Organic Against Chemical Growing
The most important factor to consider in marijuana growing is the quality. High quality marijuana plants can only be grown in soil using only biological fertilizers. Buds produced with the use of organic fertilizers are far better tasting than those grown using chemical fertilizers. Buds produced are extremely delicious tasting if grown in an organic soil. Organic farming is also essential if used for medicinal growing purposes.
Plants grown in organic mediums cannot be over-fertilized. Organic fertilizers, compared with chemical fertilizers which are simple to administer, sterile and precise, are not that simple to apply. They also have the tendency to produce pungent and unpleasant odors. With the use of organic fertilizers, harvest will give a bud with a remarkable taste, aroma and potency.
Two of the most effective and widely used organic fertilizers are bat guano and worm castings. These two contain enormous amounts of nutritional content which the plants could use to boost their growth. Worm castings and bat guano are mixed with water and applied two times a week. Critical are these when you want to have a top high quality buds grown in soil with high production. Grab some of these wonderful fertilizers and you will surely be amazed with the results.
It is still debatable among growers that the material the plant uses to grow has the same structure and content no matter which method was use. The only difference, the real one, between organic and inorganic is how the raw materials are supplied for their growth. The will still be using the basic building blocks, molecules from the air and the nutrients, which has the by product, oxygen.
Organic Against Chemical Growing
So what is the difference between organic and inorganic? Organic growing uses larger substances that will be broken down by a system of living organisms from the nutrient solutions that are present in the growing medium, the soil. In inorganic growing however, the nutrients are already broken down into smaller forms that the plant can readily utilize. Some organic components are found in inorganic nutrients. For example, a fertilizer intended for soil has urea nitrogen. Micro-organisms need to break down the nitrogen in the urea nitrogen before the plants could use it. The organisms that will be used to break it down can only survive in the soil, so hydroponic systems cannot use it.
For hydroponic growing, there are also mixtures that are organic and inorganic. No matter which way you will choose to use, you have to be sure that you control what you give your plants to eat and protect them from harmful pesticides and other various chemicals that are being used in the plantation. In cases where in the use of substances with chemicals cannot be avoided, flush your plants properly and thoroughly fro you to be sure to get the same result.
To summarize: Inorganic (with chemicals) vs. Organic-

On Organic/ Chemical Nutrients:
Advantage: allows precise controls and formulations, with high substance availability and purity.
Disadvantage: build up of impurities like heavy metals can be hazardous to health and might have residual taste. Waste on the reservoirs can affect and contaminate the water source from the ground.

On Organic Nutrients:
Advantage: improved aroma, taste and resin with the use of live and beneficial components.
Disadvantage: precise or exact amounts of required nutrients are hard to determine.