
Senor SmokeAlot

Well-Known Member
me and my boy smoked in the city a few times,we'd go hit some bars up and then take a walk and blaze some. but not anymore,

this one time 2 fucking undercover cops jumped out of some car and ran up on us. my boy threw the blunt,they saw it on the floor and didnt pick it up, they were like,wats that? is it urs? then they searched us and told us if they saw us again they'd arrest us.

so we went to the nearest bar for about na hour, went back to the "scene of the crime", found the blunt,took it home and blazed it up. kinda scary but oh well.

i still smoke in public, not everywhere though, and always in the car


Well-Known Member
I got this spot I ride my bike to it's a little secluded beach on the river that not many people know about it's really nice I'll post a pic tom.


Well-Known Member
outside yeah sure, in public, no
people who smoke in public are asking to get caught and then bitch about how they got busted for smoking a joint. in public.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors is an essential for the best smoke.....Camping, hiking, Or just laying in the grass at night time. Best highs ever.


Active Member
downtown manhatten nobody gives a fuck as long as your not showing it off and causing a public disturbance by it


Well-Known Member
Here's that spot I was talking about I love this town got the ocean in my backyard and a 10-15 min bike ride I got the st johns river pretty bitchin.


Well-Known Member
beautiful place vulcomi,i love the beach,i cant wait till i get extra money to move to tropics and have a place on the ocean,and a garden full of tree,with a bed full of money

jamaica here i come


Well-Known Member
beautiful place vulcomi,i love the beach,i cant wait till i get extra money to move to tropics and have a place on the ocean,and a garden full of tree,with a bed full of money

jamaica here i come
yeah it's real nice I usually ride my bike there after work alot lately it's good for rehabing my knee. If I don't feel like that I just sit out on my back deck/balcony that looks right over the dunes to the beach.


Active Member
the best is smokin a blunt around a campfire or just a trash fire or a beach fire

fire just makes blazen or legit


Well-Known Member
i like to wake up , grab my coffee and go upstairs and sit on my balchony and look at my plant shine as the morning sun rises . And blaze a spliff


Well-Known Member
Lol are we talking about Smoking Cigarettes in public? or Weed? Because I smoke a joint/blunt all the time when im outside, and about.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm glad to hear that Cynic and the reason for this thread. Amazing how many of us are going public. Man, trucking around with a hit here and hit there, very liberating. Besides you get exercise to boot. If your walking that is.