So someones tryin to robb my plants!!


Well-Known Member
well i went out there and dug that big fucker up and put it in a large tub, now its so heavey i can barley move the fuckin thing lol. I just hope i didn't shock the plant too much when some of the roots broke, It was hard to dig way around it because there where alot of rocks in the ground and the dirt kept falling apart. Any suggestions to getting it back to full health ASAP?


Well-Known Member
well i went out there and dug that big fucker up and put it in a large tub, now its so heavey i can barley move the fuckin thing lol. I just hope i didn't shock the plant too much when some of the roots broke, It was hard to dig way around it because there where alot of rocks in the ground and the dirt kept falling apart. Any suggestions to getting it back to full health ASAP?

is it sick looking. why do you assume it's not healthy?


Well-Known Member
It just looks like its wilting abit, its still nice dark green leaves. its been budding for 2 weeks now, alot of white hairs. Any ideas? lots of sunlight might help.


Well-Known Member
You should always thoroughly water and mist the leaves it if you havent already. The leaf watering will help it uptake water if the roots are damaged.

You should plant a hibiscus or something outside in its place so if those punks come back to steal it and its dark them might just rip it out of the ground and take off, only to get home and realize that they have a hibiscus.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
the plants has got lots of water on the leaves since its been raining here for 2 days straight and ive been watering it throughly. you think it''ll be fine? looks good other than the wilting, we'll find out in a couple of days.


New Member
Hey Buddy! You did the right thing to dig it up 'cause they probably would have either ripped you off OR got you busted.

YES big dogs work GREAT! My shepherd is a perfect watch dog. She can be quite aggressive when I need her to be.

My recommendation to you is to keep the plant in the shade for the first couple of days. Do not put it in full sun as this is too much stress too soon. In a couple of days the wilting will stop and then you can put the plant back in the sun.

NOTE: To put a plant in full sun after transplanting is not a good idea.

Good luck with it. :weed:I would be really furious if someone tried ripping me off also. :wall::x:cuss::cuss:


Active Member
:bigjoint: I read all of these replies and I gotta tell you people! This year has been the most frustrating time I've had watching, recording, listening, BB gunnin, paintball shooting, laser pointing time ever!!!


But that electric fence deal is the shit and next year I'm growing "ELECTRIC BUD!" Oh yeah!!! Sweet!

You see I had my plants stolen two years back and man I'm still not over it!! So I totally enjoyed reading these replies and all the good ideas! I agree with a dog which I'm a pitbull guy myself but my area is all tropical rock waterfall n such and my dog just tore it up! Besides he kept jumping in the jacuzzi with my chicks and kept messing up my romantical evenings! Hahaha!!

So yeah no more dog, a buncha stress but hey we all gotta do what we gotta do sometimes right!!

Writing this year off as a very very good year! Sunny California is the place for me!! Take care all and good luck with your green thumbs!!!


Active Member
i had the same problem worrying my cousin was going to rob me i brought mine inside under 1000 hps for the flowering just harvested and there delicous


Active Member
lol...well what would u do???.....the thief prolly would rat....prolly has ratted um out....rats aren't something I deal with lightly.


Well-Known Member
Heavy shit man, I would not kill a human, now teaching them a lesson is something very different.. I don't know why I replied to your comment, except for the gut feeling that I don't think you were joking.