Smart or Stupid


Well-Known Member
You can address that with the Political Correct crowd. Patton would do it inside a week and wouldn`t stop till he reached Beijing. Know what I mean ?
Nice sentiment but brute force is now short sighted and inappropriate for the real world. We are engaged in a great PR campaign called international politics. Gung ho, actions taken without regard to greater consequences are no longer adviseable. This is not about pc, it is about the expectations and fears of a global community where economic warfare can be far more devestating than tanks and guns and ships. We depend upon strategic minerals from all ocer the world, we depend upon customers for our grains and oil. Only fools would place those things in danger for small and temporary military advantages. Hell, the cost of losing a war is high, but so too is the cost of winning. What happens to the stock markets of dozens of countries, including our own when we make those sorts of decisions.