Give it to your werm brothers to an offering
anything to make them happy and shit-
....dunno....mayb they like pumpkin seeds...i do-
.....lama poop is the best thing to feed werm brothers...they love it!
....and they poop gold for you
i like lots of minerals too--low grade emerald ruby herkamer
if your close to the 'finish' tho....?
-just pure water
.....just water.....
i start at two weeks out.....
-r the leaves yellowing?
-you getting the 'fade'....? --when all the leaves start to turn yellow and the flowers get more and more sparkly....smelly...and sticky
this is when the plant has almost used up all the 'food' in the container.......
imo.....thats what you want
-all the remaining energy goes straight to the flower-
so i always shoot for the 'fade' at the finish .....subcool talks of this-(root bound 20s is how i do it)
-letting the plant use up every bit of remaining amendments it can in the container to finish the flowers
i have outdoor friends believe dont touch the plants ever and when the leaves all turn yellow and fall off the plants ....."done"
r u watching the trichomes?
.....r they at least 'all' milky white.....?
--its personal preference but i always go for milky white and some amber.....for the 'peak' thc content-
.....people will argue this-
just know this old hippie proverb: " ...if you think its done...?....-wait 2more weeks...."
--->patience is the key-all the weight goes on at the end
......patience .....patience......patience.....and wait 2more weeks
he means a 'tea-bag' i think.....??
--old pantyhose work great!
put your material in the nylon or burlap bag (as ive seen) and 'dunk' a tea bag
you are doing this for the bio-char right....?
to 'charge' it-?
......with high N.....bad....bird.....chicken ....cow......plant source....
-high N-for the nitrogen that gets depleted .....first-and quickest
also tea bags are/were the first way they made 'teas' .........

(Not bein facetious

'Vortex brewer' was some science fiction shit-