Your a picture postin fool sometimes TreeZ... I was starting to wonder where you were hadn't seen you post in awhile today
But for sure there lookin damn good the one is kinda bare but it will hopefully swell up/fill in for ya..
it's so short and pretty.... Where can I get some of that angry midget though? I need some midgets to be more ninja for my future ops
What spray/nutes you using Smelly? like brand/type. I need to pick some up when I go and get some cfls.
not as good as urs!! hahaLooking good I fart! ARe you still vegging the party cup plant?
The girls are looking great SmellyJust dropping in and saying wassup real quick before work.
Lookin good Treez. Should get a nice yield from those.
she sure has a purdy mouth............
thats what i always say...wait...talking about plants badno sex yet. im leaning towards fem though!!