some advice needed plz thrips?


Active Member
Hi people. Right today i have found thrips on my leaves. And now have just looked into my re circulating resivour and found somesort of thrips or gnat sitting on top of the water. Im into my 3rd week of Veg and 3 days into flower. I've sourced into how to get rid of thrips on the leaves but now don't know about the bugs in water. Would any one know how to get rid of theses!? Would it be a wise move to go back into Veg to sort theses probs out?

Thanks for all your info


Active Member
nvm, I see your asking for water. I failed to fully read.

though I would then try some AZAMAX, As a system flush then rinse and then refill/recirculate


Active Member
Right people I've taken some pics. Can anyone please tell me what they are?

thanks for all info


jafool i just found thrips as well,, I've read spinosad and safer soap and or azatrol/azamax work well, but not neem oil. also predatory nematodes, and diamacecous earth works to kill larvae in soil, but the DE prevents predatory nematodes from surviving.
I'm using safer soap and DE, i applied the diamacecous earth bc of a former gnat problem i intended to prevent from happening again, but now i can't use the predatory nematodes for awhile. please update me if anything works well for you,
overcome, overgrow