skywalker og from seed


Well-Known Member
Picture 089.jpgPicture 084.jpgPicture 085.jpgPicture 086.jpgtoday is gonna be busy as i advance my babies to blocks for my next grow plant #2 is prooving to be a dud 4 of its 5 babies are sickly & the adult plant isnt up to par either #1 started out as my runt is now rivaling #3 in vigor the 4 sickly babies in the end of the tray are all #2s:?


Well-Known Member
Picture 092.jpgPicture 090.jpgPicture 091.jpgPicture 093.jpgjust finished feeding & noticed im getting little bud starts so things are looking up its time to start adding some molassis to things & back off the cal-mag my next grow will be 6 plants instead of 4 plants #1 &#3 are my favorites with #4 being in there as well #2 will be eliminated in the future im also gonna start feeding more perhaps every 3-4 days im thinking growing this from clone is gonna give improved performance:idea::leaf:


Well-Known Member
this is great watching you raise these girls, i couldn't ask for a better preview of what my next grow is going to be like, thanks for your time sharing herk. so so far in your grow i see your girls are tall but with indica shape leaves and branchy as would you say they are light/med/heavy feeders?


Well-Known Member
hey james so far they have been medium feeders although i fed them aggressive grow 1 feeding & it didnt kill them they just got sluggish after i flushed & lightened up a bit my growth pattern returned youve got to remember most of my grows have been hydro im still learning this soil stuff im not gonna increase the strength of my nutes just the frequency of my feedings to about every 4 days instead of 7 because of only growing in the 3 gal pots & what youre seeing just about on the money indica leaves especialy early growth & sativa stretch later on truly a hybrid


Well-Known Member
Nice journal I plan to use the Skywalker Og for my next project
I have done side by side comparisons with the smart pots vs regular pots and it is amazing how much better the smart pots grow
Keep it up, can't wait to see the end result


Well-Known Member
i too have become a fan of the smart pot i used the ones im using now for my coco/hydro grows one change im considering is going over to 4 gal smart pots instead of the 3 gal ones for a little more root capacity


Well-Known Member
all i need is a lil nudge and i'm on the smart pot train....are they any different than the air pots? herk why the switch to soil? im a dirt bagger for life but im curious why you switched.


Well-Known Member
hey james i switched to soil because ive tried 2 og strains prior to this [holy grail & og kush] my method of hydro failed to produce the funky,fuely og flavor these strains are known for so this time its back to basics & hopefully success also my taste in my grows has shifted to quality first i dont want the most just the best i can produce i started out doing rockwool blocks & slabs then coco & smart pots & now soil & headed in the direction of organics im also considering down sizing to a 250-400 w. switchable galaxie ballast at 1 point i ran 2 rooms but i only care to do this on a purely hobby level these days as growing really brings me a lot of enjoyment & im somewhat of a strain junkie always wanting to try new ideas & strains but im really looking for the quality soil produces


Well-Known Member
hey james i dont know anything about air pots i got my smart pots for $3.00 each & they have about 5 grows on them & still work good


Well-Known Member
i'm with you about the love of growing and the satisfaction you get from it.......i could easy be a strain junkie, never heard it put that way....i read strain reviews and reports about all these varieties till my eyes cross..


Well-Known Member
Picture 005.jpgPicture 003.jpgPicture 004.jpgyeah i have a good hydro shop nearby & their prices are very good usualy as good or better than most online shops well i didnt get the clones in blocks yet maybe after work today im getting a lot of bud sites trying to develop its looking like im gonna get a lot of nugs im pretty happy with my pruning job and how my canopy is turning out ive always wanted to get in there & cut all that bottom junk out & a lot of those skinny limbs that stretch to the top that dont really produce either well any how we will see soon enough:-P


Well-Known Member
Picture 007.jpg:cool:Picture 011.jpgi got my first real bud-nubbin on plant #3 today i knew it was my favorite for a reason im so excited as the rest of my girls are set to follow this really sets my mind at ease:peace:


Well-Known Member
I promised I would cut off the small stuff from the bottom this time, but when I went to do it I just couldn't bring myself to cut off more than one. I really will try again Friday..


Well-Known Member
Picture 014.jpgPicture 015.jpgPicture 016.jpgPicture 018.jpgi watered them tonight & im feeding on sundays & wednesdays now so tomorrow is feed day i noticed some of my growth is lighter green than the rest so im thinking its time to kick up the feeding a bit #3 is still in the lead as far as developing buds but theyre all developing bud sites #3 & #1 being my healthiest & #4 is right in there #1 in the beginning was my lagger now its the largest of the bunch im gonna add floranectar in my feeding tomorrow this weekend ill pick up some molasis:mrgreen: