Smile And Orange Bud in Waterfarm ! 600w 4x4 (1st grow)


Well-Known Member
I actually bumped the ppm to 600 because at 400 they drop the ppm level to 370 in one night and they barely drank. So I`m guessing they were hungry as hell. For the moment I put them on the 600 maybe 6 or 7 hours ago and it already dropped by 20 ! I`ll do another picture update tomorow but I think they are just loving those nuts. And the plants are presently maybe 6 inch tall.


Well-Known Member
Decent point about the ppms though forgetiwashere. My higher ppms have always been with nova bloom. But to me, falling ppms mean they are using it up. As ive read it and seen, you can find what they are wanting with hydro pretty easy. Whatever they stabilize at, as in equal about of water and nutes drank, is what they want. But... with all my 2 cents' , i have only been at this a year and a half, and have much to learn.


Well-Known Member
yeah i always live by that rule. i always do what the plant tells me thats why i have such varying ppm levels with both plants. the buddha is sitting comfrtably on 1300ppm and the vk is only on 700ppm. im a slave to my plants lol


Well-Known Member
So today was a big day ! I constructed my scorg ! and it is one bad motherfucker !

I went and checked on the girls and they drank a lot again. The ppm was down to 550 and ph 6. They drank maybe a inch of water too. So I guess that means they want more ! I went ahead and bumped them to 700 ppm. We'll see how that goes by tomorow.

So they are presently 7 inch tall. I'll wait till they're 8 inch before putting the scrog over them at 12 inch. Good enough ?

On their quest to become trees one can only assist a marijuana plant the best he can by listenning to her. Word to Iforgetiwashere. We are the slave to those beautys.

Anyway I'll be making bubble hash today too ! I got my hand on half a pound of trim and ordered whakky bubble hash bags. I got a 220, a 73 and a 25 micron bag. So hopefully I'll be getting some nice hash too. I'll be posting more on that later tomorow. In the mean time feel free to enjoy those pics !



Well-Known Member
looking good man doesnt look like there has been any sign of more damage on those leaves. and that screen is awesome


Well-Known Member
thanks forgetiwashere, You that part that is going up ? when I attache that scrog I'll hang a piece of screen verticaly over that part so my smile as all the space in the world to grow some more


Well-Known Member
Yes, kick ass screen marv. Cute kitty too. So i wanted to strongly suggest that if you havent already, superglue that little brown plastic piece to its tube, on your waterfarm. The one that the air line is attached to... Because if (when) you get a clog in the air line, and your nutes stop coming out of your ring, you'll have to thread that whole tube part out, so you can cut the clogged part of your air tube off and re-attach it. And if you dont superglue that little brown piece onto your white downtube, it will come off when you try to pull it all out, and you will have to somehow get it out of your res... which is CRAZY hard and frustrating, IF you can even do it because of the screen. This may not make sense, but its a fairly common (and easy) "mod" for the waterfarms. I might also suggest, that if you dont already have an air line and air stone in your res (like a DWC) that you add one while you still can. For one, it will give your plants more air that they will love. And for two, if shit gets too bitchy with your drip ring, you've still got the bottom half running as a DWC as a safety net.
Just more of my 2cents. But i really wish someone would have suggested that to me before i ran my waterfarm-scrog.


Well-Known Member
yeah marv listen to oriah they are both great ideas. i ran an airstone in mine even though i dont think they are necesary BUT im so glad i did. i didnt glue that little piece on or upgrade the pipe size like i should have. and guess what the airline on the buddha is clogged up. i dont get any drips from the ring anymore. i have no way to take it out to clean it. i know if i try to remove the airline i will lose the end piece into the res. i cant lift the buddha because she's to big and i have the screen in place. the only thing saving me is that i am running the airstone so i can still run it like a dwc.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys !
I actually had that problem once, loosing that piece in the rez... So good idea I'll superglue it ! It will save me a lot of trouble! Didn't even thought that would happend later on.
As for the air stone, if you look at my root pics you can see their is one in each waterfarm from the beginning ;) I did my research and I wanted a waterfarm working at maximum capacity ! I also made more holes in the bottom for the roots before starting.

But thanks for the heads up ! And the cats name is Zazou... He's one gay little guy. He's been taken away from his mom when he was 2 weeks old so he has a hi affection need and since he doesn't go out he knows how to miaow none stop till we give him some. Weird enough I heard cat liked marijuana plants but mine just seems to be afraid of the sounds the airpumps makes !


