skywalker og from seed


Well-Known Member
Picture 021.jpgPicture 022.jpgPicture 023.jpgPicture 019.jpgtonight when i get in its feed time my clones are showing growth & soon im gonna have to decide if im gonna top them or not & like i said im gonna add sweetener today so it can be readily available to my developing buds im gonna prune off a few fan leaves tonight as well i noticed the 8'' duct fan that pulls air from under my house dont seem to put out like it should so im gonna replace it fortunatly the weather has been ok im not into the 105 degree+ little heat wave we had a couple of weeks ago im pretty sure thats what slowed down my buds in coming:?


Well-Known Member
looks really good herk....we had a heat wave here 2 weeks ago, crowding 100F....mj is a hardy plant but I know those temps they slooooooww down and wait for better temps to grow again...I just replaced a 4" inline fan and scrubber, they were running 24/7 for at least 3 years, the filter was toast but the fan is ok, I had a flash of insight yesterday about adding the old fan to the intake side of my room, then have 1 fan sucking air out of room into filter and 1 fan pushing air in from under the house.


Well-Known Member
Picture 024.jpgPicture 027.jpgPicture 026.jpgPicture 025.jpg#3 continues to lead the pack in bud production im gonna feed as soon as my light comes on in a couple of hrs. overall things continue to look good & my canopy continues to fill in i dont think all that pruning hurt me at all


Well-Known Member
Picture 028.jpgPicture 029.jpgPicture 030.jpgPicture 031.jpgim starting to tripp hard on why with the exception of #3 these wont cut loose & start budding ive got pre-flowers everywhere its been over 30 days since i flipped the light the only negative influence ive had was the heat wave a few weeks ago everything ive ever grown by 3 weeks after the flip has given me little buds outside of my color darkening up there is no change in bud development im really getting concerned here im thinking of giving them 24 hrs of total darkness this weekend to see if that dont kick things off my clones are sporting new growth i just wish i had better news for my main grow:sad::wall:


Well-Known Member
Have you checked for a light leak? Also check your timer, if you are analog make sure you dont have any that are possibly bringing on the light when they are not supposed to.. 30 days is a long time, how long did they veg from seed?


Well-Known Member
i vegged almost 3 weeks under the 600w. hps & before that they were under t-5s about 3 weeks ive been using this room for 3 years now im gonna ask my wife if she has been looking in on them during the day because i run my light at night she usually dont take much interest in my grows & my kids are grown & moved out the extremly hot weather is about the only suspect i have at this point


Well-Known Member
what have you been feeding them?

i assume you been doing what has worked for you in the past grows, maybe they need a boost of bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
Picture 032.jpgPicture 035.jpgPicture 034.jpgPicture 036.jpgimreally thinking this is a light issue my room has been opened during the day [lights out] to show them off i feed gh 3 part nutes & keep it simple schedule i have main stalks as big around as my thumb & im now feeding the transition schedule & added kool-bloom & floranectar [sweetner] everything looks good im just gonna have to ride this out it has been my experience when dealing with feminized seeds that i dont realize the true growth characteristics untill the following grow & im growing plants free of the chemicals used to sex them non feminized seeds once you weed out the males are [to me] way more stable to work with;-)


Well-Known Member
If you are opening it regularly during lights out I would bet that is your problem. Keep those doors shut :)


Well-Known Member
i think you're right about femmed vs reg seeds, since I been growing femmed the plants def don't seem as robust as the reg's


Well-Known Member
Picture.jpgyeah i try to do no interferance during lights out but my wife showed them a couple of times in the past weeks & ive found this strain to be sensative to light changes so that could very well be my culprit my kids [ages 24&30] are grown & moved out & my wife broke her arm recently & is off work i think everyone has been checking out dads progress so im gonna have to lock things down while im at work i used to tun my light in daylight hours & peeping in didnt do any harm but now i run the light at night to beat heat issues


Well-Known Member
Just make sure someone has access to the key while you are out, just in case you have an emergency like the lighting crapping out.


Well-Known Member
its a combo-lock but everything is shut down during the day while im down ive tried to make things safe as possible i use an outdoor timer with a built in circuit breaker it has 6 outlets & i run all my stuff off of it fans ,etc

Redeye Bri

Well-Known Member
HH, sorry about not getting a pic to you last night. I have a newborn and it's tough to find time. I checked mine out for a second and it looks similar to yours I think. I honestly don't think the door being open has to do with it, unless it has been open a ton it probably wouldn't slow the ladies down. More likely is the heat. It seems rather sensitive to heat and any plant will slow down with the temps you've been having. I think you'll be fine.

Don't stress too much, those ladies will reward you. The final buds are not huge anyway, but dense. The weight comes from the density, they are little rocks that don't harden until the last few weeks. Og's aren't big yielders anyway and they are different than most pot. It grows more viney and slower to develop.

I'd say you have a combo of things going with heat being the first and just the strain's normal characteristics being the other. If they are being stared at during lights off, that couldn't help either.


Well-Known Member
hey redeye & james thanks for your replies & you guys make me realize the value of patience & hbbum a thanks is in order to you as well whatever the outcome we are gonna see this to the end & im really thankfull for the people who pop in & show interest in my grow & ace this includes you too so to one & to all a big thank you is in order


Well-Known Member
Picture 039.jpgPicture 037.jpgPicture 038.jpgPicture 041.jpgView attachment 2744694thanks redeye ill check it out congrats on the baby im an old fart [56 years old] & still work full time with diabetes & neuoropathy in both feet & legs so i completely understand you on getting time to post pics & such matters & i fully appreciate your efforts to share your experience we recently got our first grandson babys are a 24-7 full time committment so once again a big thank you to you & your family & here is my pics i got molasses yesterday & discovered ive been spelling it wrong all along my babies are doing good & the big plants are hanging in there at 44-46 in.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I got 5 years on ya herk....went for early retirement due to the nature of my work, warehouse, forklift, freight hauling kinda wore out the back, shoulders, hell my whole 5"8" 150 lb whole work ethic was "if you're not the lead dog the view never changes"......anywho redeye is spot on with how branchy those girls get.....gonna have to set aside my trimming shears when i get my Skywalker/og kush going.....they look very happy and your clones are top shelf!