Snowcap under CFLs, First Grow!


Active Member
This is my first real grow and I was lucky to get 1 snowcap seed from my stash. I planted the see on Sept. 7th and it sprouted Sept. 10th. I have had 2 23w Daylight CFLs and 1 23w Warm Light CFl hanging over the plant about 3to 4 inches away. I added a home made CO2 disperser, which is made from yeast, water and sugar, in a 1gal. milk jug. I made and added the CO2 to my grow room on Sept. 11th. I noticed there was little ant like bugs all in my soil, so I decided to make some better soil to replace it. The old soil was from my other house and was basic. The new soil consists of 2 parts MG potting soil with vermiculite, 1 part perlite, 1 part worm poop, a pinch of granulated dolimite lime. I lightly rubbed some hand soap on my little sprout, rinsed it, then planted it in the new soil. Also I have a 8" fan in my grow room too.


Active Member
My sprout is limp right now for some reason, I believe it has to do with the transplant in the new soil. Am I right? or is there something I should change? I will post an update tomorrow on its condition.


Active Member
Here is a picture of my setup: the CFLs, the CO2, fan, Temp./Humidity reader and of course the little limp sprout. If you look closely you can see a bubble in my CO2 dish.

In my attempt to fix my problem I checked the PH and how much water is in the soil. The Ph is exactly on 7 and the soil is between moist and wet near the roots.

Thanks for the help in advance.



Active Member
I checked on my baby this morning and it was still limp on the soil. The PH is at 7 and i watered it to a moist level. I also forgot to mention that I have been keeping my lights on 24/0. Temp was 74 as well. Any help would be appreciated on how to spring my sprout back to life.



Well-Known Member
that pic is a little fuzzy is the seed head still on? i know im a total noob at growing but i wanna try to help cause i know the frustration of dying seedlings, it looks like you could be overwatering thats why i like to use a dixie cup for like the first 10 days cause it seems easier to keep it at a nice moist level until the plant has a nice root system, the transplant could have had something to do with it i dont know, good luck tho


Active Member
Yeah the seed casing is still on the top of the sprout. I will try the dixie cup method next time. The sprout actually is up right again and seems to have recovered. You were right about the transplant, I think that is what the cause was. Thanks for the help! I will keep posting as the plant gets bigger.


Active Member
I plan on flowering this plant as soon as it gets 4 or 5 sets of leafs. I only have until Dec. 14th to finish everything. Does anyone have any suggestions to help speed up the process since I am cutting it close?


Active Member
So the plant is still struggling, the base of the stem is not able to support the seed and top of the plant. Since it was bent over on the ground again, I straightened it back up with dirt to support it. Any ideas on why this plant is possible dieing?