So I listened to people on RIU about flushing....And this happens..


Well-Known Member
I was hearing consistent arguments about flushing, especially when growing in soil organically, and how it is a waste of time and actually hurts the plants somewhat.

I am not the type of person to shrug off others advice, so I considered it scientifically, and it does make sense that the plants will need, or at least suffer without, nutrients in the late stages of flowering.

This was my first harvest to not flush, and let me go ahead and say, everything was grown in Happy Frog, and the only food I used was Seaweed/Fish Emulsion, about 4 times during flowering, up into the last 2 weeks.

Every single bit of my herb from this harvest burns roughly, and the ash stays completely black when the bowl is completely smoked. All of the medicine is much more flavorful, but also much more harsh to inhale. These meds have been curing for 2 weeks, where as the smoother medicine I had before I never even had time to cure. It actually hurts to smoke my meds to the points I just want to bake with it or give it all away. And I would if it didn't look and taste so good.

Maybe some people have more sensitive lungs than others, maybe my methods are flawed, or maybe the old school advice of a solid 2-3 week flush to rid the excess salts and minerals from the soil is actually sound advice.

Long story short, I'm starting to flush my plants again. I will feed up until 3 weeks away from harvest, and vigorously flush like I used to do from here on out. Just wanted to share a story, maybe hear what you guys think? Anybody had similar or different experiences?

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Keep them always wanting more and you'll never have to flush. Meaning, give way less than what the company recommends. Also, check your PH every time you feed. I think PH is more important than any lighting/growing technique. I split the difference on this subject. I only flushing right before I switch from veg to flower so I can try to get that Nitrogen out of there. Lastly, you don't want to suffocate the roots with water they need to breath as well so I try to be nice to them.
i like tomatoes my wife does not, its a personal thing. some flush and some dont. In my mind flushing does not do much harm is its the last few weeks anyways and what has grown isnt going to be harmed and it will in fact make the plant a little better using the last available energy till everything is gone. But thats just me


Well-Known Member
i like tomatoes my wife does not, its a personal thing. some flush and some dont. In my mind flushing does not do much harm is its the last few weeks anyways and what has grown isnt going to be harmed and it will in fact make the plant a little better using the last available energy till everything is gone. But thats just me
Not really. Well in your mind, but not in real life. If you knew you were coming to an end, would you want to fed. Or left to starve? My girls pack on weight until the last day. I am organic and I am speaking for organic when i say there is no need to flush. I understand wanting to flush salts from synthetic grows and i understand why. but this is pointless in organic like he is.


New Member
Most times not when herb burns odd and uneven its due to uneven drying and moisture content .. I have seen this in flushed and unflushed meds times after time .. The cure and remedy usually is found within the proper Rh when drying the herb . Sorry to hear of the dilema , I never flush but of course I do cut back on the nutrients to a minimal when they are finishing up , usually around 200-300 ppm .. None the less I have my bad times when I am lazy or busy and allow the Rh to drop low while drying and it always ends up in the hash and oil pile when I do this .. Peace

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
Doesn't the most bud growth and overall production happen within the last few weeks? I've always noticed by buds getting bigger in the last 2 or 3 weeks of harvest. Last available energy? They have all the energy they need until you chop them shits! Avoid nute abuse!

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
I was hearing consistent arguments about flushing, especially when growing in soil organically, and how it is a waste of time and actually hurts the plants somewhat.

I am not the type of person to shrug off others advice, so I considered it scientifically, and it does make sense that the plants will need, or at least suffer without, nutrients in the late stages of flowering.

This was my first harvest to not flush, and let me go ahead and say, everything was grown in Happy Frog, and the only food I used was Seaweed/Fish Emulsion, about 4 times during flowering, up into the last 2 weeks.

Every single bit of my herb from this harvest burns roughly, and the ash stays completely black when the bowl is completely smoked. All of the medicine is much more flavorful, but also much more harsh to inhale. These meds have been curing for 2 weeks, where as the smoother medicine I had before I never even had time to cure. It actually hurts to smoke my meds to the points I just want to bake with it or give it all away. And I would if it didn't look and taste so good.

