Smile And Orange Bud in Waterfarm ! 600w 4x4 (1st grow)


Well-Known Member
hey guys, sorry for the lack of update but I've encounter a "online picture" problem. So I can't post on here anymore but I'd be more then happy to send some by email or something.
The girls are presently at the end of flower week 2. They grew a lot since the last update ! the orange bud almost fills her half of the screen but the smile a lot less. The smile is more dense with heads coming out from everywhere and less easy to scrog. It was so dense through all those fan leaves and heads at the beginning of the flower state that I had to give her a "hair cut". I removed almost all the fan leaves exposing all those little head and she just exploded give me like 50 main colars but filling only 2/3 of the scrog over her. They started getting sticky and little pistil are coming out but no complete flower for the moment. I've mostly stop scrogging them in the middle and still do a bit of training on the edges every 3/4 days. I think today was the last time I trained them, I might just do it one last time if flowers aren't complete in 3 days. As for nuts well they were only taking water before flower, I gave them 1200 ppm water after flower but they didnt liked it and now they are officialy back as of today to water for the next 72h. My ph is stable at 6.1. I didn't have any problem with my pumps or anything. My carbon filter is working perfectly and oh boy ! those two ladies are sure letting out a sweet smell! My tent is at 24-26 degree during the day and 17-19 degree during the night and the humidity is always between 30 and 40 %. I actually build myself another closet with a 250w in it. I started two royal dutch amnesia 3 days ago. They are going to be vegging in that tent for another 7-8 weeks till my smile and orange bud are ready for harvest and then I'll put them in the 4x4 to flower under the 600w and I'll start another smile and orange bud but 12/12 from seed at the same time. All of those babies are, of course, in a waterfarm.

Thank you ForgetIwashere and Oriah for the interest you've show in my grow journal :)