smells like old gym socks in a good way!?!?


Well-Known Member
So it all started when my brother a tweaker showed up at my house. he showed up having been kicked out of mom's house. i told him he could stay as long as he didn't tweak. he still smoked a lot of pot which i didn't mind smelled nice and once in a while i took a hit which was nice. unlike when i was a kid weed always made me feel panicked and paranoid for long time. since i haven't messed with it for such a long time i was very surprised at how it effected me now everything was funnier more interesting just better :mrgreen:

So pretty soon i was taking a hit almost every time and smoking a shit load of weed after about 3 months my bro moved out with his girlfriend, but hes still clean and still stops by almost everyday with a 1/2 ounce. never ask for anything in return and always thanks me for giving him shelter and helping slay the crystal devil.

As a secrete i been growing bud. in my room. i picked the strain misty from nirvana. i was planing a small grow maybe 1 or 2 plants at a time in a small grow box well plans changed a lot since then :mrgreen:

i started small little clone tray from local hydro store

i had 2 15 watt flore tubes 1 45 watt cfl and a fish tank lite setup.
using dyna grow nuts and a drip hydro system that i added a 100 gal air pump and a couple air stones 2

they grew big i started growing wheat grass and juicing it and feeding the plants the juice. this was a bad idea i dont think the juice was bad but the soil i had it in started growing fungus gnats which were a pain to get rid of.

i started 6 clones from my 3 healthiest moms. i placed them into a stealth hydro setup with a another air pump and stone

i then took 6 more clones and transplanted the 4 moms into soil using the freed up hydro setup for the clones.

i then took the strongest clones from the moms i could find then put the large mothers into the flower chamber so as to know there sex. i had sorta mixed up the first two sets of clones now i could make no mistake about sex of my new clone moms

i then put everything but the new clone moms to flower changing directly from 24 to 12/12

the clone chamber is a 3x3 hydrohut with a 400 watt mh, 1 85 watt blue cfl and a 85 watt red cfl i added stealth hydros instant flower mix to both hydro systems im using the left over nut water from each change out to water the 4 plants in soil. im pretty sure this means ill have to flush them once in a while with clean water.

i'm pretty baked trying hard to stay on tracks bongsmilie

ill update this pretty soon


Well-Known Member
ok here they are at 4 weeks flowering

setup with lights

the ladys

wondering if anyone has any suggestions . i would like to be able to catch any trouble with them early.


Well-Known Member
this is odd i was trying to take a picture of the bud growing under a leaf? but if you look its focused on Christmas lights in the background very scary thing is that they were on top of the roof on my grow room and i was taking a pic inside it.

then agine i hell stoned :)


Active Member
I can, without argue, still be considered a newbie. I've only had a few harvests but what you have there is AMAZING. If you're indeed a newb, then damn you have a green thumb.

Knowledge is everything: research, study, observe, note, and never quit smoking the ganj.

The Virginian

Active Member
this is odd i was trying to take a picture of the bud growing under a leaf? but if you look its focused on Christmas lights in the background very scary thing is that they were on top of the roof on my grow room and i was taking a pic inside it.

then agine i hell stoned :)
(Xray) if you notice the color difference there's a pink violet those are in the UV spectrum so you got a xray picture through the wall