Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas


Well-Known Member
Base Soil

1/3 Sphagnum Peat from Premier Peat or Alaska Peat
1/3 Aeration material (pumice)
1/3 EWC

Per Cubic Foot of the Base Soil (1 cubic foot = 7.5 gallons)

3 cup Charcoal (activated)
4 cups Rock Powders (4X Glacial, 1X Bentonite, 1X Oyster Shell, 1X Basalt)

½ Cup Neem Meal (2 g / L)
1 Cup Crab Shell Meal
2 Cups Kelp Meal
2 Cups Fish Meal
2 Cups Fish Bone Meal
1 Cup Sul-Po-Mag
½ Cup Alfalfa

1.5 Cups Montmorillonite clay
1.5 Cups Pyrophyllite Clay

1/2 cup this 3 part lime mix

1 part powdered dolomite lime
1 part agricultural gypsum
2 parts powdered oyster shell

Moisten with Fresh Aloe (2 Tbs Juice with 1 gallon water) and Accelerant Tea (Comfrey, Yarrow, Horsetail or Nettle)

I pre-inoculate with BTI and Nematodes.

Let this rest for 4-5 weeks.


day is going well...bout to smoke a bit and then head into the garden...gotta take some clones etc.

i found the resistance pretty surprising as well...seems people are real stuck in their ways. check out the last few pages of the veganics thread for a laugh...i had to leave after a point cause it was getting too absurd. hard to keep a mellow attitude...

glad you are still hanging around keeping the peace those notes coming? I'm starting to get mine a bit more organized (all in 1 word document..LOL). one day.

beans from swami kushendez on the way...dropped him some $$ for the goodies -

NL#5 x Neville's Haze F3's

TO x BMR Bx1

Blue Orca x NL/haze

excited to say the least...especially after the pictures he's been posting...god damn haha
Dude...that's huge. I've been drooling over his pics for months. I don't say much over there, but always wondered how someone could acquire those fuckin awesome genetics. I'd really love some of those for sure. That's just fuckin great to say the least. Green with envy!!!


Base Soil

1/3 Sphagnum Peat from Premier Peat or Alaska Peat
1/3 Aeration material (pumice)
1/3 EWC

Per Cubic Foot of the Base Soil (1 cubic foot = 7.5 gallons)

3 cup Charcoal (activated)
4 cups Rock Powders (4X Glacial, 1X Bentonite, 1X Oyster Shell, 1X Basalt)

½ Cup Neem Meal (2 g / L)
1 Cup Crab Shell Meal
2 Cups Kelp Meal
2 Cups Fish Meal
2 Cups Fish Bone Meal
1 Cup Sul-Po-Mag
½ Cup Alfalfa

1.5 Cups Montmorillonite clay
1.5 Cups Pyrophyllite Clay

1/2 cup this 3 part lime mix

1 part powdered dolomite lime
1 part agricultural gypsum
2 parts powdered oyster shell

Moisten with Fresh Aloe (2 Tbs Juice with 1 gallon water) and Accelerant Tea (Comfrey, Yarrow, Horsetail or Nettle)

I pre-inoculate with BTI and Nematodes. Let rest for 4 weeks.

Let this cook for 4 weeks.
How do you measure out your cubic feet when you mix your soil? 5 gallon buckets? Only easy way I've done it so far. You and Cootz use the wet measurement for cubic feet to gallons I believe? The dry is about a gallon smaller I think, but I think I'm really just pulling straws at this point. Just wondering...


Well-Known Member
I use dry measurement (6gal = 1cuft roughly)...and I thought cootz did the same. maybe I am mistaken. and yeah, those swami genetics have had me drooling since day one...and after a weekend at the cannabis cup being barraged by seed vendors of questionable value, I knew I had to save my $$$ and invest it in some quality. plus its a way of saying thank you for all of the great things these gentlemen have done for the me, as well as all the folks interested in true cannabis horticulture, not myth based stoner science...

