Some perplexing questions from the over thinking second time grower.


I've bought quite a few books and have been researching a lot about different techniques, the last thing I wanted to do was come on here and ask questions because I don't want to waste peoples time but I'm pulling out my hair trying to find answers to these questions.

A little background, I'm looking to run 2 small tents, a 3'x'3'x6' for flowering and a 2'x2'x4' for cloning and will be running aeroponic systems in each tent with co2. These tents will be set up in the corner of my bedroom in a make shift closet I made hanging blankets from the ceiling (don't judge).

My materials list:
Secret Jardin 3'x3'x6' tent
Viagrow - 2'x2'x4' tent
2 - 20 lb. co2 tanks (1 can be refilled while other is used)
Titan regulator
Titan Atlas 2 co2 controller
2 - 6 inch inline fans
1 - 6 inch carbon scrubber
6 inch insulated duct
O zone regulator
Ona Breeze fan
2 - 6 inch circular fans
Mechanical timer
Backdraft damper


I'm interested in running co2 between both the tents but would like to limit cost by purchasing 1 regulator and controller. I will keep the controller in the flower tent so that it only releases co2 when the light is on. I'm thinking if I connect both tents with duct and run an inline fan and a backdraft damper on the lower duct pointed into the clone tent. I'll connect the inline fan to a photocell switch in the flower tent so that exhausts co2 that might be pooling on the bottom of the flower tent into the clone tent only when the lights are on and the co2 is on. On the upper duct I was either thinking I could make this a passive connection with just a backdraft damper to block light from the clone tent that will be running 24 hours a day or install a carbon scrubber inline (I've seen mixed opinions on if I need a scrubber, I think I don't need it considering the tent isn't technically air tight so there will be some unintended outside air circulation inherently using a tent.) Also I'm wondering if there are any drawbacks that the clone tent will only be enriched about half the time the light is on.

Is this a waste of time and if so where and when should I use co2? I've seen it is most beneficial 2 weeks into flowering especially considering I have such a limited grow area and would probably be better off not letting the plants get too tall quickly but would like to avoid making the change from a vented system to a sealed system to accomodate co2 in the middle of the grow.

Also am I in danger running the enriched tents in the same room I sleep?


Originally I had planned to use a 600w HPS in the larger tent and a 400w MH in the clone tent, connect both cool tubes with insulated duct and use 1 inline fan to vent them both. I have since scaled it down due to concerns about heat and overall power consumption. I now plan on using 400W for the 3'x3' and 250w for the 2'x2' but I can't seem to find a vented 250w lamp on Amazon. So now I'm thinking 125w CFL might be better for the clone tent (will have only 6 clones) but I'm wondering if I'm going to have heat issues considering it isn't vented, also wondering if I'd be better off buying a more powerful vented light like the 400w MH to optimize yield.

Do you think I should run a dehumidifier at night?

Will Ona Breeze and O zone regulator work to controll smell? I'm also hoping the connection between tents will help reduce cost by being able to share the same odor neutralizing equipment.


Looks like I got the answers to most of my questions and because I'm such a nice helpful guy I'm going to post them here because I seem to be the only one active.

Decided to go with a 2 ft. 4 tube T5 set up for the clone tent.

Realized I should be fine supplementing co2 in my bedroom.

Will be supplementing co2 in the clone tent as I've heard it makes the clones bushier which will be better for my lack of height.

Carbon scrubber does not seem to be needed as it isn't mentioned in any literatute I've purchased outlining set ups using co2.

Will run small dehumidifier at night.


Active Member
you can always buy dimable digital ballast(400 watt)and run it on 250 if you wanted to.Have you considered the secret jardin double stack.use the top for clones and the bottom for veg and then buy a seperate tent to flower.thats what i have for a set up and it works out great to keep a perpetual grow going.the third chamber makes a huge difference in space but takes up no x-ttra sq footageCheck out my gro journal i have some decent pics of the double in there all running.


Thanks so much Mudhead! I didn't even realize 2 chamber tents were available and great advice for using the dimming function on the lights, didn't even think of that.

I have a height restriction of around 5' but I looked into it and I'm really liking the way this tent is set up

The only thing I'm confused about now is where to vent the cool tubes in this type of tent. It doesn't seem to have a sock that is appropriately sized for 6" duct and the locations aren't exactly ideal for venting the lights.

Is it possible this tent isn't set up for co2?

Looks like I'll be completely overhauling my design plans for a 4th time.


Active Member
It has one 8 inch on each side of ech chamber plus a 4inch in the rear.i don't see any reason you culdn't use co2.I use it but I use the exhale co2 bags that use i believe are mycelum(or some other kind of living organism) and a large block of food in a bag to generate my co2 instead of a tradtional system and it works great and lasts about 5-6 months and the bags are only 25 bucks a piece plus its way easier this way.


Well-Known Member
Put the CO2 down.

"Also am I in danger running the enriched tents in the same room I sleep?"

Well you'll probably survive lol, but you could exhibit signs of sbs (sick building syndrome).

Whats Ozone regulator? you mean ozone generator? I wouldn't use that in your bedroom either.

You'd be better off not using so much light on your clones.

- Jiji


Sorry Jiji, didn't see your reply until now.

After a lot more research I ended up ditching the o zone generator .. I heard it will degrade fabrics, etc. and the smallest one was rated for a much larger area then my tents.

I'm pretty stubborn so regardless of what anyone says I'll take a lot of precautions and most likely experiment with it for a few weeks while keeping my room well ventilated and possibly putting plywood in front of the doors and using extra sealing on the tent duct socks and tent seams that show light inside and out to prevent my cats from getting in, leakage while positioning the controller more towards my living space, CO2 tank on opposite side.

Here's my final set up.

I should probably look into ditching the 250 for a 125 CFL and I'm on the fence as to if the 8" cool tube is benefiting my by keeping the light cooler or stealing precious grow space.