Some of my seedlings are missing leaves


Well-Known Member
So i planted my feminized crop king gelato and l.a. confidential seeds recently. 9/10 germinated and broke the soil. One of them only has one fan leaf developing instead of two and the other odd one is barely showing anything in between the cotyledon leaves. Are these plants most likely going to be the runts of the group? I marked the best looking ones right off the start. Should i just focus on the 4 (I can only have 4 legally) that are doing the best to keep and get rid of the odd plants? Or is it possible that they could all potentially be equally awesome plants? I plan on letting them veg to the point right before needing nutrients before deciding. Thanks.
What you're describing sounds like a mutation to me. I know you would like to know whether or not it will have any negative impact on the plant's development. But, since these are seedlings, it's probably a little early to tell. Is it possible you could provide a photograph of them?
^ Weird looking L.A. Seedling

^Weird looking Gelato seedling
So i planted my feminized crop king gelato and l.a. confidential seeds recently. 9/10 germinated and broke the soil. One of them only has one fan leaf developing instead of two and the other odd one is barely showing anything in between the cotyledon leaves. Are these plants most likely going to be the runts of the group? I marked the best looking ones right off the start. Should i just focus on the 4 (I can only have 4 legally) that are doing the best to keep and get rid of the odd plants? Or is it possible that they could all potentially be equally awesome plants? I plan on letting them veg to the point right before needing nutrients before deciding. Thanks.

wait so how long has it been since they popped out the soil?
I see I think it’s still super early maybe wait it out 1 week see how much growth you have but overall color looks on them I think they should grow out of that but who know u just have to see
So that odd looking L.A. seedling was just a little shy, the little nub turned out to be 2 fan leaves, and with a little assistance from me it will be fine now:
Except here is the Gelato seedling that was taking its time to break soil lol... not lookin to pretty:
I had the same one leafer and one no true leaves. The one leaf made it the other one stopped growing.


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