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So as I was saying a few days ago I got my hands on some trim. I went ahead and ordered some bubblehash wakky bags. A 220, a 73 and a 25 micron bag. So ends up it was low quality trim but it still made some decent hash ! But next time I'll add a 160 micron bag too. It is worth it ! Otherwise it kind of sours up your hash a 73. I got the bags at a decent price and they were delivered really fast. Simple to use I recommend this to anyone who's into making hash !.

I used about a Qp of trim and got 0.8 of good 25micron hash and 1.8 of commercial quality 73micron hash.



Well-Known Member
28 days... My babies grew so much is such a short period ! This hydroponic grow never cease to amaze me. I don't think I mention it but this my first hydroponic grow I see in my life. And it is mine! All mine! This is not a plant stem anymore it's a real tree trunk. It's already the size of a big size bic lighter.
So they are doing great, well sometimes I look at them and I think the orange bud has some defiency but she's doing fine. I started training them. Bended the main stem and tried making all the other stem go the other way. I had to remove some fan leave because they were covering the others stems too much. Only one on the orange bud but 3 on the smile.

PPM : 800
PH: 5,7

I'll be putting the screen soon now.

Otherwise I had another question : do you guys think it is possible to run a 4x8 with 2x600w and 16 waterfarms in it. The 4x8 would be a flower tent so each batch of 4 would be separated by 2 weeks of difference, meaning a harvest every two weeks. I would have a vegetatif tent with a 2 feet T5 for 8 clones and a 250 MH bulb for 4 waterfarms. Basicly I was planing on growing them one bud as in this thread :
So I take 4 clones, give them 1 week of veg in a waterfarm under the 250. At the end of that week I take 1 or 2 clones off each plants meaning I have 8 clones running all the time. And every 2 weeks I add a batch of 1 week veged clones to my 4x8 flower tent. So I would have 8 clones, 4 veg, 16 flower. Or should I have one mother, 8 clones, 16 flower and basicly put the clones directly in the flower tent to avoid them growing too big. Makes a nice perpetual grow. What do you guys think about that ?



Well-Known Member
It takes at least a week for a clone to root usually. And id say at LEAST another week before you'd want to take any clones from that one. Im thinking more like 2.


Well-Known Member
So I should have mother(s) instead. Do you think I should put the clones in 12/12 right away or should I give them one week veg time ? Is it really possible to fit 16 waterfarm one bud plants in a 4x8 ? I was looking at my 4x4 and putting 8 waterfarm in it seems almost impossible. Even if I managed to do it I'm not sure they'll have enough place to grow except if I grow them one bud... Maybe 12 plants is a better idea. Or I could build myself some down sized waterfarm to actually fit 16 in the grow tent. Anybody has an idea ?

Otherwise my two babies responded really good to the training. Especially the Orange bud ! It drank 1/3 of the rez in 16hours (the 16hours after the rez was changed and adjusted to 800 ppm). The smile is still doing good, still a nice little bush. I'll be putting some pictures update tomorow !


Well-Known Member
i personally think even 12 is too many. I think you could get the same yield off less and still harvest every two weeks. You need room to work. What happens if something gos wrong on a back one, and you cant get back to it? Its hard to say really, but if i was you, i would do at least a couple waterfarm grows before you pour a bunch of money into it. I also think using waterfarms on small plants is a waste in it self. And no scrog action? :cry: lol How big is the room where you want to put these tents?


Well-Known Member
to be honest I don't know yet. But for the average size rooms in appartements in my area I know for sure I can fit a 4x8 in it. Probably a 5x10 too. I could add a 400w to the installation If I need to too.
I really have a problem with buying shitty weed from assholes dealers in my area and as my first grow is going, all my closest friends are convinced this is a very good idea. Since I'm moving out and getting something new they are all willing to pitch in 600 $ each. Giving me a final budget of 4800$ which is a nice budget. But I have to find a way to have a installation that will give me 2oz of good weed per head per month. That means basicly 1lbs per month. I think it is a interesting goal but not quite sure how to achieve it. If you had to get 1lbs per month what would you do Oriah ? I'm just asking around to see if there is a way for me to make it before I say yes to my friends.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think its too many your going to have all sorts of problems how about this. right now your running 2 in your next grow you could run 4 in your 4 x4 tent that will give you a good idea how its going to go with space. then if that works out get the 4 x 8 tent and an extra 4 waterfarms and get a 8 pack upgrade kit so all waterfarms run off of 1 res so u dont have to change so many res's. trust me when your plants get big you will be changing res's often u dont want to be doing 8 every 2 days or something.

just gradually work your way up you will thank yourself later.


