Smoking hops


Well-Known Member
For any of you insomniacs here, something that helps is mixing hops with your bud. Yes hops. The same hops that beer is made with. They are the closest relatives to MJ and are great for helping with sleep problems. I bought an ounce of hops for $4 online. I grind bud and hops half and half into a joint. It really helps with sleep and provides a nice relaxing feeling. Its a tad harsh tho.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple acres of hops, they are more relaxing in beer form. I have however out of curiosity smoked my fair share...but they belong in my glass, not my joint. hops tea is great for insomnia too.


Well-Known Member
Kaendar, don't waste your time PMing me, if you have something to say to me, you can say it in public.


Well-Known Member
I mainly have the newer high alpha acid cultivars they have a very skunky and grapefruity smell if I had to pick. They are a fun plant to watch grow.