Small Seedlings

It's a 3 week old onyx autoflower but it's only about 1 inch tall, with 2 small leaves, looking nice and healthy just very slow growth.
The plant is only getting natural light as growing indoors is sadly not an option :(

Anyone know how i can speed up growth?


Well-Known Member
If it's getting good sunlight, I'm guessing the problem is due to your watering habits, or your medium. Can you fill us in on these, and/or provide some pics? Also,..are they getting direct sunlight, and... how many hours?
im spraying a few times a day with a mister and im using westlands soil for seedlings, as for sunlight theyre probably getting about 6 hours a day direct, however it hasnt been very sunny where i am! thanks, might be able to get some pictures up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
At three weeks old, onyx should be several inches and very close to showing sex...sounds like yours is stunted....with no options available for lighting, you may need to correct the issue that prob stunted them...I'd guess at watering probs....


Well-Known Member
It's a 3 week old onyx autoflower but it's only about 1 inch tall, with 2 small leaves, looking nice and healthy just very slow growth.
The plant is only getting natural light as growing indoors is sadly not an option :(

Anyone know how i can speed up growth?
So does this mean you're growing it outside or just infront of a window? If you have it outdoors and its this small, is it getting cold at night? You also may have it in too large of a container, some seedlings need a little container to get going.
it's on a balcony and temps are dropping to about 46f at night. i started it in a small container but transplanted it into a 3ltr pot 2 days ago.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Crap, I have two plants I am dieing to put out side that are well over 4 feet tall, and I am holding off because it is getting down to about 55 deegrees at night. 46F is fucking way to cold.