Well-Known Member
Pretty decent idea forgetiwashere had there, if you want to go multiple farms in one tent. I do indeed have a similar goal my self. At least a half pound (hopefully more) every 2 weeks. But im going with a perpetual scottyballs approach, as far as individual units. Im going to have 6 GL80 tents( 31"x31", scottys cab was only 19"x29" ), each with there own 400w CMH light, 400cfm exhaust, with one scrog'd plant in each. I have an 8bulb t5 cab that i use for cloning/baby veg, then ill stick one 12" pre-trained plant in a tent. Veg them in there for 4 weeks (take clones from these at this time) filling the screen, flip and flower for 8 weeks. 12weeks total. And have the tents rotating so im harvesting a tent every 2 weeks. With waterfarms and perfect conditions, you could get a pound out of each tent without much trouble im sure (2lbs a month). But im going to start going with 10gal air pots with super soil, so im going to start with half pound per tent as a goal, and work from there.


Well-Known Member
now thats a plan oriah. i have am going a different way myself more along the lines of what marv wants but not perpetual. i have built my own waterfarm recirculating system complete 4 waterfarms + res and controller and i plan on getting a 2m x 4m tent with 3 600w hps and running. i will work my way up from 4 waterfarms to 6 to 8 etc until the tent is comfortably full. i will be running clones in there as growng from seed with multiple strains etc is out of the question for me with 1 res because different plants have different needs. but i will still have the 2 tents i run now going for running new strains and finding new and improved mothers. only my best stock will go in the big system.

in this way i would like to think i could get a failry decent harvest every 12 weeks


Well-Known Member
Oriah that is a incredible usage of electricity !? I just made the maths and where I live, that is close to 120 $ per month for your installation only and I live where the electricity is the cheapest in the world so can't be good for you... I had already thought of that and what made me give up that idea was the number of tent and 400w required. But I mean if someone can pull it off it would be marvellous and I'd be the first to be jealous !

You both have excellent ideas ! But I was reviewing my 16 waterfarms 4x8 one bud 12/12 from clone idea and if you look at the 12/12 from seed thread you can see these guys getting massive good quality buds and get an average of 2-2,5 oz per plant. Plus those plants barely takes any space if you cultivate it the right way which isn't too hard especially compared to Scrogging. And I did my maths again ( yes I am someone very precise when I build something) so each water farm is 9 inch by 9 inch... I can EASILY fit 16 in a 4x8. And if I grow from clones right away and makes sure to make them grow one bud style I'm think I have a decent chance of getting a average of 8 oz per 2 weeks (2oz per plants).

But here comes the rez chance problem. I didn't complete a grow with the waterfarm yet and I don't know how much of a hassle it is with the rez and I need to learn it with this first grow to understand how my next installation should be. But the guy who grew these plants uses the same specs as me (8 plants under one 600w 12/12 from clones) but in soil and gets between 2-3 oz per plants one bud style ! If I was to do the same thing with waterfarms I might get 3-4 oz per plants and gets the biggest one buds you will have ever seen in your life ! And you would get almost 2lbs per month for half the price of the perpetual scottygrow type of installation. So as for the rez changing with waterfarms I was thinking about checking 8 plants everyday. I went to a restaurant kitchen hardware shop and found a bucket excatly the same size as the waterfarm for 5 $, so when I take care of a plant I take it out the tent put the plannt and hydraton part in the other bucket while I top the rez with water and then add nuts and ph if needed. With one buds it would take me about 3-5 minutes per plants at first and 1-2 minutes when I get use to it. That's about 30-45 minutes per day I have to spend on my installation. The problem with 2 8waterfarm set link to a main rez installation is I would get one haverst per month and I wouldn't be able to grow more then 2 strains at the same time. Plus with a waterfarm each I can really give each plant what need.

But that is just my mad scientist sleeping inside me who is speaking. So I don't know if you actually read a bit in the 12/12 section but take a look at it and tell me if you guys really think this thing isnt worth pulling off cause damn I'm tempted !