So Cal cup. who's going ?

This Sour Dubb is 50.25%.. .. 10x better than GG#4

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Im just kidding about the THC% to those that are not mentally challenged.
sour dub is just ok i wouldnt put up the farm for it like POgenetic claims its just okay but if its way way better than gorilla glue man im way of this i wont even try it THEN!!! thanks for the info...hahah i just seen the mentaly chanllenged part.. ya cuz the sour dub sucks in my book..
The other cuts of GG are pretty stony. It's not like it's schwag or anything. Just different phenotypes. I know the legit source who brought it into Cali. They are good, they just aren't on the same level as the #4 test. We are consistently getting 30% tests on the #4 cut. If you can get a test like that I'll believe it's the real cut. But "I smoked it and got high" doesn't make it the real #4 cut.

It's entirely possible you have the real cut, how would I know. I'm just saying every single grower I've met who's running glue swears they have the real cut and so far they've all come back testing 18%-24% and when I saw the buds they were all clearly a different pheno.
This guy cracks me up ... egg on his face but hes still trying to talk in circles.
I never said that. Dont put words in my mouth. I siad there are hundreds or thousands of REAL!!!!!!!! cuts out not fake.... The cuts at the LA cup where not fake. They where sick or a virus or parasites... There where less than 50 at the most that had this issue. No one knows what it is. There calling them Duds. Not all had the same issue. some had other issues ....the Sour Dubb thats in the gg#4 has the same anomaly called duds.. These are plants that don't produce any tric's and the plants dont have any aroma. Get with the program... Stop winning about what you can and cant do. You are not any kind of Expert. If this is your profession I would fire you...Your a legend in your own mind a fool to the rest of us.

Using my special internet Jedi night powers these flowers are 40.6% LMAO...

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Damn Hammer, that is some beautiful looking (fake) Gorilla Glue!
I don't put much stock into the test. it means nothing to me. The test are not accurate IMO. 1 lab gives you 20% the next gives you 25% it's all bullshit. I only care about the Terpenes profile...There are more poor growers then great growers. Commercial growers wont have the same quality as a small operation will. They want Yield over quality.. QUOTE]
Very well said and I been telling peeps this for years lol.
You take 5 samples from the same batch (or from 1 large bud) to 5
different labs and you will get 5 different results no doubt.
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Lol. Now hes an expert. An expert that thinks that a cut cant vary from garden to garden and test at different percentages of thc

No where did I ever say anything similar to that.

Dan, have you ever grown weed or is all your experience vending?

I've done literally everything in the weed industry professionally other than edibles cook. Yes, I've grown a lot of weed professionally.

Dans claim of 99% of the glue cuts being fake is bullshit. Where do you get those numbers Dan? From the top of your head?Theres no way you know enough people or see enough people coming to your shop to even begin to make an assumption that only 1% of the cuts are genuine.

You have to understand that I see more varieties of weed in a month than you will likely see in a lifetime. Hundreds of pounds come across my desk. My job is to evaluate them. That absolutely does give me a better perspective on what's what than looking at pictures of them. I've seen tons of "Gorilla Glue" come across my desk. Not a single one has been the same cut Hammerhead has. I know this because I have the bud that came from the same cut he has. To claim that most of the cuts going around are the same one as he has is simply a lie. To claim you can evaluate a bud from a picture on the internet is simply ignorant. You can't do it.

Lol more people have the glue than there are people that have heard of you or your dispensary.

So more than 25,000 people have the "real" gorilla glue cut? Because that's how many separate patients we've seen this year. I find that hard to believe.

And you can NOT verify a cut with the test youre doing. If that was the case, there wouldn't be talks of dna testing to id og cuts. They'd just send all the samples to expert dumbass dan and be done with it.

I can definitely tell fake cuts from real when I'm sitting there with the real right next to me.

Please enlighten me on how you are better able to evaluate what cuts are going around California. Because you read a thread on ICmag?
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Why a scientific test won't tell you:
1. Terpenes change from grower to grower with the same cut, any experienced grower knows this. Factors include; nutrients used, additives, synthetic vs organic, and flush time.
2. Other grow factors (and prior mentioned ones) also effect thc percentages, such as light intensity, air ventilation, and tempature.

the end.

