Theoretically, yes.Is the quality of weed better if grown in a hydro set up vs if its grown in FF or MG soil?
Theoretically, yes.Is the quality of weed better if grown in a hydro set up vs if its grown in FF or MG soil?
And therein lies the rub. You are 100% correct. But the key words are well run. I've had hydro that was every bit as potent and tasty as anything I've produced. NOT MANY TIMES, but I've seen it. My buddy in college grew hydro, and was REALLY GOOD at it!!Personally I think "tastes like chemicals" is a myth. A well-done hydro run will yield impeccable product. I am not saying "hydro is better than soil"; I respect the soil brotherhood too much. But I do not believe that hydro is inherently at a disadvantage.
Yeah, that debate can get icky. You have your religion; I have mine. We both believe in what we do, and I for one am pleased to live, let live and coexist in peace, harmony and enhanced appetite.
cheers 'neer
SOOO agreed the extra amount of work I put into my lil hydro plant isnt really worth it.. In my opinion.i say soil, less hassle for about the same bud