Smoking Males??

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
I know its a totally retarded question to ask,, But can you smoke the male plants leaves.
I have gone weedless now for at least 4 months and my fucking plant turned out to be a male,, totally pissed me off so now im left off with literally a whole box of leaves from the male plant.

What i want to know is can you smoke the male leaves and get high or a buzz or somtheing,,
and how many bowls will it take for you to get there.

PLEASE comment i know its a retarded question but im weedless now until i can afford to grow indoors or next season...:cry::shock:

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
***Actually it was a female and then it went male on me thanks to some dude who forgot to rip his male plant out next door to me.. so a hermie


Active Member
If it is a hermie, it is bad genetics or environment, not your neighbor - it will make heavily seeded bud but it is smokeable. If it is a female that your neighbors plant pollinated, you will get seedy bud depending on how bad it got pollinated. It too is smokeable. If it is a male plant you can't smoke it.

I Love THC

Active Member
i did, Rolled a big joint got me kinda buzzed =/ with the rest of the scraps i just made some brownies they turned out ok.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
well im just gunnna roll a hundred joints of this shit and smoke it until my other plant which hopefully doesn't hermie on me is done and ready to harvest
so you cant smoke male leaves and get high AT ALL
I'm pretty sure its just a myth about males turning your pretty girls male or hermie. hahaha they just get her pregnant ;P and full of seeds. which seeds technically is not a bad thing. you can use seeds for alot of useful things. :D

so i think you had a male all along. please dont try to blame a neighbor, its not nice especially since you wouldnt want the them blaming you for the same thing.

O of course you can smoke the male.... But all you are going to get is a really bad headache and a regret of ever doing it. ;)

i dont know if you can do it with a male but i bet you can make butter, oil or hash out of all the clippings but don't qoute me on that.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
i know its my neighbour now seems how i went over there last night and he did have a male so... i just told him yank it before your plants get screwed and then he gave me some courtesy bud :D


Well-Known Member
your neighbors plant had nothing to do with whether your plant hermied or not. The only remote possibility that your neighbors plant had anything to do with yours is if you had a female, and they had a male and they pollinated yours.

anyway, to your real question, sure you can smoke a male. It will be similar in potency to an immature female, and of course how much THC it has will depend on the part of the plant, just like with the females. I make hash oil with males all the time and the only difference is that I get less oil than when I use mature harvested female trim and the garbage buds toward the bottoms.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
ok gobbly thank you that was simply exactly what i was looking for now,, i just pulled this fucker out of my garden abd it was 5 foot high and im just planning on rolling a few hundred jays with the leaves would i still get a high or should i say buzz?


Well-Known Member
you should be able to feel it. How effective it is, sounds like you'll find out :) I make oil with it all, and the nice thing about oil is that it's mostly the same, it's the volume I get that changes.

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
well stem sell its a long story apparently i "thought" i had a female it had just some pistils starting to show i went to check on "her" the other day and holy shit the chick had nuts son,
i then got comments on pictures i posted saying it was a pure male and i was just like wtf it had pistils the one day and all of a sudden it just decided im not liking this life lets try another??
so im stuck with this... "thing"
im going to try smoking it because its all i have if it doesnt work out then to the trash it goes or i might make tea or somthing


Well-Known Member
I wrap up my leaves from slaughtered males, dry them, and smoke them, don't get a headache, gets the job done, is it as good as bud?! fuck no, but you really didn't expect it to be. Anyways, after about a day, day 1/2 I pinch of it and stuff in a bowl, it works... And they're is NO WAY that your neighbor is responsible...