slime on roots


just wondering what this slime is on my roots it seems like it may be killing them
i started giving them molasses but stopped cause i got my nutes i cleaned my hydro bucket after that to get ride of all the slime but its seems to have stayed in the roots perhaps but i did start using my nutes now and i still have the problem any help would be great :leaf:


Well-Known Member
would use some H2O2 and add some every day not alot like 1 tsp for every gallon. for 3 days and clean res out again and use quashield will help with slime and make sure there are no light leaks in your res :)


h2o2 hydrogen peroxide right ? would i get this from the drug store or should i get the one thats online and has more % any thoughts thanks :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Go to the store and just get some regular h2o2 aka peroxide, pour into a bowl and dip roots in this for a few mins, don't rinse the roots and be gentle with them, meanwhile, clean your res very well and run a flush with a quarter strength root enhancer like bushmaster roots or roots by general hydroponics, let it flush for like 2 days keeping your ph perfect at 6.0. Works for me when I run hydro...


Well-Known Member
And as mikmike said, make sure there is absolutely no light touching your getting into your res, also what are the res temps? Ur temps need to be nice and cool. If your room temps in the res are too warm, you have a light leak into your res and your feeding molasses, your deff gonna see some issues because the pathogens feed off light and Nutes and this would provide the ideal environment for them to thrive..


i think it was just light getting into the res so i stopped all light and temps are low not sure exactly but i add nice cold water every other day and keep frozen packs of ice in there sometimes to drop it when it gets to high
thanks for the info to :bigjoint:
clean every thing your rez spray of your roots gently with tap water use your shower or what ever works flush your system with pm-90 for 2 hours your gunna want bennefical microbes to eat any of thos bad bacteria causein this slime look a DWC Root slime Cure give the full run down very help full wont get rid of old dead roots you will have to pick and choose wich roots go and stay but i have seen plenty of new root growth wich is what we want. keep res temps down and your gunna want a thermometer. 65 is prefferd but can push 68.