So many LED choices

Not even close. Stick with the 1000W if those are your options.
I guess my options are technically unlimited. Not really budget limited. I was looking at the kingbrite/meiju lights or whatever because I don't like paying retail for anything if I can at all avoid it. But I do expect to run my HPS for another year or so because I've got 2 fresh HPS bulbs kicking around.

Who knows what the latest and greatest will be in a year or 2...
Yeah, everything is more expensive up here. It bites sometimes. We can get cheaper from the US but than half the time they screw you on duty, brokerage fees and taxes.
Not that many people do anymore, but I love reading; you should see the prices of books compared to the US it's absolutely insane
In all seriousness though this HLG is catching my eye. I
I'm stuck in the noob section, maybe the indoor-led too much shit in here to read lol..
I did notice he stopped answering; he may have jittered his phone out of his hand and broken it; or sold it for more Draino and cold pills.

Nah That’s all he ever does is throw a jab and run away.
Next dilemna lol. HLG does not appear to be guaranteeing delivery dates currently because of this virus.
While I'm in zero rush, I don't want to wait 2 months for dropping 5-6 bills either.
Just got my 600 from them a couple months ago, had it within a week. That was long into this virus. I can't see a long wait. If you do go that way email HLG Canada, tell them the light you want and that there is a 10% coupon on RIU that doesn't work. They will give you a 10% off custom coupon to use. Save a few bucks anyway
30w per sq ft minimum for LED so you want at least 750w for a 5x5. There are much better options for a 5x5 space then a bunch of SF1000’s though. What’s your budget?

HLG uses top bin diodes, a much better finned heatsink, and Meanwells slightly better HLG driver compared to the Meanwell XLG the SF uses.
I stand corrected, I replaced 1000 HPS with 600 rspec but I put it in a 4x4. You are right, no good for 5x5.
Just got into this last year with it being legalized in Canada; I'm glad I didn't start with wasting money on those shitty blurbles I see everywhere. I'm just growing smoke for me and the wife, maybe throw some at the boys once in a while; don't need top grade bud as much as I'd LOVE to grow it
Yessir I work in the legal commercial industry in Humboldt county.
Then growing at home I have more fun with. My own built living organic soil but still much to learn. Also experimenting with spectrums alot as well. I just got a veg tent as well and can't wait to go perpetual. I give out way too much free weed as well but love to get peoples input. I like to think it will never be perfect and always something to learn and critique.