soil vs hydro


Active Member
ima die hard soil grower but lately ive been considering hydroponics. My friend grew hydro for his very first grow and came out with some of the best looking buds ive ever seen. how much of a diffrence is the finial produt compared to soil and how much harder is it?


Well-Known Member
I started out growing in soil, its great.

But Hydro is like going from the minor leagues to the majors I hope I dont offended any soil growers but I just did my first Hydro grow and dont be intimidated it is easier than soil.

I went from growing 4-6 plants in soil and getting maybe 6 ounces, too growing one plant in a $50 waterfarm and I am getting maybe 10-12 ounces.

hydro is easier because I always had pH problems with soil no more I always know what my pH is and Hydro just grows bigger buds, they may not taste as great but they are amazing enough.
Both methods can provide excellent results.
But I believe in anything we do, if we do it well with confidence it will produce a great outcome.
That said, I find that some naturally manage hydro better them soil and vise versa.

Having done both for extensive periods of time I know my strengths are to use hydro then soil
As far as the end result both techniques provide top quality.
Also some strains take to hydro better them others, and the same for soil

All depends on the growers acquired skill and experience for either imho.
Both methods can provide excellent results.
But I believe in anything we do, if we do it well with confidence it will produce a great outcome.
That said, I find that some naturally manage hydro better them soil and vise versa.

Having done both for extensive periods of time I know my strengths are to use hydro then soil
As far as the end result both techniques provide top quality.
Also some strains take to hydro better them others, and the same for soil

All depends on the growers acquired skill and experience for either imho.
In my opinion hydroponics is ultimately better because the plants are getting exactly what they need to thrive whereas in soil there is a lot of unknowns. But as others have said, its debateable, I've grown in soil and hydro and the results from hydro were not comparable, it was insane.

Like mrcameleon said, depends on the grower.

In indoor hydroponics you are essentially creating an optimal environment for growing. All levels are optimal for excellent growth. In mother nature there are a lot of extremities that hamper growth.

Give it a shot, I think its one of those, once you go black you don't go back situations.... again in my opinion.


depends on the grower and the time givin to grow but i say hydro all the way unless you have the resources to grow a tree out said then i would go with that lol but hydro is all i mess with


Well-Known Member
soil na never used the stuff started in hydro and honestly cant say how it can really get any easier tending to a plant is tending to a plant weather its in soil or hydro. everybody says how soil is more forgiving i just dont see that if i have a ppm, ph any prob with my water really it can be fixed immediately in less than a hour. i went in my flower room the other day to check on the ladies and they where looking a little saggy and droopy i immediately turned on the pump and what do you know when i did the water change i forgot to attach the feed line back up which was 4 days prior lol (real stoner move) came back in a hour or so later when they had watered and bam good as new.


Well-Known Member
My 4 hydro plants were amazing and huge. Tho I'm going soil this round cause it provides me a better perpetual schedule? I also enjoy hands on movement and designing my girls pot by pot. Plus I think looks Arnt everything and hear it tastes better


Well-Known Member
I started with soil and moved into NFT and will never look back. To each their own. Maybe your friend will let you try your hand on their set for a little while to let you get a feel for it.


Rebel From The North
done soil for years and Im trying hydro for the first time, there some trail and error but I thing I got it down and its just so
easy a cave man can do it :) so hydro all the way


Well-Known Member
i am new to this, i am attempting my first grow as we speak. with the amount of people that i have talked to, and the reading done around here, it seems that hydro (if you have the $$ to set it up right) is the way to go. not to say that soil isn't good as well, but i think that things are faster in hydroponic setups.

i have seen great grows both ways, but from what i saw/read, i chose to go with Hydro. it just seems that i can get bigger yields, control things better, and just have an overall EASIER experience growing.

just my two cents bro, good luck with whatever you choose!

edit - if you go Hydro, check out the NFT systems, they are AMAZING and easy as hell. like i said, i'm new to this and have gotten some amazing plants out of it. much nicer than 5gal buckets of dirt. as far as bud taste goes, i hear that if you flush properly before harvest that there is no chemical tastes, and honestly, i have yet to taste a "chemically" bud from hydro.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm a bit confused by the necessity of this thread. How aesy is it? well you have already answered that in your first post, and how does it compare, well i can think of a pretty convenient way of comparing seeing as you grow soil and you've a friend who grows hydro..


Well-Known Member
I figure on a larger scale hydro would be cleaner, quicker, more efficient. But when speaking on Yield. veg a plant 2-3mo. in a 5gal+ bucket and your averaging what Several Hydro Plants would. =/ depending on Hydro Setup and plant size. I am speaking of Aero setups with Little veg time.


Well-Known Member
Soil for quality/organics, hydro for speed/cleanliness.

It's not a matter of which is better but which is more convenient to the grower.


Active Member
The plant would rather grow in water. Hydro is just a re-creation of the plants abseloutly ideal -natural- environment. All plants started in Hydro, as in the ocean. LUCKILY for mankind and every other land based animal they were able to evolve and make there way onto land from the Ocean. This then allowed for our existence. Every plant would rather be in water, provided the chemical and bacterial make up of said water is within the plants tolerable range.