone.
The Chocolope skunk I made spits phenos of all parents and some really beautiful sativa expressions. The haze pheno was super beautiful and frosty and sticky. A real hash producer. I loved the hash as it would get you faced. But that haze pheno was a bit anxious. The gem was one of the two skunk phenos in the first test plants. So compact and perfect for indoors, and early, and little pinene...which I like. Heavy limonene. I believed I had found something that deserved a real Cannabis Cup. Insane nested bracts...God it sucks...but I still have 75 seeds. The Thai pheno was huge and looked like a Thai. Really nice buds. A bitch to trim! Nothing special on terps like one of the skunk phenos had, but excellent high. I used to miss the skunk, now I miss that stuff. Top rate buzz. Everything done outdoors was huge and super mold resistant ( Hello Virginia.......) pic is the Haze pheno. I had no camera. The close up flowers were amongst the prettiest I've seen.IMG_20240701_012559_01.jpg
If I had a time machine, I'd go back to amsterdam in the 90's and buy packs of sensi star, northern lights, super skunk, jack herer. Those are the strains I grew up smoking, and modern hybrid hype doesn't come close in terms of quality of high. I view most of todays hype as frosty, pretty mids with hit or miss terps. I don't smoke for flavor. I smoke to get high. Shit back then would never fail to take you to the moon. I wouldn't step foot in a dispensary in VA. They're a joke filled with the same kids buying that sprayed crap from the vape stores. The average consumer knows practically nothing about weed. They look for packs labeled sativa, indica, hybrid... nonsensical marketing terms they use to "educate" people in their joke dispensaries. Seriously, have a conversation with someone who smokes but doesn't really "know" weed like we do. Their knowledge is usually as deep as a puddle. The modern industry takes advantage of that lack of knowledge.
I am faced with homelessness at which point I will have nothing to lose. My genetics have always meant alot to me. It all feels over to me. My brother making me homeless is an attempt to wipe out all my genetics. I am going to catalogue what I have. I'm not looking for refrigerator space yet but I may be faced with hard choices next month about my remaining possessions. I may have to go from a room and storage unit to what I can fit in my car. I have had a rough life. I've been on the street before by choice when I was young and when a junkie. But at age 60 to be tossed on the street...because this rat motherfucker is having a shit fit because I can grow in my subsidized housing room...
And I am on probation and they have kept me on it for one reason only- so they can lock me up. If I abscond and am caught, I will go back to prison.
I am on my own. They kept wiping me out and now it's looking like it's gonna happen again unless my older sister has a change of heart. Funny, I recently shared the knowledge with her that I have seeds that are worth money. All my sibs are snakes and rats it seems. I'm just trying to survive.
I am comfortable in my room. It is warm. I am finally settled. So of course they want to yank the rug out from underneath me. That's not what my folks want, but they are both suffering from dementia and my brother moved them to his farm and banned me from there. Have not seen them in 1 1/2 years. Or talked to them, he blocked my numbers.
So it's looking like homelessness. And the end of my freedom.
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I am faced with homelessness at which point I will have nothing to lose. My genetics have always meant alot to me. It all feels over to me. My brother making me homeless is an attempt to wipe out all my genetics. I am going to catalogue what I have. I'm not looking for refrigerator space yet but I may be faced with hard choices next month about my remaining possessions. I may have to go from a room and storage unit to what I can fit in my car. I have had a rough life. I've been on the street before by choice when I was young and when a junkie. But at age 60 to be tossed on the street...because this rat motherfucker is having a shit fit because I can grow in my subsidized housing room...
And I am on probation and they have kept me on it for one reason only- so they can lock me up. If I abscond and am caught, I will go back to prison.
I am on my own. They kept wiping me out and now it's looking like it's gonna happen again unless my older sister has a change of heart. Funny, I recently shared the knowledge with her that I have seeds that are worth money. All my sibs are snakes and rats it seems. I'm just trying to survive.
I am comfortable in my room. It is warm. I am finally settled. So of course they want to yank the rug out from underneath me. That's not what my folks want, but they are both suffering from dementia and my brother moved them to his farm and banned me from there. Have not seen them in 1 1/2 years. Or talked to them, he blocked my numbers.
So it's looking like homelessness. And the end of my freedom.
Hopefully it turns out differently mate your siblings don't sound very nice sounds like they need a reminder what family should mean you should have each others backs not be trying to screw each other over I hope they see the error of there ways man
It sounds like you need some legal counsel of some type. If your parents have dementia, you may be able to get a power of attorney to help sort out their assets and untangle the finances. This “plan“ of having you as a dependent on your siblings, and relying on them to not screw you over doesn’t sound “right”. Some lawyers give free consultations to prospective clients. It may be worth asking about, and if they can’t help you specifically, maybe they can point you in the direction of someone who can. Your siblings holding power and threats over you is like a special kind of torture.

Are you legally bound to staying in Virginia due to probation? It sounds like there is nothing but misery there for you. If possible, a break free and change of scenery may benefit your situation. There are legal weed states not far away. You could continue your life’s work without constant threats.
It sounds like you need some legal counsel of some type. If your parents have dementia, you may be able to get a power of attorney to help sort out their assets and untangle the finances. This “plan“ of having you as a dependent on your siblings, and relying on them to not screw you over doesn’t sound “right”. Some lawyers give free consultations to prospective clients. It may be worth asking about, and if they can’t help you specifically, maybe they can point you in the direction of someone who can. Your siblings holding power and threats over you is like a special kind of torture.

Are you legally bound to staying in Virginia due to probation? It sounds like there is nothing but misery there for you. If possible, a break free and change of scenery may benefit your situation. There are legal weed states not far away. You could continue your life’s work without constant threats.
Yes, I am legally bound here. In the worst sort of New Jim Crow revolving door nightmare.
Not long ago I found out this old uncle of mine really doesn't like me at all and despises me. He's a lawyer and holds my parents will. He also represented my brother when I sued him for putting the police on my plants that were not illegal and everything that happened subsequently. The classic generation clash. I'm an old ex-deadhead hippy Cheech and Chong Stoner type. And he's the classic old square that wears a suit every day and cannot even fathom the life that I led. It was people like him that made my life in Virginia misery. You wouldn't believe how much Injustice I've been through. Even the nature of some of the things I'm guilty of are not what they seem.
Right now none of that stuff from the past matters. I thought I had reached stability and now homelessness looms over me again. I keep hoping my older sister will pull out of her bipolar freekout. But if not I may have to go underground on a mission to get the seeds to Humboldt or somewhere I might find a place to give these genetics to people that can preserve the good stuff and pheno hunt the rest to see if there are any keepers.
Another one I have is Kabul Baba f2. But it is not a herm stable afghan hybrid I don't think so its a question mark. But talk about gas. This is what some call road kill skunk. The f2 test plant I did was more like the Afghan with no skunk in it. Afghan dominant. No surprise there.
I will look into legal advice. It is hard to get free counsel on this issue. I am just screwed. All of city hall are people hating on me. You can't win.
My sister was yanking my chain and said money is coming next week.She did that to make me get upset and freak out.
Got two skunk clone orders today. And took samples to an older customer so he could try it. He should call in a couple weeks.
So I can get to the plan for skunk seeds project now. The original plan was to wait until spring, because I have a buddy who will put 4 in his backyard.
One method to consider would be to sprout under 12/12 and pack every plant into my 4x4 in 2 gallon pots and open pollinate. What does everyone think about that? I don't like it really. But it would be a way to get everything in there.
make sure you clean the tent out well before and afterwards and you should be fine. prety obvious, but just in case you haden't thaught of it