So today i found my local hydro store

flisher her with plain water for 10 days before harvest or water with sugar water or molases water no nutes at all. im thinking you could start this in about a week. it will taste amazing
yeah i was gonna stop the nutes next water was gonna be last then just plain after that till end gettin excited lol
try adding 1 gram of sugar per liter of water for first two waterings after you stop nutes then plain water till the end you will be happy with results
I was going to use mylar but ive becided to go with panda plactic. I wouldnt say there too big of a quality difference because i grew with mylar before but the price difference is amazing
mylar is pretty cheap round here the best stuff is only 3 quid a mtr and i only got 3 mtr so 9 quid to cover little room
Question - what's the sugar for?

i found this for you on another site thought it may explain a little since ledgrower said about it i been doing some research

Good organic soil contains mychorrizae, micro-organisms that benefit the plant by helping the roots absorb nutrients.
Like yeasts, mychorrizae like sugars.
I wouldn't use regular table sugar though. I use unsweetened pineapple juice, other growers use molassas.
You don't need much. During the latter half of flowering I add 1 tablespoon of pineapple juice per gal/water.
Adding sugars especially helps during the "flush", the last 2 weeks before harvest when you stop using fertilizer for good-tasting bud.
Cut this amt. in 1/2 if you are growing in containers, and don't use during veg.
Don't use sugars if you are growing hydro.
i found this for you on another site thought it may explain a little since ledgrower said about it i been doing some research

Good organic soil contains mychorrizae, micro-organisms that benefit the plant by helping the roots absorb nutrients.
Like yeasts, mychorrizae like sugars.
I wouldn't use regular table sugar though. I use unsweetened pineapple juice, other growers use molassas.
You don't need much. During the latter half of flowering I add 1 tablespoon of pineapple juice per gal/water.
Adding sugars especially helps during the "flush", the last 2 weeks before harvest when you stop using fertilizer for good-tasting bud.
Cut this amt. in 1/2 if you are growing in containers, and don't use during veg.
Don't use sugars if you are growing hydro.
I've been unable to find much sugar reference to mychorrizae - most search "hits" come up with stoners on various sites speculating, & that I take with a grain of salt.
Unsulfered black-strap molasses seems to be the most popular for feeding the little beasties.
But then there's this from the Urban Gardener.
"Molasses and other carbs are good for feeding bacteria and other types of fungi. But you don’t need to feed the mycorrhizae. That’s missing the point. The plant feeds them! It’s the exudates from the plant roots that cause the mycorrhizal propagules to germinate. (There are synthetic compounds that cause the mycorrhizae to germinate but they are unnatural, expensive and not commonly available.) You are better off adding products which contain humic acids, organic growers can use high quality organic input."

But to qualify this, I also inoculate my plants with said fungi & later in flower add 1tbsp of Molasses per 5 gallons just to cover the bases.
jorges cervantis or how ever you spell it say to do this in the grow bible. showing buds 25% bigger than with out i use brown sugar in a flush as it contains molases
8 weeks into flower and im sure i can see a few seeds wish i could get pics but they so small i cant capture them but i can clearly see what i think is the start off seeds must say im a bit dissapointed but not that suprised as it was a bagseed
Sorry to say i have chopped her down :( she hermied on me and im not willing to take the chance of it effecting my autos :(

The buds i decided to keep from early harvest due to hermie very airy and a lil immature but hey ho all action on the autos