So you noobs are hooked on cannabis specific Bloom foods (aka snakeoil)..... eh?

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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
excellent Tio Ben ! what kind of pot that you used for in ground, RootMaker ? or just regular pot ?

Rooting system is very important key for any plants for maxium health and yield as well !

happy gardening.
Regular black commercial pot.


Active Member
So to simplify this for me, to keep the leaves green i use only grow nutes all the way through flower ,or use a combanation of grow and bloom during the flower cycle? ,Im hydro not soil, thankyou for anyhelp


Active Member
I was only after a yes or no with brief input as to why, sorry for not being advanced, being in my first grow, its not easy taking everything in all at once

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I was only after a yes or no with brief input as to why, sorry for not being advanced, being in my first grow, its not easy taking everything in all at once
Would somebody please grab him by the hand and lead him to the link I provided above, post #114.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Sorry ub, but you need to pull your head from where the sun dont shine, what a horrible person you are, then again that can be gathered from the title of this thread.
I spoon feed you little spoiled brats and you still can't read or comprehend. YOU pull yout head out of your ass and YOU do some research.


Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Ya its a pretty basic strategy. Whatever it takes to keep them green and healthy all the way through till harvest. And tons of P during flower aint gonna help, only make things worse....


Well-Known Member
Sorry ub, but you need to pull your head from where the sun dont shine, what a horrible person you are, then again that can be gathered from the title of this thread.
You're on your first grow and you're talking shit to one of the most knowledgeable posters on this (or any) forum? You're not off to a good start. Use your grow and bloom foods with all the additives your plant food company tells you to use and post some pictures of your plants around harvest time. I need a good laugh.


Well-Known Member
What so you can't post to ask a question, maybe I should post telling him how great he is instead
You're asking about hydro in a thread where hazes are being grown outside. You might want to redirect your questions to the appropriate subforum. Then read, read, and read some more. Absorb tips from many-a-grower who are growing at the level that you'd like to be growing at. Mix and match what works best for you.


Well-Known Member
one of the greatest and most respected growers on this entire site?
he's probably forgotten more than you know.

the tittle of this thread speaks by itself... so offensive and closed mind a person is not only what it makes but who he is and this guy is probably a fkin looser.


Well-Known Member
It is alright blocker I tried to have a civil conversation with him and he was just a sarcastic (place any vulgar name here) and wouldn't even answer a single question

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
It is alright blocker I tried to have a civil conversation with him and he was just a sarcastic (place any vulgar name here) and wouldn't even answer a single question
Since political correctness is your forte', may I suggest you and your snot nose buddies get your happy asses down to your local library and do some homework.

This isn't Obama world. I don't owe you shit.

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