I am happy for you! You seem comfortable with your sexuality. A person's sexual preference is of no concern to me, and I've never really understood why it would be to anybody else. My original comment had NOTHING to do with OM's sexuality and
I'm not sure how that was inferred. I took issue with his tone towards people's faith. As it's no concern of anybody's what sexual preferences a person has,
the same courtesy should be extended towards a person's faith as long as they are not infringing upon the rights of anyone else, right?
Rubbing things in each others faces talk honestly did sound latently homosexual or like a jab at that, I already explained. I was wrong then, for that I do apologize.
This is a rant, don't waste your time unless you want to actually know why I'm so fired up lately and how it's not directed at you specifically:
And on the second part. Dead wrong. Religion infringes on not just the rights of all of us but all our futures and childrens futures. Not just infringing on rights causing widespread death and the destruction of our country directly.
I think I've been getting too emotional watching too much news and killing, and the effects of religion on our world lately. No perhaps is the wrong word, I certainly have been wound up to a degree never seen before and this previously completely non political person is feeling a call to try to wake people up.
The facts I was specifically getting at about my valid reasons for fighting religion more vocally now even if it means offendingly are simple.
We've been in two pointless wars for what 10 years, with our young dieing for no good reason whatsoever, and at an ever increasing rate. No WMD's, no Al Queda, no bin laden, Iraq never was a threat, afghanistan neither had shit to do with 9/11 where do you begin...
Jihadists are being produced every day at ever increasing rates due to our absolutely insane foreign policy. We now give them them even more reasons to go wild on us more than any extremist training camps ever could have in a million years.The picketing at funerals, defense of marriage, don't ask don't tell fighting, while people exactly like me die for no good reason and as our country dies a horrible financial death etc. They are all religious problems when you look for the root cause.
GWB et al play on religion, and use it as basis for not only person views but foreign policy directly. Most of these two faced tools for example wouldn't have been elected if not for that, just today before my last comment I read of Newt:
"Newt Gingrich says his "not appropriate" behavior tied to his passion for America"
Further in that story he speaks of how he's born again christian now or whatever like now he's good to go to run for president, and still considering it. Luckily nobody's buying it but still...
Religions directly influences our willingness to jump to war, taint most peoples views as far as what candidates get elected, slant our news, fuck up and sane ideas about foreign policy etc etc. God spoke to Bush supposedly... etc.
Religion is the basis for most american's willingness to look the other way at Israels continued theft of Palestinian lands and blatant not even under the radar awful human rights crimes to this day,
which is the number one reason we're going to be facing more death, war, more loss of our liberty, more trillions out the window we certainly don't have, all while merely creating more support for terrorists causes and making us less safe and obviously less stable a country ourselves as an end result. All we had to do years ago was listen to why muslims were starting to hate us and correct it, fix the palestinian issue and stop supporting and creating dictatorships which keep them down, be a good neighbor for a change and we'd have been golden, saved so many lives and so many trillions it's not even funny.
It's the base pretext for "preventative war" or "preemptive war" however you want to say it.
I read the comments on news stories online while I'm watching what's going on in Libya etc, especially yahoo stories or aljazeera english, and so many of the worst comments posted are by americans are clearly religious based and completely full of hate and intolerance while claiming cristianity is the more tolarant, it's all making us look insane yet the accepted norm. see:
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1197Kim E Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:00 pm PST Report Abuse
Imagine a world free of Muslims!
Replies (6)
50Mike Tue Mar 08, 2011 01:28 pm PST Report Abuse
strange how the world kills each other to be called something that essentially means nothing.
61Julian Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:04 pm PST Report Abuse
it's a better world to live in
42Trimmer Tue Mar 08, 2011 08:38 pm PST Report Abuse
@ AA;
That's exactly what most of are imagining. A violence and muslim free world.
36Rand March Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:07 pm PST Report Abuse
No thanks
There was a fellow who imagined a world free of Jews, and most of my mother's family died in Treblinka, Sobibor and Matthausen as a result
There is no "good" genocide
2Thumbs UpThumbs Down8AA Tue Mar 08, 2011 01:17 pm PST Report Abuse
Sorry to disappoint. I'm here to stay. Same goes for the other 1.5 billion followers. Try imagining a world of no violence instead.
00Clayton Bigsby 17 hours ago Report Abuse
aa....your here til your oil runs out....then your people can go back to eating sand and killing each other with swords....go f. a goat....we should nuke the whole f'n area...middle east and n. africa....it has been a cancer on the world since the beginning of time....they still live life like its bc....it would be like pulling off a bandaide...just do it quick and forget about it....
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My friends are dying every day, people I trained with, still... After all this time, and with no point and no progress whatsoever. You sir would get more and more vocal as well.
That my friend, is what you call a small rant. merely the tip of the iceberg and what's worse than all the above is many are pushing for laws against being able to speak out against religions of all types in many parts of the world like there are anti semetism laws now. Just blaming religion for all these problems they started and how stupid it is to be doing all this over imaginary friends could put me in jail so the cycle never ends.
Hence, time to speak up while we still can.
End waste of time rant nobody wanted in this thread anyway. Though it is still pertinent to the discussion in a way since anti polygamy laws are religiously motivated more than anything else.