So I Have No Idea What I Am Doing Please Help!


Active Member
So things are going well though I am a but suprised. Out of 3 of the plants the one that looks the smallest it the only one so far that shows what sex it is. I am hoping the bigger one will soon cuz it sucks not knowing espically since i have waited a month and a half to get to this point. If I could get any thoughts or input on how shit is going let me know thanks



Active Member
So here is a update the plant on the left is showing signs of sex and its female. The larger plant in the middle still has no signs and I have been vegging for almost two months but i guess it donesnt start showing in most cases until flowering. The plant on the right is about 3 weeks behind but Its finally starting to bush out a little bit. For my first grow I couldnt really be more pleased! Let me know what you all think. I am going to wait about 4 or 5 more weeks and flower all three of them at the same time!



Active Member
Well the one on the left has white pistols coming out every where I dont really know how because they still are on 18/6


Active Member
Thanks .......yeah I feel pretty good about it seems like they are taking along time but I want them to be really bushy so I can produce more herb


New Member
hmmm, ill have to chaeck mine because im in veg for 2 months now... maybe Ill have a closer look... thats a bit strange though....thanks


Active Member
I tried to post the best pic I could my camera sucks but yeah I dont know why one of my plants is showing are yours isnt sorry bro!



Active Member
I am posting 2 more pics of my biggest plant I am going to try to strech it cause it is really thick you can see all the new growth coming inbetween the existing growth
Dont try to stretch them.. they will do that enough when there budding.. thick plants = more bud. peace