..... yet and still. your a dumbass.
I sure am good at making friends :)

Actually Dan I do consider you my friend. If not for you and Collective Gardener I would have lost my first harvest back in 2011/2012. I came to Cannabis in an attempt to stop killing myself after 22 years on 120 mg/day of Morphine. Remember when Rodan fell through my NFT tube and killed her upstream sister? LOL that was when CG got me to move to soilless.

Anyway I see a change in you. But I also understand the why of it. I got pretty hard too in the medical industry. I also agree that seeing many examples of something gives one a different perspective.

I do not agree with everything you say but I am pretty proud of myself for having enough knowledge to at least begin to sort out the material to keep and leave because I have been growing a few years now. So I understand your content, delivery, cynicism and the why behind it and I sincerely wish you well and still hope to meet you one day.

Good lord. This is almost as bad as the GSC debates!

I'd be willing to bet you that it is going to get worse as the gold rush continues and the world economy continues it's descending spiral.

Has it really devolved into grammar attacks?

Don't make me post a meme, goddammit.
The guy called him a dumbass and Dan corrected his grammar. Seems pretty even handed to me LOL but I love internet memes so don't let me stop you. Dan can take care of himself, and I'm not his apologist.
A genome test is the ONLY way to show if one plant is related to, or the same as, another. THC and terpene tests can't tell you a cuts genetic structure, a genome test can. If Dan was truly the expert he claims to be, he would have known this. Thumbs down, Kone-head.
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A genome test is the ONLY way to show if one plant is related to, or the same as, another. THC and terpene tests can't tell you a cuts genetic structure, a genome test can. If Dan was truly the expert he claims to be, he would have known this. Thumbs down, Kone-head.

Right well unless everyone wants to get their bud genome tested I have to rely on the information available.

I love how people who claim they can identify phenotypes by a picture on the internet won't accept lab testing. Really well thought out there buddy. Good job.
Actually Dan I do consider you my friend. If not for you and Collective Gardener I would have lost my first harvest back in 2011/2012. I came to Cannabis in an attempt to stop killing myself after 22 years on 120 mg/day of Morphine. Remember when Rodan fell through my NFT tube and killed her upstream sister? LOL that was when CG got me to move to soilless.

Anyway I see a change in you. But I also understand the why of it. I got pretty hard too in the medical industry. I also agree that seeing many examples of something gives one a different perspective.

I do not agree with everything you say but I am pretty proud of myself for having enough knowledge to at least begin to sort out the material to keep and leave because I have been growing a few years now. So I understand your content, delivery, cynicism and the why behind it and I sincerely wish you well and still hope to meet you one day.

Well thank you. Appreciate the kind words. As far as me changing, it's what seeing diva vendors for 40 hours a week will do to you. I've stopped accepting bullshit from people and say what I know to be true regardless of how unpopular it makes me or how many people disagree with me. I know for a fact what I'm saying is true because I see the evidence every day.
Right well unless everyone wants to get their bud genome tested I have to rely on the information available.
Everyone, please notice that even though he tries to dismiss my assertion with his condescending comment, he quietly agrees with it. He knows I'm right, but can't admit it, so he has to try to belittle me, in order to save face.

I love how people who claim they can identify phenotypes by a picture on the internet won't accept lab testing. Really well thought out there buddy. Good job.
No one said that they wouldn't accept lab testing, what they said was that THC/Terpene tests were not an accurate way to distinguish genetics, and they're absolutely right. A genome test is the only way to do that, as stated above.

You can keep dancing around what people actually said, and fudging the facts, to help feed your ego, but we all know you're wrong. You're as much of a cannabis expert as Paris Hilton is a musical genius. Just because someone works in a specific field doesn't mean that they're actually good at it.
Right. Because I told the truth about it. My bad.

You havent really done that though, youve told half truths that are misleading and just outright wrong then told the people who know best whats happened that they dont know whats out there and because real/good glue doesnt come across your desk it doesnt exist?
Like first they were fakes, then it was differrent phenos some just better than
Dude just give up on this one we all talk ourselves into a hole, just stop diggin.
Maybe I can solve your missing quality glue mystery...
I bet you pay top dollar 2800 a unit right? Thats why you wont be seeing any good glue across your desk. Ya know I hear the same bs from dispensary owners all the time... crying about they cant find quality. Yet when something comes across their desk they wanna low ball you out of sheer greed.
They never see the quality cause when you hear a real top dollar price the phone call/conversation ends
So the real bomb never makes it to your desk.
Assuming your like 98% of dispo owners.
If not then you will have to forgive the generalization but im sure you can understand it.