Sleestack and Confidential Cheese DNA/Reserva Privada Promo Grow


Active Member
There are so many shoots! The nodes are really close together and I don't want the shoots fighting for light. I think I will thin it out a little by taking a few clones off each plant. I will take three off of each Slee in strategic locations. I will take one (for now) off of the Cheese and top the Cheese in the coffee can pot for that clone. The plant I top will be my experimental CCOB grow. Thanks guys for the link to Hobbes' grow. It's one of the best threads I have seen. Here are today's picture updates. The Sleestacks are taking off (minus the one in the center that I have purposely kept in the small clay pot to limit growth). I am getting another three gallon pot for the Cheese in the milk jug pot tomorrow. It wants to grow more, but is limited by the pot size, which is probably 1/2 gallon after cutting the top off of it.

4-22 Sleestack 1.jpg4-22 Sleestack 1 (1).jpg4-22 Sleestack 2 (1).jpg4-22 Two Cheese & Three Sleestacks.jpg4-22 Sleestack 2.jpg4-22 Confidential Cheese.jpg



Well-Known Member
Lmao at the grammer stuff... That's also a good line up of media and fertz, I like it man.

The plants look great also, I've been recently experimenting with releasing the ties after there's several shoots established. I like what I've noticed so far, nice little bushes :lol:


Well-Known Member
I just tied the cheese down and put her in a 5 gallon bag. I start flowering next Tuesday! My girls are turning into monsters.


Active Member
Lmao at the grammer stuff... That's also a good line up of media and fertz, I like it man.

The plants look great also, I've been recently experimenting with releasing the ties after there's several shoots established. I like what I've noticed so far, nice little bushes :lol:
Thanks alot. I actually did some releasing on my last grow and they actually respond positively to it. I guess I look at it as, "what if I was tied up? then released?" I would think it would feel good to stretch. I tied em back down a couple days later. Your screen name...does that mean you hate Arsenal or what? I love Champions League. I actually watched them play Tot the other day on ESPN2. If it's not a reference to football, never mind.
I just tied the cheese down and put her in a 5 gallon bag. I start flowering next Tuesday! My girls are turning into monsters.
I would love to put mine into five gallon bags or pots, but I am dealing with limited space. Once I buy a shed, then I will do more DWC and bigger soil projects. That's awesome you are starting to flower. I am going to go another two weeks. I want to get the plant at least a third of the way around the container. I have so many shoots on my plants, it's ridiculous. I am thinking about germing another Cheese seed to see if I can get a different pheno. I haven't been real pleased with the ones I have. They seem really scrawny. Nodes are really far apart.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I think I remember you leaving me a rep a while back saying something like "Man U Rules! jk" and thought it was pretty funny. No one knows what my sn refers to, I've been supporting The Arsenal since I was a boy... maybe the sn makes more sense now, lol... but yeah I don't want to talk about them right now, not good times. I guess you're gonna be watching the CL next week? Mardid v. Barca is going to be epic.


Active Member
I just took two clones off of each Sleestack and one off of a Cheese. I didn't want to take too many clones until I get my techniques down. I made a clone/vegging box, so I could do more perpetual growing. Let me know what you guys think. I took a 30 gallon rubbermaid tub and cut five holes in the top/lid. One is for the pc fan, two are for exhaust pipes (paper towel roll), and the last two are for the light bulbs and sockets. The interior is lined with an emergency blanket. I actually had this made before, but had 5 26w bulbs and the fan on the side near the bottom. I made some fatal errors as there was too much light, heat, and the fan was too low to exhaust the heat. This works perfect though. I might have to play with the light distance, but the heat is not a factor. Feedback is appreciated.

Clone Box Top (pc fan, exhaust pipes, light sockets).jpgClones in humidity dome.jpgClones in humidity dome 2.jpgClone Box Top 2.jpgClone Box Lid bottom with two 26W 6500k bulbs.jpg


Active Member
Lol, I think I remember you leaving me a rep a while back saying something like "Man U Rules! jk" and thought it was pretty funny. No one knows what my sn refers to, I've been supporting The Arsenal since I was a boy... maybe the sn makes more sense now, lol... but yeah I don't want to talk about them right now, not good times. I guess you're gonna be watching the CL next week? Mardid v. Barca is going to be epic.
I actually like Arsenal. I actually started rooting for them in the first place because my high school friend was a huge ManU. fan and I was trying to piss him off. Most Americans like ManU. because that's about the only team they've heard of. Yeah, two of the best players in world in Messi and Ronaldo. Still can't understand why ManU. let Ronaldo and Tevez get away.
Oh and your location means "fuck you" if I'm not mistaken.


Well-Known Member
That clone box looks interesting, I took two larger clones and they wouldn't fit in the jiffy starter humidity dome. I got a 2 liter and cut it in half, put my clones in, and put the top back on. Seems to be workin.


Well-Known Member
I actually like Arsenal. I actually started rooting for them in the first place because my high school friend was a huge ManU. fan and I was trying to piss him off. Most Americans like ManU. because that's about the only team they've heard of. Yeah, two of the best players in world in Messi and Ronaldo. Still can't understand why ManU. let Ronaldo and Tevez get away.
Oh and your location means "fuck you" if I'm not mistaken.
LOL, it means ''fuck yourself'', in a polite way ;). That's really cool, Arsenal used to be really strong, but now... well it's either sad, or hilarious depends on who you are.. I was into Arsenal before Wenger, so I've had my highs and lows, hah. I miss the days of Bergkamp and Henry...

Anyways, that clone box is legit man, what are the temps in there?


Active Member
That clone box looks interesting, I took two larger clones and they wouldn't fit in the jiffy starter humidity dome. I got a 2 liter and cut it in half, put my clones in, and put the top back on. Seems to be workin.
One of my larger clones is right up against the top, but they will only be in the dome to root, not grow. So, it should be okay. I am trying to envision your bottle idea. How many clones fit? and what are you using to clone (rapid rooters, jiffy pucks, or rockwool)? Maybe you could post some pics. As long as it works, that's all that matters.

LOL, it means ''fuck yourself'', in a polite way ;). That's really cool, Arsenal used to be really strong, but now... well it's either sad, or hilarious depends on who you are.. I was into Arsenal before Wenger, so I've had my highs and lows, hah. I miss the days of Bergkamp and Henry...

Anyways, that clone box is legit man, what are the temps in there?
Yeah, they have kind of fell off. They are like fifth or sixth in the Premier League, I think. Henry was the man in his prime, as was Bergkamp. Thanks for the compliment on the clone box. The temps are room temperature. Water got spilled on my digital thermometer/hygrometer and I haven't spent the $6 to get another. I figured if it's comfortable to me, it should be comfortable for the ladies. When I had five bulbs in it and no real exhaust, it was so hot it was causing seeds to die before they sprouted. I was gonna replicate a design I have seen posted on other sites, where two tubs are stacked on top of one another. The bottom one sits normally and the top one is flipped upside down, providing more than adequate space for a vegging container. I would love to do that with two 30 gallons and put in my 125w Feliz 6500k light.


Active Member
All of the clones still look great 24 hours later. Two of them have even started bending up towards the light. I guess all signs are good that my clone/vegging box design works. I would go snap a couple pictures, but I will let ya take my word for it. Well, nevermind. I guess I am dedicated to my hobby. I took a couple of pics anyway.

Clones 24 hours later.jpgClones 24 hours later 2.jpg


Active Member
They still look okay, some better than others. I am not an expert with rockwool, so if these don't work I will go to powder, jiffy pucks, and then jiffy mix. I am also using the cloning gel that came with my Techna Flora "recipe for success" called Rootech. I have always preferred powder, no matter what brand or how cheap, it always seems to have an extremely high success rate. I have never lost a clone with powder. I have a feeling my percentage with the gel will not be as good because in my opinion, it doesn't coat as well.


Well-Known Member
if it makes ya feel better... i use gel and don't lose any.... but i also didn't lose any with powder either. the gel seems to go a lot further, but it is more money.


Active Member
I didn't get much with that "recipe for success" kit. It looks like enough nutrients for a couple grows tops. It's kind of like travel toothpaste and shampoo. I am gonna get some powder this week just so I will have both.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the powder man, I have a bottle of clonex collecting dust, used it a couple times and got like 2/3 success. Went back to the powder I get from walmart, super cheap and I never loose a clone.


Active Member
I using gel and rockwool, which are two substances with which I am unfamiliar. The rockwool I am using now is not the same as the rockwool I used on my very first grow in 2004. The new rockwool is very fibrous/green and the old rockwool was more grainy/black. I liked the older stuff better, but don't know where I could find it. You could pinch the old rockwool and it would hold you clone perfectly straight. It was also perfect for planting seeds inside. The holes was a perfect size and all you had to do was take your fingers and pinch the top shut. The new stuff seems like you have to tear some of the fiber and place it over the seed, which is very inconsistent.


Active Member
I snapped my biggest branch off of my Sleestack #1. The first picture will show that it looks pretty bare. It is still in good shape though. I thought it was gonna be my better pheno, but #2 has since passed it in beauty and girth. The two Cheeses are only in 1 gallon pots (if you wanna call them pots) and I am definitely gonna have to upgrade because they don't look as good as they could look. I was gonna keep the other Sleestack small and was actually thinking about putting it in my clone/vegging box to see it responded.

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Active Member
Well, I am not sure about some of my clones. I started some more because I put them into the pre-made holes and don't think they made good contact. I took one more off of each of the Sleestacks and made my own holes. I also soaked the Grodan plugs for 24 hours as recommended in pH 5.5 water + Thrive Alive B1. I guess any B1 would do, but I had this already. I also made a spray bottle with water and B1 and misted all of the clones. I am doing trial and error. I wish I had my father's touch with cloning. He is the man. He would just dip them in powder and put them under a flouro with no humidity dome and they would always survive.


Well-Known Member
School has been consuming my life. My clones that were in that hood thingy died, the hood wasnt tall enough and the tops were just soaking in the condensation. My two clones in the 2 liter are doing amazing. From here on out, the 2 liter will be my cloning method! I'll use four 2 liters with 2 clones in each.
IMG_8057.jpg IMG_8058.jpg
I just unscrew the top when I need to let air out.