

Hi all, having a massive problem with smell . 1 of our neighbour warned us they could smell . The guy pressured it was a harvest . Can anyone suggest anything please, as we have 2 purple haze 1 super lemon haze and 2 cheese in flower , the date of birth will be around the 20th feb. really could do with some advice . We cleared everything and had the neighbour round on a tour of the house. All ok. Need some advice on smell maintance please.


We not so much bothered about the price, we just need a good 1 when drying and curing . But it's been very smelly here. Super skunk before Christmas, white widow 1 wk after then cut down the purple haze yesterday, we got that out last night friend babysitting it .


Well-Known Member
sumthing like this:


fitted like this:


Ona Gel is also a solution, but IMO is only to clear up any left over from the filter (filers is normally 99% effective) or if you only have one small plant and no neighbors around ..


Well-Known Member
Cheap.... ona gel,But id still be worried with a Carbon filter,Since there already looking,and smellling.Be safe.



Well-Known Member

out of experience :D I know a filter will clear up the smell in a few hours of running, keep it running 24/7 so the ventilation also provide fresh air/co2 for your plants ..

also, filters have a life time of a year roughly, depending of your humidity (low RH make it last longer) so I only run mine once they begins to flower/smell (make it last twice as long) you can buy new active carbon in buckets of 10kg costing around the same as a new filter and with enough to refill it a few times but I also hear stories about the carbon not being so effective and as filters is`t that expensive I just buy a new one when its done, suite yourself ..


Well-Known Member
Carbon filters and proper ventilation are a must for growing in an apartment or flat. Both for the health of the plants and also combating smells. Its not worth bringing trouble to your door for the sake of a few bob. ..... Also, get plenty of duct-tape and seal up all gaps, including keyholes in doors.



Well-Known Member
also, filters have a life time of a year roughly, depending of your humidity (low RH make it last longer) so I only run mine once they begins to flower/smell (make it last twice as long) you can buy new active carbon in buckets of 10kg costing around the same as a new filter and with enough to refill it a few times but I also hear stories about the carbon not being so effective and as filters is`t that expensive I just buy a new one when its done, suite yourself ..
My plants smell quite a bit in veg too.

With respect Slipon, CF filters are relatively cheap. Certainly less than the price of 1/2 oz of weed. I wouldn't worry about saving money here by running during bloom only.


Well-Known Member
A carbon filter and some ona gel outside the grow room should do the trick.

Why did you let your neighbors snoop around your house? Should tell them to mind their own business and fuck off.

carl poot

Why did you let your neighbors snoop around your house? Should tell them to mind their own business and fuck off.
werd. Id say, "I never smell anything, maybe its YOU! Are you implying that I DO DRUGS?!? I take offense to that..and I heard that you can OD and die from only one marijuana!"


Well-Known Member
I used to have a dead deer hanging from a tree out in the yard to cover up the smell, but now I use a carbon filter, it's easier and smells better.