Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
you know what they say, A Swiss banker never leaves home when it's raining without 3 umbrellas


Well-Known Member
Getting withdrawals since I haven't posted for 2 days. Apologies to Jester's Missus for taking over her thread. But is all peace and love over here. Getting chilly, this ceramic pot didn't last the night - it had collected water and cracked last night.

the ice inside.

Here are some pics I snapped a couple of days ago outside, Artis the Zoo.

Laters, DST


Getting withdrawals since I haven't posted for 2 days. Apologies to Jester's Missus for taking over her thread. But is all peace and love over here. Getting chilly, this ceramic pot didn't last the night - it had collected water and cracked last night.

the ice inside.

Here are some pics I snapped a couple of days ago outside, Artis the Zoo.

Laters, DST
This is by far, the coolest thing I have seen, ALL MY LIFE.


Well-Known Member
all my pic are taken with a simple point and shoot (wish i had a nice one, or some decent macro)... some Vermillion (i think?) mushrooms i came across


New Member
Did you just take these? I will have to make sure my wife does not see them. If she sees snow in Adam, I'm going to get an earful!!! We're tied down for the holidays ... grrr!

My wife loves snow. We both love Nederlands. Put the two together, and it usually means a scramble to the airport, making B&B reservations along the way. :lol:

We went one time and three weeks later, we were back ... :lol:


Well-Known Member
CJ, this is what it's like right now, it's been down at minus 5. I can take them down if it makes your life easier:mrgreen:


New Member
Just in time for global warming conference!!

Snow in Adam is rare.... in the middle of December? Isn't that a tad early?

No, don't take them down. I'll just be scarce tonight after she gets back from .... (drum roll!) .... SHOPPING!!! :mrgreen:

Tomorrow or Sunday, it will be tree time.


Well-Known Member
It is a bit early to be honest....saying that, I have seen the coldest ever Amsterdam in December (city centre canals completely frozen) normally only the ones that have less traffic....but that was nearly 20 years ago though.

Reminds me of the Trainspotting sketch, GirlsQ: Wit you's tawkin aboot? BoysA: Fitbaw! BoysQ:An wit you's tawkin aboot? Girls A: SHOAPPIN


Well-Known Member
I think I posted one of the pics on a previous page - along with the Rijks museums shots. There was a guy watering the ground. That was them preparing the ice-rink:mrgreen: I haven't been back. Just got home, it is really coming down strong!! peace, dst


Well-Known Member
I have not, but my wife told me it was cool. She went skydiving up there. We are planning a trip up to the islands next year...