Smelly's 12/12 From Seed Party Cup Grow!

How much will I yield from 1 female ?

  • 1-5 grams

    Votes: 50 16.0%
  • 5-10 grams

    Votes: 138 44.1%
  • 10-15

    Votes: 125 39.9%

  • Total voters

allen bud

Active Member
iam not sure why bricktop even bothers to come to this site ...he is a hater of life and people...if you dont want to help get out of the way for us poor little dumb people who are happy with small thing and start your own "haters thread" and comment to your self an other haters of life . No need to come here and bash or be hypocritical of other people you should change your name to super man, you remind me of me mom ,never anything nice to say just negative..and you are killing my buzz ....Smelly i think it was a great success and if party cup grow makes you happy FUCK pricktop...peace and sorry about this on your thead but he is bothersome poop see sam3353(or what ever the numbers had a legitamate question and brick just answers with crap!why say any thing?
peace and bong hits for ...even brickcrop


Peace and bong hits for all brudda its christmas (not that i or many ppl are strictly religious these days lol) even for the crankys cos every one needs some love and peace (and bong hits)

Brick Top

New Member
iam not sure why bricktop even bothers to come to this site ...he is a hater of life and people...if you dont want to help get out of the way for us poor little dumb people who are happy with small thing and start your own "haters thread" and comment to your self an other haters of life . No need to come here and bash or be hypocritical of other people you should change your name to super man, you remind me of me mom ,never anything nice to say just negative..and you are killing my buzz ....Smelly i think it was a great success and if party cup grow makes you happy FUCK pricktop...peace and sorry about this on your thead but he is bothersome poop see sam3353(or what ever the numbers had a legitamate question and brick just answers with crap!why say any thing?
peace and bong hits for ...even brickcrop

You could not be more incorrect if you attempted to. I do not hate life, I love life. I do not hate people, though there are a few I do dislike, but for the most part I love people. I also very much enjoy helping people, which is why when the last site I spent most of my time on went down I picked RIU to spend most of my time on. I have never seen a growing site filled with so many people with so little factual information about growing, and I have been a member of numerous boards, been a mod on two and an admin on one. I felt the members of this site, and the site itself, needed more help than any other I ran across, so I joined.

Since joining more and more highly intolerant people who are fact-phobic have joined and the atmosphere here has gone way downhill. The site has gone from bad to worse as more and more new members have joined and what was once fun for me has now turned more into frustration due to the near total lack of willingness of many here to accept scientifically proven horticultural facts about cannabis plants and instead mainly are only willing to accept and believe myths, urban legends, misconceptions, half-truths, total inaccuracies and old hippie folklore, but the very same people will soak up every new, or at least new to them, voodoo method of growing that is posted faster than a sponge soaks up water.

What you do not like is I am not a kiss ass. I am a straight talking rough as a cob old guy who calls a spade a spade, period, three end. I have zero tolerance for kiss asses or know it all's who in fact know little to nothing.

As for Smelly's party cup results, possibly you did miss where I said I am impressed and tossed in a BRAVO, so it is not as if I slammed him or anything. I just see that sort of growing as being a waste of time, a waste of yield and a needless risk regardless of if someone sees it as being fun.

If you cannot deal with truth and facts stated in a straightforward blunt manner without whipped cream, nuts and a cherry on top then please use the ignore function so you will never have to read another message of mine.

Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
You could not be more incorrect if you attempted to. I do not hate life, I love life. I do not hate people, though there are a few I do dislike, but for the most part I love people. I also very much enjoy helping people, which is why when the last site I spent most of my time on went down I picked RIU to spend most of my time on. I have never seen a growing site filled with so many people with so little factual information about growing, and I have been a member of numerous boards, been a mod on two and an admin on one. I felt the members of this site, and the site itself, needed more help than any other I ran across, so I joined.

Since joining more and more highly intolerant people who are fact-phobic have joined and the atmosphere here has gone way downhill. The site has gone from bad to worse as more and more new members have joined and what was once fun for me has now turned more into frustration due to the near total lack of willingness of many here to accept scientifically proven horticultural facts about cannabis plants and instead mainly are only willing to accept and believe myths, urban legends, misconceptions, half-truths, total inaccuracies and old hippie folklore, but the very same people will soak up every new, or at least new to them, voodoo method of growing that is posted faster than a sponge soaks up water.

What you do not like is I am not a kiss ass. I am a straight talking rough as a cob old guy who calls a spade a spade, period, three end. I have zero tolerance for kiss asses or know it all's who in fact know little to nothing.

As for Smelly's party cup results, possibly you did miss where I said I am impressed and tossed in a BRAVO, so it is not as if I slammed him or anything. I just see that sort of growing as being a waste of time, a waste of yield and a needless risk regardless of if someone sees it as being fun.

If you cannot deal with truth and facts stated in a straightforward blunt manner without whipped cream, nuts and a cherry on top then please use the ignore function so you will never have to read another message of mine.

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Brick, ya grumpy old fuck :bigjoint:

The issue of growing in party cups is in your OPINION a waste of time and I respect that. I my personal situation space requirements will not allow such a large plant as what you are accustomed to growing. The party cups grown here inspire me to continue my little clones so I don't have to spend my money on bullshit street weed. +rep for trying to explain your position just try to not get upset by people disagreeing about your opinions and unleash on the fuckers that deny facts. You know real shit like "ph isnt important in hydro grows" or "males make good buds". Those are the fuckers you can sick the pigs on lol.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
As for Smelly's party cup results, possibly you did miss where I said I am impressed and tossed in a BRAVO, so it is not as if I slammed him or anything. I just see that sort of growing as being a waste of time, a waste of yield and a needless risk regardless of if someone sees it as being fun.
Why a needless risk? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
I know where alien bud is coming from, i had to deal with the same shit when i first joined with that loser Al B fuct, he would just sit there and do the same shit, just because some one grows differently, he would sit there and try to make people do it the "right" way. Brick top, you are wrong in that its not a waste of a plant, you can't sit there and force your opinions on others, and try and down talk what they're doing, then try and say "BRAVO" at the end of it. There is a reason why he's growing like this, BECAUSE HE WANTS TO. Its thats simple, shit i still grow in party cups, even tho i got plants in regular pots. What does it matter? Of course alot of potential was lost, shit i could go around to everyone who grows with 5 gallon pots and starting being like damn, what a waste, you should just plant them into the ground.