Rrog - jesus! you have that soil recipe down sir. "I pre-inoculate with BTI and Nematodes" - what nematodes and BTI source do you use? curious as usual. and how much does it cost for a bag of clay (either mont/pyro) at a clay supply place? got a few locally...might swing by if the price is right.

also, did you mean let the soil rest for 8 weeks...or was that a double type on accident? also what about the ACT to get things started??? isn't that what MM does????? you know i'm just giving you a hard time...:eyesmoke:.



Well-Known Member
Ha! Morning Cann- It's "Cann in the morning" with coffee. Just 4 weeks total. That was a dupe typo. And so everyone understands I did not create this recipe. Gascanastan and Coot are the geniuses. nematodes. BTI Dunks

Not sure on the clay. Rising Moon just turned me on to a local source so I'm checking it out.

1 Cubic Foot - 7.5 Liquid US Gallons, or 6.6 Dry US Gallons. I use Liquid gallons since that's what is most common, and buckets are based on Liquid Gallons. What a horseshit system the US has...


Well-Known Member
Cann in the just woke up :mrgreen: long night in the grow room. Thanks for that mosquito dunk link...nice prices!! Beats the hell out of my local home depot...or the hydro store LOL where 2 mosquito dunks are $8....

God I hate our measuring soil must be a bit off cause of the 6 gallon measurement..but whatever. Wish I could use metric for everything....

tried to find some studies from that link...

Fungicide and Clay Treatments for Control of Powdery Mildew Influence Wine Grape Microflora
Peter Sholberg, Coleen Harlton, Julie Boule, Paula Haag

From the Abstract: "The clay treatment had no detectable effect on grape micro-flora because no significant differences were recorded between clay or untreated grape berries or leaves on any of the sampling dates"

maybe I need to read some more...


Well-Known Member
So your never used this recipe and your recommending it? I dont understand your reasoning, unless its :"everything cc says is good for my plants" I bet if he told you to poop in your pots youd come on here and reccommend it to everyone. Just Giving you a "hard time" because it says "I pre inculcate with BTI and nematodes".


Well-Known Member
I think you're confusing me with Rrog...

EDIT: also, what did CC do to you to make you so bitter lol...


Well-Known Member
Sorry Cann that was directed at Rrog, actually pretty much all this is.

I just got frazzled when I seen a post in the veganic section saying this guy is using all the methods you guys preach about, when you guys haven't even really used these techniques(Rrog), or even grow pot(Rrog)! CC is a great guy, nothing against him at all. I'm just wondering why you two come on here preaching to the choir when you haven't even done half the shit you suggest! Almost like your trying to gain recognition here for his research. Here you might be considered "Organic Guru's" but at ICmag your just noobs with a bunch of questions, and you copy and paste that crap here. Then you come over here and squawk about it and act all superior to every other organic Gardner on here. I've already noticed a great change in your posts(Cann) since I told you to wise up in the veganic secton, even Rising Moon posts have improved in attitude, so I don't think i'm a bad guy for telling you straight! As long as you guys aren't assholes to every organic guy on RIU(besides the ones who accept your viewpoint on growing) anymore, sure; i'll seem like a jackass in a couple posts. You haven't talked down to anyone since then and I appreciate that. But shit that you guys have been posting "laughing" at every other organic gardners way is ridiculous. I said this before and i'll say it again Their is no right or wrong way, just the organic way. If your growing organic your growing the right way, with out chemicals; healing the earth. One person at a time! Only reason I posted this is because of your punk little edit comment, otherwise I would've ignored it like I usually do, but enough was enough. Glad your attitude in posts has changed(i'll take credit for that! thank you!). Again Cann, thank you for putting your activist side away the pass couple days, but now you need to grow up.

