

Well-Known Member
Is my passion and is the best thing in the world. Its all I do besides work and take care of my babies. I grew up in colorado so Im used to real mountains not the bullshit we got here in socal. Can't complain tho, u can't beat going surfing and snowboarding in the SAME day!

Picked up a couple sponsors(rockstar energy and 686) last season so hopefully I can keep at it and snowboard for a livng eventually.

Anyone else snowboard?

Here's a few pics I got on my phone right now. Ill post some more later tonight when I get on the computer.



Well-Known Member
i don't snowboard personally but me and my wife like to ski, we went to oregon a couple months ago for it :)


Well-Known Member
i tried snowboarding, i could go straight real good and fast as fuck, but turning was another story. i dont think big dude are really suited for snowboarding, ill stick to skis, which im pretty decent at. maybe one day ill man up and try it again.


Well-Known Member
how are the lib tech/gnu boards? Ive been riding the same board for far to long and to many rail sessions have pretty much killed it. no sponsors for this guy anymore rode for volcom(just flow) since i was sixteen till i started working in the oilpatch(19). I could only imagine living in a place where my almost 30 ass could skate in the morning and snowboard in the afternoon.


Well-Known Member
i love all mervin manufacturing (gnu, libtech). have had the same gnu for over 6 years that i still use as a fuck around jib board. my real boards a 2010 lib tech skunk ape. i love it. it has banana technology (nose n tail point up, middles flat) and magnetraction (wavy edges for better grip). not to stiff and not too soft. perfect park board and does great in powder. its also a wide board to fit my size 15 boots

if u can try to pick up the new snowboard mag catalog. it has all the new boards and like always gnu and libtech took top spots on the "riders choice" thing they do every year. They are a lil on the expensive side tho if you dont have a hook up.


Well-Known Member
DAMN NICE.Last season was my first year and i love it.Im a dirt bike guy but now i have something to do in winter.Sucks i wont be able to board this season do to arm being broke.Thats some nice air.Colorado is the shit ive been up there and stayed in Telarite something like that.Its rich area.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I grew up riding bikes up man. Sold my last 250 but planning on getting a 450 soon, maybe even one of those street supermotos so I can take it on the street n then just swap tires n hit the dirt/sand.

I know how ur feelin bout bean broken man. I've broken both my wrists, colar bone, shin, foot, concussions and the list goes on. All from snowboarding, couple from skating.

Not sure where that is in CO but yeah colorado is the shit.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I grew up riding bikes up man. Sold my last 250 but planning on getting a 450 soon, maybe even one of those street supermotos so I can take it on the street n then just swap tires n hit the dirt/sand.

I know how ur feelin bout bean broken man. I've broken both my wrists, colar bone, shin, foot, concussions and the list goes on. All from snowboarding, couple from skating.

Not sure where that is in CO but yeah colorado is the shit.
god damn you make me feel good its only my arm lol.I sold my 250 last year cause my dad gave me his yz450 cause he dont use it anymore pluse he just got a raptor 700.But i missed my 2stroke to much to i sold it and got a cr500 cause i missed my cr250 to much.Those new ktm 650's are supposed to be the shit,but fuck the price tag.