Maybe some people have more sensitive lungs than others, maybe my methods are flawed, or maybe the old school advice of a solid 2-3 week flush to rid the excess salts and minerals from the soil is actually sound advice.

Long story short, I'm starting to flush my plants again. I will feed up until 3 weeks away from harvest, and vigorously flush like I used to do from here on out. Just wanted to share a story, maybe hear what you guys think? Anybody had similar or different experiences?
Thats your dry and cure, not nutes.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Keep them always wanting more and you'll never have to flush. Meaning, give way less than what the company recommends. Also, check your PH every time you feed. I think PH is more important than any lighting/growing technique. I split the difference on this subject. I only flushing right before I switch from veg to flower so I can try to get that Nitrogen out of there. Lastly, you don't want to suffocate the roots with water they need to breath as well so I try to be nice to them.
this is the proper trick to flushing . . . .but i still fade my plants with amended water for 14 days plus, my shit is always smooth as hell . . .i mean wtf i have patients . . only people who dont smoke there own product chop without a ramp down of nutes or flush/leach

in coco i drown my plants , not really , but i keep em wet . . . .2.25 a 1k is alright, without Co2 and today i just got Co2 . . im gonna kill it this next run


Well-Known Member
yeah man you need to flush ..i dont know who would have been saying not to..bad advice.Even with organics you need a week to 10 days.Yes the plant does suffer in the last week or 2 without nutrients.But what it does is, it takes its enegery from the leaves ..thats why they go yellow at the end ,if youve done it right..You need to withhold the nurtrients for a week or 2 at the end so that the plant uses them all up and they wont be presnt in your finished buds..


Well-Known Member
yeah man you need to flush ..i dont know who would have been saying not to..bad advice.Even with organics you need a week to 10 days.Yes the plant does suffer in the last week or 2 without nutrients.But what it does is, it takes its enegery from the leaves ..thats why they go yellow at the end ,if youve done it right..You need to withhold the nurtrients for a week or 2 at the end so that the plant uses them all up and they wont be presnt in your finished buds..
I do not prefer my leaves to be almost dead at harvest. i don't mind my plants "THRIVING" throughout their life time. Why starve them. I mean hell there is no way you can flush a true in-ground outdoor grow.The purpose of curing is to do what you are saying and drying as well. Tell me the Most major benefit from flushing before harvest. Just one ?


Well-Known Member
yeah man you need to flush ..i dont know who would have been saying not to..bad advice.Even with organics you need a week to 10 days.Yes the plant does suffer in the last week or 2 without nutrients.But what it does is, it takes its enegery from the leaves ..thats why they go yellow at the end ,if youve done it right..You need to withhold the nurtrients for a week or 2 at the end so that the plant uses them all up and they wont be presnt in your finished buds..
Flushing is a medium correction in soil for those who overdo it with nutrients, not a necessity.

Why in God's green earth would you want to drown beneficial organisms and strip your medium during the most critical phase?.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Flushing is a medium correction in soil for those who overdo it with nutrients, not a necessity.

Why in God's green earth would you want to drown beneficial organisms and strip your medium during the most critical phase?.
flushing doesnt always mean leaching

i run coco in smart pots(fabric), and i dont run to waste ever (plant could be 2 years old, very little water would have ever left its substrate) . .i just add a little nutrients and then sometimes add a little PHed water, always keeping my medium wet, but in the right temp zone as well, medium temp 64-70


Well-Known Member
flushing doesnt always mean leaching
I use exclusively slow release granule, organic nutes, and always transplant a week or 2 prior to flipping plants. So there really isn't enough time to build-up anything.

However, all of us containing plants is against nature to begin with. I also do in-grounds, and nature has her way of flushing the earth.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I use exclusively slow release granule, organic nutes, and always transplant a week or 2 prior to flipping plants. So there really isn't enough time to build-up anything.

However, all of us containing plants is against nature to begin with. I also do in-grounds, and nature has her way of flushing the earth.
nice alf alfa and green sand and shit, ever look at bio gro or bio heaven , two very good products i have used in the past, i got abunch of bio bizz i need to use and RO 707