Cann get on your knee's. kiss-ass
Rrog should be online soon to defend you. This should be fun bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I've used 95% of this soil recipe for growing weed. You've seen the evolution of this recipe on IC yourself. I have always said I am just a messenger

You will see my signature for the continuous credit for my posts. I sell and gain nothing when I post.

When I have issue with a grower, I think you'll find it is either over scientific accuracy or the in-expense of this grow method vs. the expense of buying bottles. If you find some inaccuracy, please be sure and tell me.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Sorry Cann that was directed at Rrog, actually pretty much all this is.

I just got frazzled when I seen a post in the veganic section saying this guy is using all the methods you guys preach about, when you guys haven't even really used these techniques(Rrog), or even grow pot(Rrog)! CC is a great guy, nothing against him at all. I'm just wondering why you two come on here preaching to the choir when you haven't even done half the shit you suggest! Almost like your trying to gain recognition here for his research. Here you might be considered "Organic Guru's" but at ICmag your just noobs with a bunch of questions, and you copy and paste that crap here. Then you come over here and squawk about it and act all superior to every other organic Gardner on here. I've already noticed a great change in your posts(Cann) since I told you to wise up in the veganic secton, even Rising Moon posts have improved in attitude, so I don't think i'm a bad guy for telling you straight! As long as you guys aren't assholes to every organic guy on RIU(besides the ones who accept your viewpoint on growing) anymore, sure; i'll seem like a jackass in a couple posts. You haven't talked down to anyone since then and I appreciate that. But shit that you guys have been posting "laughing" at every other organic gardners way is ridiculous. I said this before and i'll say it again Their is no right or wrong way, just the organic way. If your growing organic your growing the right way, with out chemicals; healing the earth. One person at a time! Only reason I posted this is because of your punk little edit comment, otherwise I would've ignored it like I usually do, but enough was enough. Glad your attitude in posts has changed(i'll take credit for that! thank you!). Again Cann, thank you for putting your activist side away the pass couple days, but now you need to grow up.

Cann get on your knee's. kiss-ass
Rrog should be online soon to defend you. This should be fun bongsmilie

Lol, I guess I was too medicated to realize you were talking to us in the veganic thread... No need to serve me humble pie, I've been doing my thing for years and will continue...

Come check out my garden anytime. I'll feed you all the food I grow, from seeds I saved. And I'll smoke you down with some herb I pollen chucked and grew with my "holier than thow" sorry I'm a passionate earth geek soil mix.

Speak for yourself. And chill out everyone.


Well-Known Member
is the agsil back in stock on that link you supplied a while back? hmmm...

spliff...lets agree to disagree. there is no "one way" with organics, but people trying to be "veganic" just bugs me...always has and always will. it's a matter of terminology more than anything...

I like what rising moon said. We're passionate least I am. The type of person to get run out of a hydro store for asking too many questions. If I believe something is right, I am going to stand up for it and explain to others why I feel that way. Same if I feel something is wrong. My eyes have been opened in the last few months, and I am happy to share that information with others. I am by no means preaching methods I have not used...come check out the garden if you think any differently. Guess I need to start a new grow journal. The fact that we might be considered "gurus" over here and noobs on IC tells you something about the status of RIU right now...we are just trying to spread the good word to those who are missing out.

lets set all the beef aside and continue to be productive..we are all trying to help here, some of us have more patience than others LOL. that being said, spliff - we don't need a referee. the tone of your posts lately has been very maternal..and don't think that you have changed our ways with your magical posts haha...take credit for what??? the fact that I havent posted in a day or two? nothing to do with you buddy...

so who has tried a coconut h2o foliar?


Well-Known Member
The Agsil was back in stock earlier this week. I learned about the coconut water after my last round was already in flower. So I haven't tried it. Everyone who has, and many have posted pics, really rave about the near-instant results.

Cann- How'd you make out with that snip of Aloe?


Well-Known Member
For the sake of asking, when would I apply this coconut foliar? I understand it needs to be properly diluted (15:1 I believe)? Thank you, gentlemen.