Just because YOU THINK its a waste, doesn't mean it is.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its all a preference thing, i mean i hope he really doesn't think people grow this way because they think its the best possible set up... I mean we all know damn well what's better, but again, its a choice to grow a certain way. I dont get why it would even matter how some one grew, i get that he's trying to help, but again, obviously hes growing this way for a reason.


Well-Known Member

I wont go back to pots...except for my moms. Party cups rule...if you know how...
[QUOTE="SICC";5083745]Yeah its all a preference thing, i mean i hope he really doesn't think people grow this way because they think its the best possible set up... I mean we all know damn well what's better, but again, its a choice to grow a certain way. I dont get why it would even matter how some one grew, i get that he's trying to help, but again, obviously hes growing this way for a reason.[/QUOTE]

I'm a Bonsai fanatic so I took a liking to the party cups!, I have yet to get a female in one, but I'm determind! It's just fun, I'm not doing it for the yeild at all, I mean, of course it would be great to have a big yeild but what ever. I do it for fun only :). Brick has apparently been doing this for decades and knows what works and what doesn't. He is a vast source of factual info on growing, but I see how his experience may bias him, and some on this site do spread propaganda with regards to what really works and doesn't; so I understand why he's jaded. But I also feel that there is a better way to lay the facts out for people who ask for them, or if what they herd is right or wrong. Not everyone has an iron constitution like bricktop, so the str8 facts and opinions will rub people the wrong way and seem uncecessary. It's best just to shrug your shoulders I guess, and be like the duck!! The water just rolls off their feathers and they keep going. Was that a stoner post????? lol


Bricktop i think some where in your 'highly sarcastic' reply you forgot to let me know what is true and what is made up, its all the same text when its written on here, as you can see it ws my first post, ive admitted i am new to growing completely so would much appreciate to know what of this is actually true and what will actually grow my plants best in the environment i have - which the party cup has for me in terms of size, you brought this enslaught on yourself by being bitchy about it to someone who really has no idea other than what he has read and then not giving him answers if you supposedly have them

Edit: i dont know how but that last bit sounds weird to me but hopefully you understand lol

Brick Top

New Member
Merry Christmas Brick, ya grumpy old fuck :bigjoint:

The issue of growing in party cups is in your OPINION a waste of time and I respect that. I my personal situation space requirements will not allow such a large plant as what you are accustomed to growing. The party cups grown here inspire me to continue my little clones so I don't have to spend my money on bullshit street weed. +rep for trying to explain your position just try to not get upset by people disagreeing about your opinions and unleash on the fuckers that deny facts. You know real shit like "ph isnt important in hydro grows" or "males make good buds". Those are the fuckers you can sick the pigs on lol.

You. like many, have an inaccurate perception of my current capabilities of growing. In my present home I am also fairly limited in space to grow. My home is half-large, 2750 sq ft. but it was designed to entertain more than anything. I have one room that is 30' X 30' but when a home of my size is laid out like that it leaves little room for things like unfinished basements and large store rooms etc. Right now I am only able to grow in a medium sized closet and normally never have more than 8 plants in a crop. Now I do have the height and light to grow Christmas tree plants or topped plants that turn into thick bushes, but not a forest of either.

I do not have space to keep mother plants like I used to and grow from clones like I used to. I currently have a well laid out very efficient but yet simple setup. I have hopes of moving, though I seem to have developed something along the lines of relocating OCD in that I just cannot make up my mind where I want to move to. But when I do I will have a setup like I used to. I have never been and never will be a commercial grower, but I would like to be able to keep mothers again and have two or more decent sized rooms for vegging and flowering in again.

I often see pictures here of setups that definitely are more impressive than what I currently have. Sadly though they are often ones whose owner/operator is not anywhere near to being as knowledgeable and skilled in growing as their setup is impressive looking.

Possibly it is in part my limited amount of space that makes me see it being wasteful to intentionally grow a plant in a way that will extremely limit it's capability to yield well. Then there is the equal risk factor part too that I mentioned. But even with more space I do not believe I could ever get into the idea of intentionally not doing all I could to get the very most out of all my plants, both in yield and in quality.

To me that is sort of the purpose of what I do. If I want to experience fun or be entertained I go out on the lake or swim, when the weather is suitable, or I hit a golf course, or I watch a good film or I spend time with people I like, or I get an "escort" to spend an hour or so keeping me entertained. I find those, and other things far more entertaining, to me, than micro-growing for fun and entertainment.

But that's just me ... and to each their own.


Well-Known Member
No one is micro growing for fun or entertainment purposes, so what the hell are you talking about?

EDIT: nvm, im not even gonna get into it, im done on this subject


Well-Known Member
Opinions are like assholes everyone got one. We'll leave it at that, wether you think its a waste or not where still going to be sticking party cups in the corners of our closets to get an extra 10 -20 grams...

Lets try to keep this on track for the rest of the grow please...


Well-Known Member
You guys are getting trolled by Bricktop by the way.... just thought that I would inform you.
I got him slipping yesterday in my thread. Phony to the max

Nice grows btw. and H&P nice lst party cup!