smoked a little hash. freaked out.


Active Member
So let me begin by saying I know this was stupid. I feel the need to share this story so I feel a little better...

I had never really got high before. Just a little buzzed, spaced out listening to music. But never really f'ed up. I had a little glob of bubble hash, tin foil (smack me now, I know), a straw and a lighter.

So I smoked it. Felt a little shaky and giddy, nothing too bad. I sat on my couch in the dark listening to....I think it was bullet for my valentine. All of a sudden I began losing it. My vision was like 2 seconds behind my other senses. My mind felt so slow. And this was absolutely terrorizing.

I began thinking like 15 things at once, mind racing....and then all the thoughts stopped. I had one very clear thought, almost heard it in my head: "You are going to die." And at that, I entered the first panic attack of my life. I felt so out of control and my heart was racing. I was absolutely freaking out. I kept telling my self "It's the weed" but I just couldn't calm down.

I fell asleep after nearly 3 hours. This was all last night. Today I woke up feeling pretty strange as well. Still a little out of touch with reality, my skin feels pretty numb. If it doesn't go away by tomorrow it'll be off to the hospital...

I know this was a bad idea, smoking out of foil is a bad idea IMO, and not having anyone else there was dumb too. I don't think I'm really stable enough to use drugs recreationally. I'm going to not try this again...



Well-Known Member
Well foil won't do that too you soooo you might have another "disease" but I'm thinking it's all in your head. I've smoked from foil like 4 times. I don't anymore though cause it can cause cancer. Maybe it's cause it was your first time getting high but things slowed down my first time getting high and it still does when I'm not paying attention. I'll be listening to a song and be like "damn its been 10 minutes shouldn't it be over!" and it'll be maybe half-way through:mrgreen: Also I thought I was dying my first time getting blazed, I seriously was considering calling 911 but then I didn't(lucky me).


Well-Known Member
If you go to the hospital for smoking weed you are an idiot and should never smoke again! the doctor will give you a stupid look and send you home...


stays relevant.
Sounds like the hash may have been of a sativa strain. Indicas dont typically do that to people. Was this your first time? I smoke heavy heavy concentrates all the time, never ever get like that. Just gotta relax, or put on something entertaining and up-beat. That tends to calm me down after getting a bad experience on sativa pills.


Active Member
Sounds like the hash may have been of a sativa strain. Indicas dont typically do that to people. Was this your first time? I smoke heavy heavy concentrates all the time, never ever get like that. Just gotta relax, or put on something entertaining and up-beat. That tends to calm me down after getting a bad experience on sativa pills.

It was my first time having this profound of an effect. It only took like 3 good hits, too. The plant I made the hash from did look kinda sativa- dominant (bagseed).


stays relevant.
That would explain it... It sounds like the type of wild high only enjoyable after sobering up. The kind that makes you wish you were a little bit looser when you were experiencing it, and not so terrified.

For example, paranoia is one of my favorites, but only after I sober up, not while i'm high.


Well-Known Member
I smoked a hash ball once.... I couldnt open my eyes ....... It was to hard... i wasnt tired on anything i just couldnt open them, very painfull :(

Took about 20 minutes for it to go away after that my skin felt weird aswell... :)


New Member
i think you just got really high and freaked out

hash and foil really has nothing to do with it

hash is just super concentrated bud..

so it wouldn't make sense for it to do something else then what a lot of bud would do

next time have people aroud you so that they can chill you out

then you will have a good time

and remeber that hash gets you f'd up :)


Active Member
That sounds crazy man, got that kinda feeling once when I was on some herbal pills.. NOT GOOD!! Everything was grand the whole night though, then when I went upstairs to go to bed (friends house) and just started freaking out! Don't know what triggered it and I was trying to think "It's just the pills" but it was hard to shake off, just K.O.'d eventually.

Your skin feeling numb is kinda weird, don't know what coulda caused that.. Never really felt it apart from when I was on mushies!


Well-Known Member
first of all, bullet for my valentine is a piece of shit so after I read that I almost stopped reading. but I didn't...anyway, I can clearly remember the first time I smoked dank or kind bud. I was in different worlds and just way fucked up..and played guitar and had a conversation with my friend and a dog about the time space continuum and carpet or something...I was just way WAY fucked up. I wasn't a nervous wreck over it though...calm down man, you can smoke your tolerance will build up


Active Member
The most recent figures I read are that a dose of cannabis equivalent to 14,000 joints would be necessary to cause harm. (IE. you will be fine--don't worry.)

OTOH, I had a dose that was too heavy just like you. While it was happening, it was horrible and I swore I would never have any more again. After it happened, it wasn't so bad, but I was apprehensive about using cannabis again. After a couple of careful doses, I was back to normal.

For me, the best results are with light doses. I really don't like being too impaired.


Well-Known Member
don't complain, when you get a tolerance, you'll wish you could get that high again, i sure do!:joint::peace:i love being super high, but even one beer after just one bowl will fuck me up, i dont mix them, either on or the other.
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Active Member
Hah I remember when I first started I would get stoned out of my mind and sometimes I would think my heart was rupturing and I was about to throw up blood, kept this to myself though. Never let weed fears take you over.


Well-Known Member
Hah I remember when I first started I would get stoned out of my mind and sometimes I would think my heart was rupturing and I was about to throw up blood, kept this to myself though. Never let weed fears take you over.
I remember that..


Well-Known Member
Next time that happens just eat some milk and cookies. I read an article in high times about a guy experimenting with overdosing, when he freaked out he called his Dr. and the nurse told him to get milk and cookies, claims it fixed him right up.


New Member
Next time that happens just eat some milk and cookies. I read an article in high times about a guy experimenting with overdosing, when he freaked out he called his Dr. and the nurse told him to get milk and cookies, claims it fixed him right up.

ive heard that too cept i like milk and cereal

cinnamon toast crunch anyone!!


Well-Known Member
dude got stoned as fuck haha. everyone thats smoked for a while has had some highs that fucking wrecked them before. i remember when i was 17 and smoked like 5 blunts. my vision was in slow motion like a slide show clicking. also for some fucking reason a loud jet engine sound was rushing in my ears like the loudest thing i have ever heard. i couldnt make it go away. i was so fucked up i wanted to go jump off my friends deck to end it and make it go away( the deck was 2 feet off the ground lol). after a while of feeling like i was gonna die, i laid on the couch and ate some doritos. i am sure everyone has stories of being blazed out of their fucking mind sometime.