Smart or Stupid


Well-Known Member
Also hsveing a far smaller crew allowing it to be put into more risky situations without such a massive potential loss should all go wrong. Guy can't argue to save his life.

First Iowa's can outrun torpedo's, then he changes it to being out of range of them, then he changes it to the torpedo's not being powerful enough. Can't stick with s point for shit.
More like he needs to move on to the next point because his other points are nullified, one by one.

Christ, just send drones.... much more effective than a BB.


Well-Known Member
Also hsveing a far smaller crew allowing it to be put into more risky situations without such a massive potential loss should all go wrong. Guy can't argue to save his life.

First Iowa's can outrun torpedo's, then he changes it to being out of range of them, then he changes it to the torpedo's not being powerful enough. Can't stick with s point for shit.

Out range`n is out running....You are reaching too far......


Well-Known Member
Planes have radar and computer systems. How do you think planes land on carries when they can't see the meatball?

BB's are giagantic, and have outdated guns. All of the viable equipment that makes a BB effective at 1,700+ miles can be transferred to a smaller, more technologically advanced ship, that's also smaller, more maneuverable, and harder to detect on radar. It doesn't make sense to continue using them, everyone sees this but you.

As you know, a Carrier is limited to sea conditions as to whether or not it can launch or land planes,....Correct ? Will the sea be calm all the time ?


Well-Known Member
As you know, a Carrier is limited to sea conditions as to whether or not it can launch or land planes,....Correct ? Will the sea be calm all the time ?
Yeah man, I've been on a carrier. Got to listen t stories from a Marine pilot on a private tour of the carrier. Pretty badass.

Ships like the Zumwalt are the answer, not outdated BB's.

80 missile cells? 50 times smaller radar print than smaller ships? Usable in 30 feet of water? GPS guided rounds?

And planes like the F-16/F-18 absolutely do have radar.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I've been on a carrier. Got to listen t stories from a Marine pilot on a private tour of the carrier. Pretty badass.

Ships like the Zumwalt are the answer, not outdated BB's.

80 missile cells? 50 times smaller radar print than smaller ships? Usable in 30 feet of water? GPS guided rounds?

And planes like the F-16/F-18 absolutely do have radar.

Again Zumwalt has been cancelled. It`s been shown over and over again, that 80 rounds is not enough to get the boy`s ashore. That`s why it must go back to the barge somehow without being followed. Plus, it can`t take hit`s with a 2 and 3/4 in hull thickness. It has very little uses in blue water but is ideal for littorals. Too much $$$$ for too little.

You won`t see an F-16 land on a carrier....ever. At night they light the deck, in the fog, they bring you in and you do exactly what they say, in high seas, you`re not in the air.


Well-Known Member
Yet you cannot out range it because you cannot possibly prove that a submarine cannot get within range.

You`re not out range`n the sub, you out range (run out of fuel) the torpedo. If it could go forever or even prolonged, it will hit you every time.

You wanna know how to hit a BB or escorted CVN with a torpedo,....ask me ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You`re not out range`n the sub, you out range (run out of fuel) the torpedo. If it could go forever or even prolonged, it will hit you every time.

You wanna know how to hit a BB or escorted CVN with a torpedo,....ask me ?
That's not what I'm saying. You cannot in any way prove that a sub cannot get within range that its torpedo has fuel enough to hit you. You can prove you can outrun a torpedo based on speed, should the iowa be fsster than all torpedos, but in terms of proximity, everything is possible and as such it is not in any way possible to guarantee that it can outrange it.


Well-Known Member
That's not what I'm saying. You cannot in any way prove that a sub cannot get within range that its torpedo has fuel enough to hit you. You can prove you can outrun a torpedo based on speed, should the iowa be fsster than all torpedos, but in terms of proximity, everything is possible and as such it is not in any way possible to guarantee that it can outrange it.

Maybe you don`t know much about escorts. They know your enemy and set up accordingly. Getting a moving sub within torpedo range is not gonna happen. The Skipper of the sub knows that once he fires it, he looses his sub and crew. In some cases this is a fine trade. That`s why escorts set up accordingly. Just in case the enemy has expendable subs handy.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Maybe you don`t know much about escorts. They know your enemy and set up accordingly. Getting a moving sub within torpedo range is not gonna happen. The Skipper of the sub knows that once he fires it, he looses his sub and crew. In some cases this is a fine trade. That`s why escorts set up accordingly. Just in case the enemy has expendable subs handy.
I thought as much. Thou can't prove it. Right now all you can do is attempt to prove it based on your own psychological evaluation. You cannot prove a sub cannot get within range of an Iowa. End of story.


