Soil Mites


New Member
I have these very tiny bugs around the edge of my pots, about the size of a needle tip. I believe they are soil mites after some online research and using a magnifying glass. As to which type I don't know. They don't seem to be in the soil too much and use the rim of the pot as some sort of highway lol. they also avoid my plants. so my main question, should i be concerned with them? they don't bother me too much and i don't mind them since soil is its own ecosystem, i just want to make sure these aren't pests.

I had a thrips and gnat problem. doused plants with spinosad/gnatrol and the mites seem unaffected. the other pests seem to be under control.

Here is a pick of my plants, first grow :bigjoint: my mom just discovered my supposed mint plant >.> she took it surprisingly well. hope she doesn't throw em away :/

GoPro fisheye :peace:
side-note, I believe that humidity reading is inaccurate


Well-Known Member
was those plants grown in there with you "other ladies" or brought in from outdoors :confused:
I have these very tiny bugs around the edge of my pots, about the size of a needle tip. I believe they are soil mites after some online research and using a magnifying glass. As to which type I don't know. They don't seem to be in the soil too much and use the rim of the pot as some sort of highway lol. they also avoid my plants. so my main question, should i be concerned with them? they don't bother me too much and i don't mind them since soil is its own ecosystem, i just want to make sure these aren't pests.

I had a thrips and gnat problem. doused plants with spinosad/gnatrol and the mites seem unaffected. the other pests seem to be under control.

Here is a pick of my plants, first grow :bigjoint: my mom just discovered my supposed mint plant >.> she took it surprisingly well. hope she doesn't throw em away :/

GoPro fisheye :peace:
View attachment 3141359
side-note, I believe that humidity reading is inaccurate


New Member
was those plants grown in there with you "other ladies" or brought in from outdoors :confused:
grown from seed, mainly focusing on chile to make salsa. yea yea!
but idk why i have that wheatgrass. its useless haha, ill take it outside. I plan on keeping the mint to the left in there, for tea.


New Member
Holy crap, just checked my plants. There are a shit ton of those soil mites all over my temperature meter you see in the picture. SO TINY but wow do they multiply. I should have baked my soil before use >.> They seem more attracted to plastic than soil, wtf? anyone have experience with these tiny f****? once again they are super tiny, size of a needle tip, and white. walk around aimlessly only around the edge of the pot and love plastic o_O
haven't seen any on my plants.

unpleasant to look at


Active Member
just get some incent killer that doesnt damage the plan.. since they are young i dont see them affecting the bud since their isnt any


Well-Known Member
Are you sure those aren't just young 2 spotted mites roaming around your bag?
They will do that untill they find a sweet leaf bridge...but let them imstead have a Sticky trap bridge...


Well-Known Member
First port of call is to correctly identify.

Usual culprits in the soil are
Hypoaspis miles
Root aphids
Soil mites ( however there are many variations.)

Try to correctly identify them or get a microscopic picture for us to help you identify.



New Member
First port of call is to correctly identify.

Usual culprits in the soil are
Hypoaspis miles
Root aphids
Soil mites ( however there are many variations.)

Try to correctly identify them or get a microscopic picture for us to help you identify.

after another look with a magnifying glass they look extremely similar to Hypoaspis miles, i was able to conclude they had 6 legs and look very similar to images i saw online of them. ill post back once i get a picture...but that wont be for a while. i need to figure out how i'm going to do that.
i doubt its two spotted spider mite, btw looking those critters up scared the hell out of me.

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