I read somewhere that tobacco is deadly to marijuana plants....I've also heard the chemicals in the smoke can strangle them.I'm not entirely sure, but I'd say why take the chance.
I'd think its common sense, plants like nice fresh air
I only smoke bud, no cigs... but is it that hard to not smoke in the room your plants are in? With everything having to do with growing, better safe than sorry.
The smoe of any kind will kill your plants, it clogs the stomata. Thats any kind marijauna or cigarette. I read the leaves will fold over and die.
Nicotine will kill your seeds and clones and plants. It is real bad for seedlings. In fact wash your hands after you smoke and in related warning if you have just been outside having a cig dont go straight to the grow room, you might bring in bad bugs.
But breathing wih your plants is good. SO if you just feel like hanginf in your grow tent then you are doing your plants a huge favor. Lost of co2 in quantities they can use.
In fact most cloning advice includes breathe in the clone dome.