Sleeping more than 9 hours

I wake up after about 5 hours. It's apparently all I need. That's 5 hours of good sleep though. I started getting better sleep about 20 years ago after I stopped drinking coffee. One of the best changes to my diet I've ever made. I wake up and am wide awake. No need for a morning cup of Joe.

Back when I was drinking coffee and I drank a lot including numerous espressos all day long. I got caught up in the damn gourmet coffee craze. I never seemed to get a decent night's sleep and would be one of those waking up and making coffee first thing in the morning to get going. Sleeping in until noon on my days off, etc... It was a vicious cycle. When I stopped drinking coffee I had a headache for a couple weeks. After that I felt great. No problems falling asleep and sleeping good.

I had a doctor prescribe me Ambien years ago so I could sleep better. I took that crap a couple of times. I probably still have the rest of those pills in a box somewhere. The damn doctor just charged me a bunch of money and put me on an expensive prescription that left me feeling strange. He also had me in some sleep study where I spent a day with diodes and triodes hooked up to me. I'm still pissed at that quack. The solution was for me to eliminate all the caffeine I was consuming.

If you're sleeping that long maybe you're not getting a good sleep. 5 hours of deep sleep is better than 8 hours of tossing and turning. Your body can tell when it's had enough.

But there are some medical issues that can cause you to sleep for long periods so that's something to think about. Might want to consult with a doctor if you think something's not right. Just don't go to that quack I went to.
If I get more than 7 hours, I'm tired and lazy. No motivation, and my blood pressure is strangely high upon waking. If I sleep under 5 I turn into an adrenaline pumping monster and have way too much energy.

It's strange. The less sleep I get, the more energy I have until I end up looking like a crackhead without crack.

My steady medium is 7 hours a day and I function well..
Depends, if they’re still taking care of themselves and their responsibilities then yeah it’s fine. If you’re just generally more tired than usual that could indicate other issues and you should ask your doctor, they’re probably not high af.