So someones tryin to robb my plants!!


New Member
ok, then just shoot him in the head. :roll:

I would kill
that was ment as a joke. if you are going to use a quote then please use the whole thing. otherwise it makes a MODERATOR to this website look VERY VERY bad, and implys that he would take criminal action for some act of vengance. by saying this and not giving the whole quote like thsi you could get someone into some deep problems.

Originally Posted by fdd2blk
ok, then just shoot him in the head.

it's a joke. giving a GREAT impression of growers though.
~~the whole point to the joke was that people often use misconceived information for assualt upon growers and the war against legalization when really it is really ONLY things like that, that give them ammunition to use against us.


Well-Known Member
it because people use bear traps and kill people that weed is illegal. Nobody needs to die
rationally if you found a big ass bud plant wouldn't you take it?
pLUS you already know they are pot heads so just bring them inside they probably won't
call the police.


Well-Known Member
that was ment as a joke. if you are going to use a quote then please use the whole thing. otherwise it makes a MODERATOR to this website look VERY VERY bad, and implys that he would take criminal action for some act of vengance. by saying this and not giving the whole quote like thsi you could get someone into some deep problems.

Originally Posted by fdd2blk
ok, then just shoot him in the head.

it's a joke. giving a GREAT impression of growers though.
~~the whole point to the joke was that people often use misconceived information for assualt upon growers and the war against legalization when really it is really ONLY things like that, that give them ammunition to use against us.

thank you my friend.:blsmoke:


Too many brownies
I was watching a show on tv about marijuana and they said one of the main reasons it was crminalized is because they were trying to find reasons to stop immigration from mexico. Most of the Mexicans smoked or sold the stuff so they were busting them all the time for it and they loved it. wow I dotn know why Im even posting this.


New Member
after slavery was abolished Mexican immigrants were the cheapest labor in the south. they made marijuana illegal because the Mexicans liked to smoke it after they got off work. and really that is the way it started. A fucking RACE issue. nowadays though its probably because of a MONEY issue. simply put the government makes TOO much money on the war against marijuana.


Active Member
No Noise, No lights. If the fuckers don't steal anything they might call in an anonymous tip and get your ass locked up. I recommend either moving the plant. Obviously too many people know about your grow, and rule number 1 is to make sure noone knows.

PLAY IT SAFE BRO. Good luck.


Active Member
I told you to give them some and they will leave you alone forever. But every year they will want some more, so grow more to give them. That so easy....


Well-Known Member
i would move them if u showed someone or told someone i would definatly move em and i would try to catch the people in the act and scare the shit outta em


Active Member
haha nothin like diggin up an old thread eh? but if i ever had that problem id move them into pots, wait till they came back and fire a shot into the air. i still woudl keep them inside at night, but scaring the shit outta them would teach them better, and be soooo fun :D


Well-Known Member
i say spray paint a roll of barb wire green and run it through the woods before your yard and fuck them up!


Active Member
yea someone was trying to rob my plants like a year ago and luckly i caught them with two of my friends so i had back up and we kicked the shit out of them they fucking ripped it out of the ground and fucked up the plant so they were garbage i hope those kid lernt a lession but dude you should just leave your dog in the backyard and put lights and and put lots of rope around and tie some across tree and shit so they fall and then your all good dude lol


Active Member
After years of of intense monitoring and still the thieves manage to snatch a plant, I set up the best sting operation that even Steven Spielberg would be proud of. Dogs, cats, pigs, chickens and even the occasional hornets nest would not stop them. Then it came to me in a dream, like a tsunami of the mind altering drugs I have taken my entire life... The answer to beat all answers.....


Active Member
leave shotgun shells lying around and a motion sensor light should do the trick...once these f@ckers see the shells, they wont be back


New Member
What i would do is hang fishing line with a 4 sided hook all around your property.
Maybe have cans attached to the other side so you hear when you've caught a bastard, thats when you pull out the riot gun.