ganjah shaman
I say these plants look good but how old are they?6 months a year they sure arnt on a 60 day grow,ont thing i noticed in these pics that i like and thats the cfls under the plant good idea
Soil can be recycled indefinitely, and even coco coir could be re-used a few times.
I grow monster plants using rock wool and a simple drip system.
you say its easy to follow the chart??? how bout this a monkey could plant a plant in soil and put it under a light and water every now and then... if you get a raw ass soil/soil mix you shouldnt even need to add any nutes....
hydro can be cool sure and your ph is sound i just prefer soil,but tell me this,what do you think about 2lbs per light with soil that is 3 yrs old,can you do that with hydro,how about this 18 foot tall plants producing 8 lbs per plant with stalks 9 inches in diamiter,wheres your hydro in this mix,marijuana is a plant that grows in soil and soil is the best medium in my oppinion,and no matter what you have heard or what you might think a lot can go wrong with a hydro set up,as far as the grade goes,the best weed ive ever smoked was grown outdoors in cali by an 70 yr old grower.If you want to grow soil then it all comes down to your soil composition,make sure you have both macro and micro nuets in there proper proportion,make sure the soil aireation is good,be sure that you follow the instuctions on your nuets,you can correct under feeding by giving the plant more nuets,over feeding requires more measures,last but not least keep your ph between 6.2 and 7.If you do this you will grow really dank bud.Ask your self this;of all the cannibis cup winners how many where soil and how many where hydro.try about 95% soil winners.That should tell you somthing right there.
If soil is more forgiving then why do I see so many shitty soil grows all over the net?
Because many people scorch their plants with nutes.
hear hear well said (or ist here, here?) hahahahaaa sorry, been eating special christmas cookies.soil is more forgiving.. if your power goes out your not fucked with soil has you are with most hydro setups... especially dwc! if you fuck something up in your rez. that will fuck up all your plants... much more work with hydro monitering ph, ppm ect. while soil is laboring in that you have to spend extra time watering one by one... but i dont mind that at all.. i love this shit...
ive never had any issue in soil
japanfreak huh.ive seen a lot of your post man all you really do is rip on people every one is an etard or parrott but you huh,maybe if you grew good pot and smoked it it would mellow you out,here in the states there are several dozen cannibis cups,it just so happens holland has one too,if your bud was good eneough you might have a chance but with all your negitive energy i cant see your bud being very good and i doubt very seriously that you are putting up numbers like i posted,hydro cant compete with soil,smoke your hydro watch it snap crackle and pop for you,oh yah at least soil grown weed smells and taist like weed and not a chemy solution.When it comes down to it the stats out weigh your etard eparrott rant and the proof is in the customer satisfaction,the people have voted and the vote is for soil grown cannibis.
on a big perpetual level soil just isnt practical, and if your power goes out your fucked with soil and hydro but how often does power go out...
ok this is a nice set however think of this instead of pots how about raised beds and instead of growing 56 plants grow 130,your lights are more than eneough to grow 180 plants yes you will have to spend more on nuets but your yield will be arround 2 lbs a light,as it is you have more light than plants,that my friend is waisting money.