Well-Known Member
Again Zumwalt has been cancelled. It`s been shown over and over again, that 80 rounds is not enough to get the boy`s ashore. That`s why it must go back to the barge somehow without being followed. Plus, it can`t take hit`s with a 2 and 3/4 in hull thickness. It has very little uses in blue water but is ideal for littorals. Too much $$$$ for too little.

You won`t see an F-16 land on a carrier....ever. At night they light the deck, in the fog, they bring you in and you do exactly what they say, in high seas, you`re not in the air.
Ships like the Zumwalt are the answer, not outdated BB's.
No one is building giant gun boats anymore for a reason. Better military tacticians than you have decided against it, for reasons better than yours.


Well-Known Member
I thought as much. Thou can't prove it. Right now all you can do is attempt to prove it based on your own psychological evaluation. You cannot prove a sub cannot get within range of an Iowa. End of story.

If you want to end of story, you must prove it has been done. I can. But it was during peace time and the sub sat on the bottom, popped up and let the Skipper know. It wasn`t a BB but it was a Carrier. You wont get it done if they are looking and on the warpath. Different set of rules.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you want to end of story, you must prove it has been done. I can. But it was during peace time and the sub sat on the bottom, popped up and let the Skipper know. It wasn`t a BB but it was a Carrier. You wont get it done if they are looking and on the warpath. Different set of rules.
You are the one claiming there is no possible way for a sub to get within strike range, the burden or proof is on you, not me.


Well-Known Member
No one is building giant gun boats anymore for a reason. Better military tacticians than you have decided against it, for reasons better than yours.
Tac. Nukes render all surface ships obsolete. All the superpowers have them. Time is changing back to the need. This I can assure you. No-one wants to fight the HOT war, China is now building Carriers, India is too. Russia can`t afford them but soon will.

You can`t fight terrorists and pirates with high tec. That`s a building trend. You will see them again. When the seas become dangerous again, the gunship will return. They pulled the BB`s out of mothball three times since WWII. they will again.


Well-Known Member
Tac. Nukes render all surface ships obsolete.
Nukes have to make it to their target.

All the superpowers have them.
Nukes? Or BB's?

Time is changing back to the need. This I can assure you.
Your assurance is meaningless, and is contrary to whaat the nations of the world are doing.

No-one wants to fight the HOT war, China is now building Carriers, India is too. Russia can`t afford them but soon will.
None of this is a reason to build more BB's, or put decommissioned BB's back into service.

You can`t fight terrorists and pirates with high tec.
Yes, you absolutely can. It's not BB's that are paroling Somalia.

That`s a building trend. You will see them again. When the seas become dangerous again, the gunship will return. They pulled the BB`s out of mothball three times since WWII. they will again.
They already have better solutions. You might as well suggest they start using cannons and muskets again.


Well-Known Member
You are the one claiming there is no possible way for a sub to get within strike range, the burden or proof is on you, not me.

I know it wont happen because it`s the absolute stupidest move a Skipper can make. That`s my grounds for claiming it aint gonna happen. Plus it wont be done by a moving sub unless you let it. You`re being literal to reach. No-one is gonna get within torpedo range of a CVN or BB if they don`t want you to. It was done in the past, but it wont be done again. Too much high tec. detection. A submarine`s primary weapon used to be torpedo`s, it is now long range rockets. Ever think why ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I know it wont happen because it`s the absolute stupidest move a Skipper can make. That`s my grounds for claiming it aint gonna happen. Plus it wont be done by a moving sub unless you let it. You`re being literal to reach. No-one is gonna get within torpedo range of a CVN or BB if they don`t want you to. It was done in the past, but it wont be done again. Too much high tec. detection. A submarine`s primary weapon used to be torpedo`s, it is now long range rockets. Ever think why ?

Exactly as I stated. You can't prove shit. Your just stating an opinion and trying to pass it off as fact.


Well-Known Member
Nukes have to make it to their target.

Nukes? Or BB's?

Your assurance is meaningless, and is contrary to whaat the nations of the world are doing.

None of this is a reason to build more BB's, or put decommissioned BB's back into service.

Yes, you absolutely can. It's not BB's that are paroling Somalia.

They already have better solutions. You might as well suggest they start using cannons and muskets again.

2) Nukes.

I assured my critics that Zumwalt can`t replace the BB and they all laughed and fought like you. 50 ordered,.... down to mandated two to get out of it. High tec. is doing nothing to the terrorists in the middle east, it wont do much for those tactics at sea either. You can fight an established enemy with high tec. but if you don`t know who`s who at sea, you must go up to it and find out. Best suited for this roll is an armored gunship. (BB or Baltimore Class CA) Nothing more needs to be said for now.

Like Arnold said, They`ll be back.