Solo Guerilla Growing


Any guerilla growers that manage to grow alone?

Hypothetically, u can find a great little place by a water source that is 1.2 kms away from the nearest logging road. Well hidden.

How hard would it be to haul in 30x4 gal soil to this location alone?

Also does it not get creepy scary being alone in the woods. ie. Bears, cougars, saskwatch... etc.



Active Member
Any guerilla growers that manage to grow alone?

Hypothetically, u can find a great little place by a water source that is 1.2 kms away from the nearest logging road. Well hidden.

How hard would it be to haul in 30x4 gal soil to this location alone?

Also does it not get creepy scary being alone in the woods. ie. Bears, cougars, saskwatch... etc.

Ive been SOLO for past few years although i have an out of state co-op grow this year so the help will be nice but to answer your question about bringing that amount of soil....yea its gunna be a lot of trips by yourself but just tell yourself that come the end of the season your gunna be bringin in some lbs. that usually helps with the motivation. and yes it does get a little creepy in the woods alone but for that i just bring a fatty or two each time i go out and blaze it. i myself enjoy the outdoors and being inda boonies so it could be diff for you... lastly all the animals you listed are more scared of you...especially sasquatch. why do you think he hides from the public eye? haha
good luck bro
stay motivated


Ive been SOLO for past few years although i have an out of state co-op grow this year so the help will be nice but to answer your question about bringing that amount of soil....yea its gunna be a lot of trips by yourself but just tell yourself that come the end of the season your gunna be bringin in some lbs. that usually helps with the motivation. and yes it does get a little creepy in the woods alone but for that i just bring a fatty or two each time i go out and blaze it. i myself enjoy the outdoors and being inda boonies so it could be diff for you... lastly all the animals you listed are more scared of you...especially sasquatch. why do you think he hides from the public eye? haha
good luck bro
stay motivated
Thanks for the encouragement.

However, Grizzly bears do not fear humans. And i think i would shit a pound of Afghanistan hash if i saw anything bigger than a racoon. Do you arm yourself before heading into the bush? How far of a hike do you generally go?

Also, does anyone know of a good bear spray or any other type of bear repellent.


Active Member
Also, what to do if you encounter humans deep in the bush?
have an excuse for being there already planned. if u have a dog thats a great excuse. it depends but the farther into the wilderness away from civilization the better chances you will have coming out with your plants come harvest.
i live in hawaii so no bears here but if i were in an area with bears i would bring a shotty everytime


Well-Known Member
I go with what i need usally just a dog my accuse always is my dog got out chased him down here or just walkin my dog in the woods.....But you bring a machette while with a dog either way your story wont match up ... idk maybe its just me and this roach burin my fingur haha..... But i only do solo grows it kinda falls in the most important tip Dont Tell ANYONE!!!! Lose lips sinks ships.....I love that qoute learned it in high school and now i get to use it with a differnt meaning tho well not rly hahah....Just bring what you need...I also sometimes bring a lil basket there always blackberries blooming ...But idk where you are ..Im from the lone star state...:)


Active Member
I've had the bujesus scared out of me a few times by deer in the middle of the night. Nothing like having to walk through a creepy stretch of woods into a swamp on a moonless/foggy night and having an unseen deer jump up from the long grass or grunt a few feet away from you. For some reason the blair witch project keeps going through my head as I'm going out there.


Active Member
I've had the bujesus scared out of me a few times by deer in the middle of the night. Nothing like having to walk through a creepy stretch of woods into a swamp on a moonless/foggy night and having an unseen deer jump up from the long grass or grunt a few feet away from you. For some reason the blair witch project keeps going through my head as I'm going out there.
haha blair witch project....bring some kina blade, it makes me feel safer atleast

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
When I was a newb the night trips used to give me the fear a bit. I would just tell myself that aside from a rutting buck, there is nothing out here that wants to fuck with me. Now in your case, you have shit out there that might actually eat you. The fear would be constant and strong if I was you.

I always have a hunting knife with me. If I was you I would have a firearm, most definitely if you're doing night work. Just be aware that getting caught cultivating and also in possession of a loaded gun will more than likely greatly increase the penalty.

Some of the most tranquil moments I've ever experienced have been tending to my girls in the thick embrace of a dark foggy night. That's a high no drug can touch.


Well-Known Member
spent a lot of my time in northern michigan so im used to walkin in the woods. I would honestly say you are pretty safe as long as you are aware of your surroundings. If you are located near a river, creek, lake, pond, or some other water that holds fish take a rod with you for cover. In terms of protection i carry bear mace when i am out fly-fishing, i don't think you need a fun unless you are way far out and intend to hunt. It is nice if you can find soil you only need to amend with certain elements, such as sand or compost, instead of hauling completely new soil as it will require less material. good luck with your grow. i think you will find being alone in nature is actually quite peaceful


Well-Known Member
i was down in the woods a few days back, digging away, and suddenly something was coming toward me :shock:and out of nowhere a squirrel jumps like 2 inches from me:o and across a creek. i mean it was a giant fuckin leap!!! lol. my heart was beating like a jackhammer!!


Well-Known Member
As a very independent person, I have always grown solo.

If iam going out to check on them at night I will bring along the AK47, we have wild boar and deer in my woods.

When I go out iam in a "patrol" mindstate, a heightened degree of awareness.

I know my enemy is out there (babylon) and they would try to stop me if they could.


Well-Known Member
No scary animals here in Aus. I grow alone and love tending to my plants, it makes me forget about problems and just makes me feel great. Especially the nice fresh air at 4 in the it


New Member
if you are doing a guerrilla grow in bear country, DON'T use fish emulsion. A bear will take a carrion snack anytime possible, and fish is one of their staples.


Well-Known Member
No scary animals here in Aus. I grow alone and love tending to my plants, it makes me forget about problems and just makes me feel great. Especially the nice fresh air at 4 in the it

you live in Australia and you don't think there are any scary animals around? the OP is scared of anything bigger than a raccoon. do you live in a pretty populated city. I thought Aus was full of snakes, boar, crocs? Just curious about it since i never been there. thanks


Active Member
look at the bright side, after bringing all the soil and what not to your spot, by harvest youl be in great fuckin shape


Be carful bringing a gun to a cultivation spot..

Every single news report I see on growers and growers getting busted, say the same thing, "these growers carry guns to shoot anyone that comes around their crop"
The last thing you want is law enforcement thinking your one of them growers!


I'm not afraid of the woods or the night, but don't want to be naiive either. We have lots of rattlesnakes, so late afternoon is a no no for working. I joke about animal encounters, but it's serious business. We have mountain lions here, also, so I'm gonna educate myself further.