So someones tryin to robb my plants!!

Dr High

Well-Known Member
ok, then just shoot him in the head. :roll:

it's a joke. giving a GREAT impression of growers though.
LMAO!:hump: thats the way to do it. i can buy an uzi up here... but i wouldnt want to. there illegal. fuc kthe weapons man on man.


Well-Known Member
by the way there is no assult to a minor cuzz im only 18 turning nineteen so its fair game. If i do get cops called worst case is the plants will be moved off my property for the time being and the 2 planted in the ground will be dugg up and potted until the heat settles

knock, knock
who is it?
police dept.
give me 20 mins. i got something to do.

i love you


my wife brought me home a small wind up powered radio today. she suggested putting it in the tent i have set up out back. turn the radio on and place it in the tent. done. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
but the thing is if i did go as far as hurtin the fuck on my property then i would know and by the time he were to call the police i would have the plants all dugg up and off my property before they even knocked on my door lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah i might just got out there and digg that big cocksucker up and plant it in a tub, case closed,that way i can put it somewhere safe at night and its not like someones gonna fuck with it during daytime. I just dont want to have it go to shit just becuase i dugg it up.


Well-Known Member
yo that tent idea is sick...never thought of that, that way some punk will think someones just sleeping out there to guard their shit lol. even just a tent alone is enough to scare someone away because you never know if theres actually someone in there lol. runn an extention cord out there are have the radio goin, light on etc...


Well-Known Member
yo that tent idea is sick.

I vote tent with a rifle sticking out of it..with some leds shinning during the night..That should pretty good..The brain storming for this Op is fuckin phenomenal!


Well-Known Member
maybe ill digg them up in a week or 2 that way i can protect them from the punks and frost at the same time. I can hit 2 birds with one stone. Do you think i'll really lose that much grow time if they are dug up and put into tubs?


Well-Known Member
maybe ill digg them up in a week or 2 that way i can protect them from the punks and frost at the same time. I can hit 2 birds with one stone. Do you think i'll really lose that much grow time if they are dug up and put into tubs?

if you dig around them and don't hurt the roots to bad they should be ok. dig as far and a deep around them as possible. the sooner the better.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I still like my electric fence idea I posted way back when this started but maybe add a party strobe light with a motion dector and timer.They get close the strobe light kicks on like a police light for maybe a minute or 2 then off byt then they are a block away pissing on them selves.The fence though always made me think twice til this day lol


Well-Known Member
this thread is hilarious.. but i have to agree with the electric fence.. i lived on a dairy farm when i was younger... my brother dared me to whiz on the fence so i did... i'll never forget that day... ever... but its a good idea.. the shock from the fence is more of a scare than anything if he were to touch it.. tingles pretty good.. but in no way is it gunna send him to the ER bleedin like a stuck pig


Well-Known Member
I like the motion detector / shotgun idea. might want to put rocksalt in your first shot.

Remember- shooting a firearm is serious business, and in most areas you will go to prison for shooting someone in your yard unless they have a firearm and are threatening your life ( usually they need to be in your home ). Guard your grow responsibly.And if your grow is illegal, you really can't shoot at all or you will swing.


Well-Known Member
Mabey just wait for the guy to show up, and smoke him out...? Love before war, and if you happen to lace the bowl with a tranquilizer, and take him out to the middle of the city and drop him off on the road side without any cloths and painted purple. Well, ya know...


Well-Known Member
NO MOTION DETECTOR LIGHTS (This will give away the positions of a PACK of dogs, and dogs can see well at night :) Keep all the lights off, and a fuckin PACK of fuckin dogs. No defense you setup that isn't a scary, druling mean mofuckn dog will work to the death. I know a spot that puts out Skunk regularly, you can smell it from the fuckin main road like it shot up your nostrils and stung you.... all they use is dogs.. no lights though... :) DOGS


Well-Known Member
nice, i wish i had a dog that big,nobody would fuck with your shit. Pretty much any dog will do tho because when someone hears loud barking their prolly gonna leave. I still like the tent idea tho, set up a tent in your back yard, run an extention cord with radio running and maybe a light, when some lil punk sees that their gonna jett.