So Cal cup. who's going ?

Ya know I hear the same bs from dispensary owners all the time... crying about they cant find quality. Yet when something comes across their desk they wanna low ball you out of sheer greed.
They never see the quality cause when you hear a real top dollar price the phone call/conversation ends
Assuming your like 98% of dispo owners.
If not then you will have to forgive the generalization but im sure you can understand it.

Very well said. Bravo!
You havent really done that though, youve told half truths that are misleading and just outright wrong then told the people who know best whats happened that they dont know whats out there and because real/good glue doesnt come across your desk it doesnt exist?
Like first they were fakes, then it was differrent phenos some just better than
Dude just give up on this one we all talk ourselves into a hole, just stop diggin.
Maybe I can solve your missing quality glue mystery...
I bet you pay top dollar 2800 a unit right? Thats why you wont be seeing any good glue across your desk. Ya know I hear the same bs from dispensary owners all the time... crying about they cant find quality. Yet when something comes across their desk they wanna low ball you out of sheer greed.
They never see the quality cause when you hear a real top dollar price the phone call/conversation ends
So the real bomb never makes it to your desk.
Assuming your like 98% of dispo owners.
If not then you will have to forgive the generalization but im sure you can understand it.
Dam!!!!!!!!! Any real dank ill pay 32 34 bit it better be fucken DANK AND IT BETTER BE ALL NUG AND NO SHORT SHIT OR SHAKE SAVE THAT SHIT FOR THE STREETS!! Indoor please and will accept outies
It's okay guys. I still don't have a cut of gg#4.

Can we agree on where to source a legit cut? Bugs optional.

There is only one way to get a legit cut of GG#4. You have to go to Dan Kone. All of the other Cup winning, sticky as hell, 3 pound per light growing, brain freezing, stone cold couch locking, top shelf elite cut priced GG4 producing cuts are fake, fake, fake. Dan has said this many times, except he also says that he didn't say that...many times. it's part of the whole enigma wrapped in a veneer of bullshit thing.

Availability of the cut of true gg4 is dependent on you knowing someone in your area/community who has a cut that they got from someone who got it from someone... ... who got it from the breeder. that close personal knowledge is the key part of knowing it is the real thing.

there are clone vendors in some areas that say they have it but there is a question of reliability in any of those as one of the original provisos in getting a cut was a promise not to allow it to get into the hands of dispensaries. beyond that question of violating the trust of the breeder who released the cut without any personal gain, there are the practical concerns in going to large scale clone vendors and dispensaries about transmission of pests that could contaminate and ruin your whole grow. Not to mention, you have no way of knowing the truth to their claim that it is GG#4--you just have a $10-15 plant in a 4" pot and 3 months or so of growing to find out if they are lying/wrong.

it's a dilemma. how do you get to know someone who has the cut well enough to trust them and for them to trust you well enough to give you the cut? no clue. there are other message boards that have a large group of gg4 growers and you can pick up quite a bit from reading those (yes they are huge, just start with the first 20 or so pages and the last 30 or 40 pages initially.) you'll get an idea who is a reasonable voice about the cut.

Another option is to go to the High Times Cannabis Cups and similar events as many reputable growers and vendors have cuts available at those events. Plenty of people who post on the GG4 forums were at the recent Cup selling gg4 clones for a charity cause, so you can follow thru on that if you are near the San Fran, Denver or the Michigan Cups.

Just use your street smarts. Mom was right: Just because someone on the internet rabidly insists they are the bestest expert on something, like gg4, doesn't mean they are. It usually means they aren't. Trust me, I know. I am the expert on this
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Dam!!!!!!!!! Any real dank ill pay 32 34 bit it better be fucken DANK AND IT BETTER BE ALL NUG AND NO SHORT SHIT OR SHAKE SAVE THAT SHIT FOR THE STREETS!! Indoor please and will accept outies
32 - 34? I produce all dank, all nug... Sign me up!
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Come through I spent all day mostly looking at garbage!! 1 out of 15 people is worth taking to I tell them I dont want pay less i want to pay more but bring dank!!!!! N they swer it is I want to shoot my self I wish there was a but I could push and the people could fall into a pool of alligators
Okay, I appreciate the inbox messages on sourcing a legit gg4 cut for personal use. None of those panned out I do appreciate it and caring like that is what gives me butterflies still.

wall of text

I'm not soapbox for you disputes with others. Thank you for your concerns with the dangers of introducing outside dna into my wet patch. The problems you describe blanket the entire industry sadly. I'm not a commercial grower so i avoid most of the drama and wish to stay out of it. I do however enjoy collecting special genetics for my garden so hence the interest in the gg4 cut (That, shame on me for not picking up when the cut was current last year)
Okay, I appreciate the inbox messages on sourcing a legit gg4 cut for personal use. None of those panned out I do appreciate it and caring like that is what gives me butterflies still.

I'm not soapbox for you disputes with others. Thank you for your concerns with the dangers of introducing outside dna into my wet patch. The problems you describe blanket the entire industry sadly. I'm not a commercial grower so i avoid most of the drama and wish to stay out of it. I do however enjoy collecting special genetics for my garden so hence the interest in the gg4 cut (That, shame on me for not picking up when the cut was current last year)
It may well be that dispensaries supplied by the larger clone companies like Dark Heart Nursery are selling legit clones. I don't have first hand experience with any of that but I believe there's a couple of folks doing side by side grows with the known cut to compare. I think the best odds on getting a cut with the least drama is to attend one of the upcoming Cannabis Cups, if they are at all close to you. Review of GG4 threads will give you some context on who you may rely on to have the cut from the breeder at one of those. Good luck with it
Does anyone here have the real deal aj east coast sour diesel cut? Lots of action in here so I thought id ask.
GG#4 is a clone only strain not possible to have different phenotypes. If you did those are ll fake dude this is such basic stuff I feel I'm talking to some kid that needs his ass wiped. You have no basic breeding knowledge to even have this discussion. Come on over to ICM im sure I can find plenty of people that would love to discuss this with you lol..

So many cuts and s1 going around It's hard to say who has the real cut. All I can say now is if you like what you have that's all that matters.

I guess I'm an idiot for suggesting there are multiple versions of glue going around... My mistake.

Also your information on the GG#1 pheno was very informative. Thank you.
You said diff phenos of gg#4 not GG big difference..There is only 1 version of gg#4.. YOU CANT HAVE DIFFERENT PHENOS OF GG#4!!!!..This is what I have alwys said nothing has changed. .The very 1st plant that JW and Mardogg grew is the same pheno everyone one else has. It will not spontaneously change into a different phenotype. It can look, smell taste different depending on what you do it her while your growing it. If you got gg#4 there all the same. GG#1 is a different pheno from Sour Dubb x Chem Sis x Chocolate Diesel witch is gorilla glue. This has nothing to do with a test proving weather you have a real cut of any strain a test will not do that. . I have no clue why you keep bringing this up..
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You like to dish it out but you don't like the taste. You don't like it then tell your Lackey's that there "Aint no need to be friends". What you guys like me or want to be like me? Why you & your suckers come to my thread so much? Stay the fuck out my shit Nigga.
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