Slow stunted growth


Hi guys this is my first grow.
These are my 20 day old bubblegum plants. Both have been slow to grow but one has recently taken off while the other seems to be suffering from some sort of tip burn. I am doing DWC so both plants have the same nutrient solution.
could anyone tell me what I could be doing wrong.
Temps stay between 80-83 degrees
Humidity is 67%
light is 240 watts of Samsung f series strips at 31 inches from plants. I had them closer but moved them away as I had a bit of heat stress.
I am using H&G aqua flakes and flair form cmx and also a small amount of silica.
Last week I was running an EC of 0.9 (my water has an EC of 0.2)with no major problems except for slow growth and a motley appearance. EC went down to 0.8 over the course of a week and ph went slowly from 5.5 to 5.8 over the same period.
I did a water change and mixed solution up at an EC of 1.0 about an hour after doing this I noticed some of my tips were going brown so I immediately removed some of the solution and diluted it back down to an EC of 0.7 ph 5.4 which is were I am at now but it seems that the brown tips of my leaves are getting worse and spreading
I am thinking it is a potassium deficiency but like I said this is my first grow so I thought maybe someone with experience could tell me what they think.


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