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Hempy, but I've done aero-nft, dwc, bio-buckets as well. They were all amazingly simple. In person I could teach anybody what they need to run any of those system easily within an hour. Most of the problems you see on the net in hydro are from people who didn't have the right teacher or are doing something wrong, not fair to blame hydro for that.
Hempy buckets are hydro, just like any other hydro. You can make hydro easy or hard, your choice.

You'll hear people say, "Shit goes wrong in hydro fast," but the other side of the coin is "Shit gets better quicker in hydro."

More people grow hydro, more failed hydro grows. Plenty of beginners in soil fuck up to, just less of them so it doesn't seem that way to you. Take a look in the sick plant section, most threads and the biggest problems seem to be plants in soil to me and when there is a problem usually the soil guys don'T have a clue what's going on.

You can also make growing in soil easy or hard...much like anything else. But, how can you be so sure that "more people grow in hydro"? Especially if you believe this whole "soil is easier" ideology is nothing more than a myth perpetrated by e-parrots (whom apparently account for 90% of us); well you might presume all them e-parrots would be able to convince more people to grow in soil and that there appear to be more soil-related grow problems because more people are actually trying to grow in soil and not hydro as you assume.

As for the "soil guys" not 'seeming' to have a 'clue what's going on', that might be in part because the majority of the more experienced growers here get sick of answering the same basic questions over and over again... or maybe 90% of us really are null-knowing e-parrot's.

Are you beginning to see how inane it is to make suppositions based solely upon wild generalizations such as what you believe you "always" 'hear people say' or how things "always" seem to you? When a person truly believes that something is a certain way, anything that is however likely to reinforce that point of view is going to stand out more to them. This goes for pretty much every one and has to do with most anything.

Hempy, but I've done aero-nft, dwc, bio-buckets as well. They were all amazingly simple. In person I could teach anybody what they need to run any of those system easily within an hour. Most of the problems you see on the net in hydro are from people who didn't have the right teacher or are doing something wrong, not fair to blame hydro for that.
I could just as easily say that growing in soil has always been amazingly simple for me. I could teach anybody to grow in soil easily within half an hour. Most of the problems you see on the net in soil are from people who just don't know shit and are too damned lazy to take the time to read through the newbie section. Not fair to blame soil for that.

All I can really say is that I am always going to find my way of doing things easier. At the end of the day I am going to say that growing in soil is easier for me, because I know better than anybody else what my needs are and what it is that I like. To make soil growing easier you start with a good soil and good seeds, water and let the plant grow. I know of no easier way.
idk how id awnser this question because ive had sucess with both soil and hydro i use both atm in hydro i dont check the ppms or ph or nything jus the rez level and when i add new nutes i love both but on a big scale it seems to me soil wuld be better because there are ways things can go wrong with your system one pump fails and you dont realize until its too late
You can also make growing in soil easy or hard...much like anything else. But, how can you be so sure that "more people grow in hydro"? Especially if you believe this whole "soil is easier" ideology is nothing more than a myth perpetrated by e-parrots (whom apparently account for 90% of us); well you might presume all them e-parrots would be able to convince more people to grow in soil

No because most people are concerned more with yield and then you have the opposite effect, e-parrots who say that hydro yields more. There are some indoor soil growers who can match hydro with longer veges.

As for the "soil guys" not 'seeming' to have a 'clue what's going on', that might be in part because the majority of the more experienced growers here get sick of answering the same basic questions over and over again... or maybe 90% of us really are null-knowing e-parrot's.

It could be that only 90% of the vocal ones are e-parrots.

Are you beginning to see how inane it is to make suppositions based solely upon wild generalizations such as what you believe you "always" 'hear people say' or how things "always" seem to you? When a person truly believes that something is a certain way, anything that is however likely to reinforce that point of view is going to stand out more to them. This goes for pretty much every one and has to do with most anything.

Nope, you are missing my point but by the end of this thread you might get it. Put your defenses down and think.

I could just as easily say that growing in soil has always been amazingly simple for me. I could teach anybody to grow in soil easily within half an hour. Most of the problems you see on the net in soil are from people who just don't know shit and are too damned lazy to take the time to read through the newbie section. Not fair to blame soil for that.

Exactly!! That's my fucking point. I'm not saying that soil is harder than hydro. I'm saying that just as many people fuck up soil so this bullshit about soil being easier, or more forgiving is just complete utter bull fucking shit with a capital A. Do you get what I'm saying?

