Some advice needed please.


New Member
Hey all,

Hope I can get some insight in here, because to be honest I am way too tired trying to find what the hell is happening to my seedlings by comparing pics on the interwebz.

Here is some info...

This is my first grow, by then, I had absolutely no information about the matter, was depending on friend who supposedly knew it all (turns out he didnt know shit), it started all wrong, he said we didnt need germination (ya I know), he planted them too deep, like an inch and a half, 5 came out out of 18!

The first 4 days, 2 of em broke at the bottom of the stem, a sad sight, but i couldnt do anything about it, even with the straw first aid technique.

So down to three, I accidentally over watered one(lesson learnt), that one bit the dust.

Down to two, this is day 12 since they sprouted, and they are starting to look too weird, and i cant figure out what to do. One of them, is twisting around an 180 angle, mind you, not curling, but twisting!

The other one, looks....umm...well, unhealthy? and its new leafs turn purple as soon as they come out, and the purple turn to the dried color you see as if its dead, however its not dry(as in not crumbly).

I will get some pics of my setup soon, however these are some of the details:

1. I have no idea what the strain is, bag seeds.

2. Since I am growing it in secret, I have little control on many things, and I can only check on them twice a day.

3. The temp varies from 86-95

4. 5 flourecent bulbs (105 W, output is around 450W per bulb, supposedly), distance from plants, something around 13 to 15 inches, so that no heat would affect them

5. and oscillating fan is on, around 6 hours a day during lights on

6. 16 on 8 off (no other option, way too risky for my circumstances to keep em on longer)

7. Humidity, no idea

8. 12 days old

9. watering about every two days, quarter of a cup in the form of spraying(too paranoid after the overwatering incident )

, why are they acting like that? Your thoughts and suggestions would be highly appreciated.



Yeah looks to be a little over waterd, also looks like on the one you got some chem burn, also your heat being from 86-95, if you could bring that down it would not hurt at all. As for the over watering or too wet of soil, I like to go with a lighter medium when planting seeds because if your soil is too rich and heavy its gunna hold that water longer and what I've noticed with that is the plant will look a little droopy like it needs water but doesn't.. If I where you I would try and bring that temp down and just let them be for like 4 days and see if the pot gets lighter, always pick up your pots before watering to see how light they are, if they are still kind heavy let them go another day or so.. Good way to get the hang of what's "light" and whats "heavy" after you water pick up your pots and take mental note on how heavy they are so you have a better idea when they are getting light and need water.. Sorry if it's a little much or confusing, having a hard time puttin my thoughts into words.. Hope to help.. Cheers
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Well-Known Member
I'll also add that you don't need that much light for seedlings. How warm do those lights get? I don't use them so... If you hold your hand by your plants, can you feel the heat?

Just use one light for now until they grow more, then start adding the rest. Your temps are pretty high.

Hope it all goes well.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil? For one thing it needs perlite. I suspect too much light and you drowning the roots in a pool of mud when they need to grow. I would use one, maybe two at most until they are well established.