So a guy totally ripped me off recently and I am PISSED


Well-Known Member
A physical presence is something that cannot be ignored, and visits to him to specifically request the money are things you can document.

I suggest you begin by documenting your grow and harvest, and visiting him for the sole purpose of collecting your money, and making that clear. Tell him that you're willing to work with him, but that you need to set realistic deadlines for compensation, due to your financial needs. Either set a deadline or work with him to set one, and require installments. Sign an agreement. Then you have him to rights.

If he flat-out refuses to pay, you, which sounds unlikely, you threaten to go to the cops. If he continues to refuse, you go to the cops with your documentation.


Well-Known Member
i got hit for almost 8000 from people i met on a grow forum. two different people. one got me for 1300 and the other 6600. it's been over 5 months and not 1 dime. i've heard EVERY excuse in the book. i helped bury a lot of dead uncles this year. i will do my best to never vend on "consignment" again.


Well-Known Member
ya I would throw an ally biscuit in his front windshield.

really u dont have to use violence. you call him up and tell him you better have your money or else. act like you are not playing around, if you know what i mean make him think your gonna do somthing crazy, the ultimate punishment and dont mince words, tell him its not the first time someone thought they could fuck u and it will be his last time if he thinks it

that worked once for me when this fucker i knew snuck through my window and stole my QP

after a long "talk" on the phone we met in a parking lot.

he showed me his gun, then gave me back the bag. We called it a day.

the gun part wasnt very fun seein that i was bullshitin the whole time and didnt have a gun myself:roll: but i guess he beleived me:mrgreen:

but I wouldnt do anything for real that would end u up in prison, its just money man.

plus its easy money not like u slaved for it.


New Member
I had some gangmembers stick a gun to my head for weed once.You feel like a victim for a mintue, but you have to remember, everyone gets ripped off sometime.


Well-Known Member
I had some gangmembers stick a gun to my head for weed once.You feel like a victim for a mintue, but you have to remember, everyone gets ripped off sometime.
yeah. i got taken for a grand once. had to stop helping friends out for a while. couple months later my roommate got taken by the DEA. blessing in disguise, if you ask me.

this case is different though. i had zero recourse, as i would never use or carry a gun for anything but hunting or defense of my home. he has a definite avenue.


Well-Known Member
i don't even know where to find these people i've helped. fake addresses and disconnected phone lines.


New Member
yeah. i got taken for a grand once. had to stop helping friends out for a while. couple months later my roommate got taken by the DEA. blessing in disguise, if you ask me.

this case is different though. i had zero recourse, as i would never use or carry a gun for anything but hunting or defense of my home. he has a definite avenue.
Craigslist his house if you know where he lives. Say "moving" everything is free pending pickup"


Well-Known Member
letting everyone know that person is a thief will help you i once parked my car outside the house of the kid who tried to rob me for an ounce i just sat there and chilled his mom came up from work an i straight up told her hey that thing you call your son owes me money and im not leaving until i get it 5 minutes later she comes out with my money , sad thing is the worm didnt have the courage to give it to me himself and say sorry


Well-Known Member
Craigslist his house if you know where he lives. Say "moving" everything is free pending pickup"
That's a last resort if you know you're getting nothing out of it. Wasn't there something on one of these forums about someone that got arrested for doing that? Funny as hell. I'd love to get that shit on tape!

I didn't know who exactly it was. I walked into the wrong place with a grand burning a hole in my pocket, and they knew it. White boy knew better than to go back there demanding my money. Sometimes it's just better to suck it up and move on.


Well-Known Member
First rule of business: Money first, period.

Sorry to say it dude but you got ripped, I'd cut my losses and learn from it.. We've all trusted someone just a little too much at least once in our life.


Well-Known Member
sorry, i can't possibly read through all your threads. just too much action.

so what's on your agenda for breeding atm?


F1a X F1a, F1a X F1b, F1b X F1b, F2a X F2a, F2a X F2b, F2b X F2b, F3 X F1a, F3 X F1b.

hijack X low ryder:

yet to be determined. 4 low ryders started along with all the hijack. gonna call it "low jack". :hump::hump:



Well-Known Member

F1a X F1a, F1a X F1b, F1b X F1b, F2a X F2a, F2a X F2b, F2b X F2b, F3 X F1a, F3 X F1b.

hijack X low ryder:

yet to be determined. 4 low ryders started along with all the hijack. gonna call it "low jack". :hump::hump:

nice. are you isolating different phenos or trying to stabilize?

what is hijack, anyway? i've heard mention of it only on these boards.


Well-Known Member
lo jack. that's good.

so are you trying to make an autoflowering hijack, or breed in small size?


Well-Known Member
First rule of business: Money first, period.

Sorry to say it dude but you got ripped, I'd cut my losses and learn from it.. We've all trusted someone just a little too much at least once in our life.

oh, i didn't get ripped. :mrgreen::mrgreen: IMG_3106.jpg

they know they wronged me. they have to sleep with themselves every night, forever. :blsmoke:

a dude i worked with for 5 years owes me 50 lousy dollars from 6 months ago. i stop by my old job to talk to another friend. dude sees me coming and hides. he has the cash but it's been so long he's afraid to approach me. my other buddy says "just go ask him for your money". i said "dude knows he owes me money. why should i have to ask for it"? i know he feels like a dick for not paying me. that's good enough for me. :mrgreen: