some fat buds and fat problems


Active Member
Well as awesome as this may sound I went on vacation for about 2 weeks while my plants were flowering and had a buddy take care of them. When I came home I found out that this dude can barely take care of himself let alone plants. anywho. I am experiencing the average yellowing of the large fan leaves but now on much younger leaves they are starting to turn purple and have brown spotted edges. The leaves that turn purple eventually die. all of my stats are fine ph light ventilation i know that for a fact. My first thought was micronutrient defieciency so I flushed with a full solution now they are getting even more purple! HELP PLEASE! p.s. i tried posting pics but it wouldn't let me.


Well-Known Member
oh wow, we need to see pics. As well as your friend being teabagged

regardless, get pics up asap

Without pics, purpling of leaves i would think your describing necrosis. They are crumbling up and turning purple/black? what is your ph at? I know you said its fine but why not have a second opinion? Did you pH the runoff or just stick it in the soil? I wouldnt flush at this point because it doesnt sound like burn but a deficiency of some sort.


Active Member
yeah def purple/black i test both the runoff and the soil and there is about a .3 diff soil is at 6 runoff 6.3. ill get those pics up as soon as i can.


Active Member
somebody has to have somethin i can try to stop this purple monster from consuming my plant i am only a week to harvest and i really dont want to have to harvest early. any reply will be tried!


Active Member
well things are lookin more gloomy this morning i am going to have to cut her down either today or tomorrow to save my buds. what a bummer.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
IMO your plant does not look bad enough to warrant cutting it down early. Since you flushed her why not give her a few days to let the soil dry out a bit and see how she does.

Remember, damaged leaves do not magically get better, they stay damaged. You are only hoping to prevent healthy leaves from becoming unhealthy.

Give her some time and TLC and see how she does, I think she'll bounce back and do just fine. If you cut her early you will be very disappointed.

When I go out of town I have my sister come over and I have paper with typed instructions in VERY LARGE font tacked up all over the room. She knows not to vary from my instructions even a little and if she thinks there is a problem she calls me. We have a pretty good system down and so far my plants have done just fine when I'm gone.
I think the key is "less is more"... when I leave for a week I only have her come over one time. The less someone other then you is tending the plants the better ;)

Big P

Well-Known Member
try to flush them as much as possible before u decide you can wait no longer then execute


Active Member
alright some answers! haha yeah my buddy is just an idiot i could have wrote him 10 pages of directions in 3 font and he would have messed up. anyways thanks for all the help i guess this morning could have been the case of it has to get worse before it gets better. i am going to flush once more today then add something with a decent phosphoric content. thanks again everybody!


Well-Known Member
that purpling is very common sign of N deficiency. leave em and continue to do what u were doing. it wasnt yor boys fault, it was yours for not having enough N in their diet. wouldnt do anything now-they look like they should couple weeks out from harvest. if u r really freaking, feed em a little veg formula