There are plenty of reasons to do soil, plenty of reasons to do hydro but people are giving complete bullshit reasons for the pros or cons for both. More forgiving and cheaper is bullshit (unless you really are making your kelp and guano teas from shit you collect yourself and compost your own soil, yes in that case soil is cheaper). But you know the world is convinced they need to buy expensive shit and e-parrots help

All I can really say is that I am always going to find my way of doing things easier. At the end of the day I am going to say that growing in soil is easier for me, because I know better than anybody else what my needs are and what it is that I like. To make soil growing easier you start with a good soil and good seeds, water and let the plant grow. I know of no easier way.

Hempy with time realized hydro fertilizers mixed in is just as easy. The important word in that sentence is "as"
i really didnt want to read all those comments. but if no one has make the suggestion. have you thought maybe a soiless mixture like coco? kinda puts you in the middle of soil/hydro
Here's another you don't want to read, and you won't get it. Someday people will get over soil ~vs~ hydro and realize it's really shit ~vs~ salts. But for now you can stick with coco being between soil and hydro......e-parrot
If soil is more forgiving then why do I see so many shitty soil grows all over the net?

Please people, if you don't know don't be a parrot. Don't just keep on repeating shit on the net because you heard it. "Cawk....polly wanna cracker.....cawk.......soil is more forgiving"

Toolery on the highest level. Soil is MUCH more forgiving, there's no comparison is you're new to growing. That being said, the only weed that tastes better in soil is weed that's been grown in good soil. If you grow in some nutrient deficient thick soil your chances of getting a good root system go down big time. With the deficiencies there will be an effect on the taste and the yeild. The main point though is that you'll get a yield, even if you don't do a great job.

Hydro will produce much more, that's the best aspect of it. Also, you build a system that will essentially run itself for a couple of days if you need to leave, but someone will have to be there soon after to check the water and nutrient levels. If you have no idea what you're doing this is the more complicated method to grow, no doubt. It's much less forgiving because if anything messes up with the system, anything at all... it can ruin every plant you've got. I've had 30 plants lost in one reservoir because it didn't fill over a weekend. I'm not a newbie but shit happens, people turn light switches off etc... things that would happen in a soil environment can be twice as bad in a hydro environment. If you prepare correctly there's almost no going wrong with soil once you're started.
Soil is MUCH more forgiving, there's no comparison is you're new to growing.

lol, prove it. Seriously. I have never seen any prove of this, just people claiming it on the net.

It's much less forgiving because if anything messes up with the system, anything at all... it can ruin every plant you've got. I've had 30 plants lost in one reservoir because it didn't fill over a weekend.

That is an risk with recirculating hydro. RECIRCULATING hydro. Get it? I don'T have any pumps in my hydro, hand water once a week. You call me a tool and you don't even see that distinction, very well. I call you a fucking idiot.
lol, prove it. Seriously. I have never seen any prove of this, just people claiming it on the net.

That is an risk with recirculating hydro. RECIRCULATING hydro. Get it? I don'T have any pumps in my hydro, hand water once a week. You call me a tool and you don't even see that distinction, very well. I call you a fucking idiot.

Here's the thing, when asking which is more forgiving you need to take into context the mind set of the average noob who wants to grow some weed. You can leave a plant in soil for a week without watering it, wanna give that a try with hydro?
What proof do you want, I have pictures of my set ups in both instances. There's no comparison when it comes to which is easier for your average grower who's asking the question. Soil, water, light, done. You won't get the best results, but you'll get better results than if someone hands you a pump, a medium, a container and a few seeds. Most of the essential minerals are going to be present in soil, you're going to have to add them or have them in the hydro nutrient solution you're using. Again, these are things you'd have to learn about as opposed to just picking them up and giving it a go. Thus, it's easier and more forgiving.
lol, prove it. Seriously. I have never seen any prove of this, just people claiming it on the net.

That is an risk with recirculating hydro. RECIRCULATING hydro. Get it? I don'T have any pumps in my hydro, hand water once a week. You call me a tool and you don't even see that distinction, very well. I call you a fucking idiot.

That's where I call you a fucking idiot.
I used to grow Aero, now I use Autopots for flower and soil for mamas. My main problem with hydro was PH shift, and not being able to leave town for a couple days or a week if I wanted. Also, it's a bit hard changing/adding nutes when scrogging. AutoPots have given me the freedom of soil, but the growth rates of hydro, I swear by them. I also have air domes in the bottom, hooked to an air pump, feeding O2 to the root zone, which really speeds up my results. My reservoir will feed for almost 2 weeks with no PH adjustment or any of that crap.
But as for soil vs. hydro, not sure there is a clear winner. Both have pro's and con's, it's all about personal choice and what works for you.
I'm with Japanfreak on most everything, especially the E parrot part. ;)
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